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"Where is my brother?" Sansa asked Nesera, when she brought some bedding for her and placed it to the chair. 
"Probably with his daughter and with the Queen. Usually, they tell her bedtime story together," she answered and tried to act kind with the Stark girl, even if she feels negative vibrations from her. There was something wrong with Sansa, but she couldn't stop thinking about the things that Jenifire told her. Maybe she was right, and she should trust people more. She should give them a chance, before judges them. 
"So it is true." Sansa made a face. "How the hell does he even know, that is his child for sure?" she immediately made a comment, but Nesera just smiled at her.
"You'll understand at the moment when you'll... be allowed to see the princess." she nodded. "If you don't need anything else by now, have a good night." she took a step backward and left the room. Sansa waited for a moment or two, and she opened the door, but she found two soldiers in front of her room. She shook her head, and slam the door. 
"So I am a prisoner here too. Great." she rolled her eyes and started to walk up and down in the room, then she went to the window. She did not see anything in the darkness. Just some noises. Some growling. She jumped back when Drogon flew in front of his window. As he was doing it deliberately. She tried to see where he is, but she only heard his voices. She did not want to be his dinner, so it was better if she did not stand to close to the window. She still couldn't understand how Jon could forgive this woman. How the hell he could stay with her, here and love her. He should be with someone ... who is normal. And not with a mad Targaryen queen. Jon was good, kind, and smart. She sat to the edge of the bed and tried to think. She had a task. If she succeeds the North will get back it's freedom, so she had to do what the King wants. For the North and for Arya. She sighed. She only can help her sister if she ...
"Can I come in?" a similar voice asked, and stepped inside. It was Brienne. When Sansa recognized her she jumped up from the bed and for a second she forgot that she is a Queen, she jumped into Brienne's neck and hugged her. A moment later she stepped back from Brienne and the huge woman knelt in front of her. 
"I was worried about you. When I heard that you are here... I ..." Brienne started.
"Stand up Ser Brienne." Sansa smiled at her. "What are you doing here?"
"It is a long story." she did what she asked, straightened and took a deep breath.

"Now it is time to sleep, darling." Dany caressed Missandei's cheek and kissed her forehead. Jon gave her a kiss too. 
"Mommy." she looked at her parents.
"Yes, darling?" Dany turned back to her. 
"What does kill mean?" she asked it and Dany froze. She did not understand. She tried to open her mouth to answer, but the question surprised her.
"Where ... who tell you this word? Where did you hear it?" Jon was the one who answered for their daughter.
"Jenifire and Nesera said. You killed mommy," she told them so innocently. Dany couldn't even breath, and glanced at Jon immediately. 
"Ahm... " Jon tried to answer, but the question surprised him too "Ahm... probably they meant ... "he took his daughter's hand "that I'd do everything for you and your mother. I would... hurt bad people if they want to hurt you or your mother. I am sure they meant that darling." he glanced at Dany, and she tried to cover her surprise and her real feelings. She was too small, too little to get to know this. One day, they have to tell her, but not now. 
"I hurt everyone who hurt you." Missandei smiled at her father, and Jon answered with a small laugh. "With my dragons," she added, and Jon smiled even more. 
"You don't have to think about those things princess." he gave another kiss to her forehead. "Sleep." 

Dany stepped further from Missandei's bed, and her mind was racing. She couldn't believe that Nesera and Jenifire made a conversation about it, in front of her daughter. How dare they... Jon placed his hand to her shoulder and she shuddered. 
"Am I late?" Gendry entered the room. "I ... I immersed myself in making the armor, and..."
"It doesn't matter." Dany tried to give him a smile, but without any more words, she walked out of the room. 
"Did I say something wrong?" Gendry looked at Jon.
"No. It was... not you." he placed his hand to his friend's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Have a good night. And... thank you. For staying here for the night."
"Not fatigue for me." he shrugged his shoulder. Jon started to walk towards the room, but before he could leave Gendry warned him.
"Jon!" Gendry was staring at the window, and Jon turned to the direction. The two baby dragons were climbing inside, they pushed each other like children, and they went to Missandei's bed. They lay down next to her, they were surrounded and protected her. A small smile appeared on Jon's face. Her daughter is not in danger. Not with these kinds of siblings. He would have never thought, he'll feel anyone safe around dragons but ... things have changed. Those dragons clearly bonded with his daughter. 
"If you don't want to stay..." he turned to Gendry. "I understand" Jon sighed.
"No ... no, it ... I am not afraid of them. I ... got used to their presence." Gendry admitted "Ahm... is it true? Sansa is... really here?" 
"She is."
"And... do we... know anything..." Gendry was afraid to ask but he needed to know. Jon knew what he wanted to ask, and lowered his head. 
"No. We have no information about her, but ... "he tried to remain positive "We know her. She ... is a survivor." 
"I hope you are right." Gendry nodded. "I ... miss her."

"You cannot talk seriously." Sansa freaked out "Daenerys killed thousands of innocent people, she ... is just like her father."
"She is not." Brienne answered "She ... I've spent the past few months with them, I did not want to believe it either, but... maybe the child changed her, maybe the things she... brought back from dead. I don't know but... Daenerys Targaryen is not evil. Not mad. I can say that for sure." Brienne tried to convince her. 
"It is just an act. She wants your support. She needs it. That is all."
"You can't act yourself 24 hours a day." Brienne sighed. "She did horrible things, and it seems she knows it. She... repented it and..."
"Repented it? And it is enough?" Sansa spread her arms. "I can't comprehend why is she alive. How could this happened?" she shook her head. "Maybe Jon did not even kill her." 
"Your brother also brought back from the dead. The Priestesses..."
"I've heard the story about it, but it is nonsense. You have to feel it too. How nonsense it is. Why are they so special?" Sansa was staring at Brienne's face.
"Maybe they are not. But their daughter." she shrugged her shoulder. 
"And you just spent your days here, with them, in peace, while I was rotting in King's Landing." Sansa was upset and angry. 
"I wanted to save you. Both of you. But ..."
"But you did nothing. Or your loyalty belongs to someone else now?" Sansa questioned her.
"You know it is not." Brienne made a face. "I made a promise to you, and to your sister. I would never break that promise"
"Yet it seems you did. You serve them by now."
"I wanted to kidnap the child." Brienne spits it out. "One day... when she was playing alone in the garden, no one was around, I could easily grab her and took her to King's Landing. Exchange her for you and for your sister, but ... it didn't seem right. I just... it couldn't feel it right..."

"Dany?" Jons stepped to their room, but Dany was not there. He just hoped she did not go to find Nesera and Jenifire that late at night. She was right, to get mad at them, but they are all there to help them. It won't help if she freaks out, and attack them. He heard some noises from the bathroom and walked there. Dany was there, preparing some bathwater for herself. She wore only a thin cloak, which was translucent. 
"You are here." Jon felt relaxed. 
"Where else I would be?" she glanced at him
"I thought... "
"I am too tired for another argument. I will talk with them in the morning." she took a deep breath. Jon walked closer to her and kissed her cheek from behind. 
"Do not be too... hard with them. It was certainly not done intentionally." he hugged her. 
"Probably, but ... they should pay more attention to what they say in front of her. She is a child and not an idiot," she answered. "She pays attention to every word. More and more."
Jon did not answer, he just held her close to him. 
"Have you thought about it yet? How ... "she stopped for a moment "How will we ever tell her that thing?" 
"I don't" Jon admitted. "Do we... really have to..."
"We have to." Dany turned to him. "Before she gets to know it from someone else. Accidentally." she placed her hand to his chest. "Not now, but we have to think about it. How can we tell our daughter about the massacre that I did in King's Landing..." a tear came to her eyes "And what her father had to do to stop me." she lowered her head.
"She is a clever girl already, she ... she will understand." Jon tried to calm her down. "Did you know the dragons are sleeping with her?" he tried to change the topic. He tried to put her to a better mood.

"What?" she raised her eyes at him, and he wiped the tear away from her face. 
"Dagon and Joral. They arrived at her room, and laid next to her in the bed." Jon smiled "Our daughter is more secure than we ever thought."
"So it became their habit," Dany stated, with a small smile. "They did it once or twice in the past few days, I forgot to mention it. Is this... bothers you?" she asked him shyly. 
"No." Jon shook his head. "I am glad... that she has ... siblings like them, until she can have a brother, who can take care of her."
"I hope she'll have someday," Dany answered so quietly, and Jon kissed her lips. 
"I ... let you take a bath." he kissed her again and turned to leave, but Dany grabbed his hand. 
"Don't you wanna... join me?" she was staring at his face. He stepped back to her and caressed her neck then his fingers were sliding down in her chest. 
"I was afraid you'll never ask" he answered, meanwhile his fingers reached the bow of the robe, and he started to untie it, slowly. 
"Do you think Sansa..." Dany continued with the questions but Jon placed his finger to her lips. She raised her eyes at him, and their eyes were locked. 
"I don't care about Sansa. Not now. Not at this moment." he answered and in slow motion, he pushed the thin material down from her shoulder. Then from her other shoulder too. She let the clothing fall to the floor. He caressed the wound on her body. He started to kneel down a bit and gave a kiss to the wound, then to her nipple. 
"I thought... "Dany moaned quietly "we are going to take a bath." she ran her fingers into his hair. 
"We will do that." Jon licked her nipple again then bit it softly. "And we're going to do many other things tonight," he told her, meanwhile she took a step backward, and placed one of her legs to the bathtub. 
"Take of your clothes, Jon Snow." she smiled at him and bit her lower lip. 

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