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Dany walked to the window, and her mind was racing. She was sure ... what is in Jon's mind and why he lied to her. She staring at the darkness for a couple of seconds. 
"May I ask, what would you like me to do?"
"He wants to warg into his direwolf, if he hasn't already done that... against my will and my request." she was still looking out of the window. "We couldn't finish the conversation about it, in the morning."
"Why are you telling this to me? I still don't really know..."
"Find Jon Snow. He must be in the library with Samwell and with the other two." Dany turned to Daario and looked into his eyes. "And inform him, I left Dragonstone." 
"But..." Daario mouth falls open, but Dany just answered with a smile. 
"There is no but." she stepped closer "And I'd like to tell him something else too."


"Isn't it too late for a visit?" Sansa rolled her eyes when Bran and Podrick entered her room. 
"How are you, my dear sister?"
"As if you care." Sansa made a face.
"Podrick, leave." Bran ordered him "I'll let you know when I need you." he added, and Podrick raised his eyes at Sansa as if he wanted to say how sorry he is because of the happenings. Sansa couldn't understand how he can still help for her brother. "Now." Bran raised his voice, and that moment Podrick left the room. He saw what he did with Quentyn. He knew he is dangerous... he had no other choice just serve him... until he doesn't have a better idea. 
"What do you want? You don't have someone else to torture?" Sansa frowned.
"To be honest, I tried to make some alliance with your sister, but she proved again, that you are the clever one in the family," he stated. 
"What are you talking about?" she shook her head and staring at her brother.
"You know... maybe there is a better option for you. You are my sister and ... I feel remorse... because I wanted you to marry someone who you don't want to. What kind of brother I am?" he tried to be kind. "I am your King, but I am your brother too and I should have ... pay attention to your request and wishes." he smiled 
"I don't believe you. I don't believe any of your words. Not anymore." Sansa jumped up from the chair and shook her head. She was nervous and mad. She was thinking of how much she wants to kill him... meanwhile she couldn't do it. He was still his brother, no matter what happened. She knew... she'll never be able to hurt him. 
"What if I tell you there is a way... a way for both of them, to get what we want the most," he asked her. 
"You have no idea what I want" Sansa was still hostile with him, and she made a face
"Oh, I know my dear sister. I know it better than anyone." there was a smirk in his face "And I don't expect too much in return"


"I don't see any risks in this, to be honest." Sam put down a huge book to the table. "If we do not intervene ... there will be no problem if you warg into Ghost. As I see." he admitted then raised his eyes at Jenifire. "but... I have to agree with you. He should wait with this thing until his wound totally disappears." he nodded and turned to Jon.
"I have no time for that," he answered ardently.
"Would you rather get yourself in trouble?" Nesera raised her brow.
"She is right." Jenifire nodded, and Nesera surprised the most, that she is agreeing with her. "You have to convince the Queen to ..."

"I am sorry to interrupt." Daario entered to the library room. "I was searching for you everywhere." He looked at Jon. 
"What happened?" Jon frowned. 
"In private." Daario lowered his voice, and he looked worried. Jon did not understand, but he followed him outside. 
"Look I know it looks suspicious, but I'd be grateful if you wouldn't tell the Queen yet, what you've seen her. I'll tell her but I want to tell her with details and..." Jon told him while they walked out of the room.
"The Queen is gone." Daario turned to him and looked into his eyes.
"What?" Jon felt his heart stopped. "What did you say?" he stepped closer to Daario.
"She left. With Drogon." Daario added and that moment Jon walked to the window and looked out, but he saw nothing just darkness. 
"How could you let her leave?" Jon became angry. 
"I did not. I have no idea she plans to leave ... my men told me... they saw her left the castle, and flew out from the Island, on Drogon." Daario took a deep breath. 
"I can't believe." Jon hit the wall and immediately left Daario there.
"Where..." he wanted to ask him where is he going, but he almost ran away, and didn't pay any more attention to him. He smiled a bit under his nose. "I don't envy you, dude," he whispered to himself and walked towards the other way. 

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