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"Can we talk?" Daario found Jon in the garden. He was trying to think. What to do. How he can save Daenerys from herself. He thought at least she's going to listen to him, but the thing she is afraid of him... it scared him too. That is exactly not the way it should have been. No. She should be honest with him. Cry on his shoulder. He knew he had to figure out something before it is too late. Daario surprised him, and he turned at him with doubts.
"What do you want?" Jon spread his arms. 
"There is something wrong," he stated and lowered his head. 
"Really?" Jon frowned "My love is not willing to talk with me. She thinks I wanna kill her, stab her again. She is planning a war against Westeros, without even talk with me... and you wanna tell me there is something wrong?" Jon raised his voice. "And you support her in this insane thing." he took a step towards to Daario.
"I did." He nodded "I wanted that war. I thought it is the time, and I thought she really wanna go and win it for herself. For her daughter. But..." Daario was strange. He was not that pompous as usual. He looked really worried, and Jon did not understand. 
"What happened?" Jon lowered his voice and stared at his face.


"Drogon is not coming with us," Daenerys told Daario and Grey Worm when they explained their battle plan. 
"What?" Daario frowned. 
"You heard it." she crossed her fingers in front of her body. "We are attacking Westeros without Drogon." 
"Why?" Daario asked.
"Because I want it that way." she raised her eyes at him. 
"But... he is... he is our greatest chance. He ... is huge, enormous and dangerous. He is the key to our victory." Daario answered.
"He is the greatest danger for us. For me. For our future. Not the key to our victory, I won't bring that beast again to Westeros." Dany answered, and Daario could have sworn there is disgust in her face when she was talking about the dragon. He never saw it earlier. Drogon was her child. Her son. She always put him first... in front of everyone. He started to worry.
"We can't win without him. You..." Daario tried to convince her then turned to Grey Worm. "Say something for fuck sake." 
"I follow the queen and her commands" Grey Worm nodded and stared the map.
"As you should" Daenerys stated and gave an angry look to Daario.
"My Queen. You..."
"Enough. If you can't win this war for me, without the dragon then you can leave," she told him then turned her back at him. Daario was standing there and his mouth fall open. That moment he realized... Daenerys probably had no idea what is she doing.


"She is not herself." Jon shook her head. "She doesn't want this war. She just wants to... run away from this pain. And... I saw her with those empty eyes once." Jon sighed and thought back. The moment, when she burned down the whole capital. It was not her. She was not herself.  And she is not herself now either. 
"If she does this... in this way she is going to die," Daario answered. "I would never turn to you if I didn't think the problem is huge. You know it. I still don't think you deserve her, but ... you are the only chance to hold her back from this. Even if I hate to say it." 
"I thought you knew everything better." Jon rolled his eyes. "I won't let her go into that war. Even if I have to withhold her by force." he continued. "But if you want me to help, I need your help too." he stretched his hand towards him. He still had doubts in Daario. In his words, but that was the first time when he seemed honest and worried. He took Jon's hand and shook it. 
"I would anything for her," Daario answered.
"I know. Just as I do"


"My dear sister. You cause a huge disappointment." Bran welcomed Sansa in the capital. His soldiers took her back. She couldn't reach Winterfell, and her men couldn't protect her. She tried to catch Tyrion's eyes but he was staring at the floor. She started to fear her own brother. 
"I wanted to go home. The North needs me." She tried to act calm.
"For what?"
"A Stark always needs to be at Winterfell." She answered. "Or did you already forget what our father always used to say?"
"He also said Winter is coming. But Winter is gone. Rules are changed." he was staring at her. "And our father is dead," he stated emotionless. "So his rules and sayings are gone too."
"How can you... say this?" Sansa surprised.
"You are going to lose Winterfell. And everything if you let her win the war. And if you leave, you let her win the war. She is coming. I saw it. And she wants everything. Do you think she won't take revenge on you for your betrayal? You cannot hide from her." Bran kept his eyes on her. "She'll find you and burn you alive. unless you accept this marriage, and let me strengthen our defenses." he clasped his hands. "You are a clever girl Sansa."
"Do I have a choice?"
"Yes, of course. I can lock you up, but I don't want to," he answered so naturally. Tyrion raised his eyes to Sansa and tried to warn her... there is no point of opposing. Not anymore. Bran became blind and power-hungry, and he lost his mind a bit. He changed. And it did not matter anymore she is his family or not. 
"I won't marry to Quentyn Martell." she took a step towards Bran. "And you cannot convince me."
"You are selfish. You always were. I thought your sister's life means more to you. But as I see you don't care about her. You never cared. Right?" 
"I am the selfish one?" Sansa frowned. "You wanna rule on everyone. Everything."
"Because I am the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms."
"Six." She hissed.
"If you continue this resistance... then it will be Seven again. I am a Stark, the northerners accept me easily. Do not forget that." he rolled closer to her and spread his arms. "I ask one more time. Are you willing to serve the Kingdom?"


When that evening Jon walked to Dany's door, only Daario was there. Standing in front of her door to keep out the uninvited guests. Like Jon. He sent every other soldier away. He took a step aside when Jon arrived and nodded towards him. Jon took a deep breath, and Daario placed his hand to his shoulder. 
"Good luck," he told him. That was the first time when they worked together. In a real way. Without betrayal. Or at least Jon hoped that. He hoped Daario's intentions are real and it is not another game. He looked honest this time, and it was clear he loved Daenerys. Jon hated he feels in that way towards her, but at least in this way... he understood Dany needs help. Not like Grey Worm. He still supported her. Because she is his Queen. No matter how bad her decisions are. Jon opened the door. Daenerys was standing at the balcony. She did not even turn to his direction.
'I've told you, I don't want anyone to disturb me." she stated.
"Especially not me. I know" he answered and stepped closer. Dany suddenly turned to him and the words stuck in her throat. "I am unarmed. You have nothing to worry about." He spread his arms. He only wore a thin white shirt, and pants. It was clear, he doesn't wear any weapon on his body. 
"What are you doing here?" she tried to talk, while she was staring at him.
"Sit down," he told her and walked closer to the bed. "Please." 
"Cuz I need you to listen to me. And decide what you want." he continued and stood in one place. 
"I've told you what I want. I want to protect my daughter. I want to..."
"Not about that." he was serious. "What do you want from me? With me?"
"I don't understand." Dany shook her head.
"I tried everything. In the past few days. I wanted to be next to you. I wanted to make you sure... that I love you, but you don't let me. No matter what I've told you, no matter how much I love you." he sighed. "If you don't need me I accept it. But at least... tell me. Tell me what do you want." 
"I..." Dany searched the words. 
"I would die for you Daenerys. Knowing that... you don't know that. Knowing that... you still think I can kill you, and you are afraid of me. It proved to me... there is no future for us, no matter what I do. If you can't let me love you... I cannot do anything else. I just don't understand." he lowered his head. "I don't understand what makes you think that ... I would be able to hurt you. You are my life. You and Missandei. If you... "he sighed and his eyes were in tears. "If you want me to disappear from your life I accept it. Even if it kills me. But... being here next to you in this way. Every day... it kills me too." He looked into her eyes. "I did nothing since I came here ... than prooving my love for you. I thought it is enough." He frowned. "But it seems I was wrong. Do you want to be alone? Are you afraid of me?" He asked the questions but he did not wait for her answer. "That means you don't need me. Maybe you never loved me for real. Or you never could forgive me what I did. I don't know which one but I know if I stay here... it won't help." He took a step to her but hesitated to go closer. He waited at least a minute.

She was crying. She was sitting on the bed and crying. Jon knelt in front of her and took her hand. "Or there is another way." he was so serious. "I... I can stay and we can go through this. Together." He held her hand and gave a kiss to it. She couldn't talk. She was crying grievously. "Dany," Jon whispered to her and he was squeezing her hand. "I don't want to leave but I only can stay if you talk to me. Do not afraid. Please." He placed his hand to her cheek. "I love you. I would kill myself first than hurt you ever again." He tried to find the words. "Dany." He swallowed.

"We both lost that child. Not just you, the both of us. It hurts but we can get through this. Together. I am here for you. I am here and I want to help. Just let me help you" he almost begged her. "Talk to me. Trust me. Let me be your love. Let me love you. Do not push me away. Please." He was talking continuously and staring at her face.
"I... I... " she tried to form a sentence. Jon listened to her quietly. Caressed her cheek. "I ... you can't love me." She shook her head. "I don't deserve to be loved." She answered. "It was my fault. I know you can't forgive me. I understand. You can't love me. Not after that." she barely could breathe. Her tears blurred her eyes.
"Now listen to me." Jon held her face between his palms. "I love you. You deserved to be loved and I love you. I know it hurts. It hurts me too... I cannot tell in words how much... but if you push me away ... it just hurts even more. We can solve this. We can go through this. You are not a bad person Daenerys. You never were." He placed his forehead to hers "You are my life and there is nothing that I have to forgive you. You did nothing wrong. We still have a daughter and we have to go on with our life." He explained and he meant it. He did not blame her. He can't... his heart was broken for her. He couldn't even imagine how she feels. He suffered too. He wanted that child but maybe it was not how it meant to be. "Come here." He sat next to her in the bed and pulled her into his arms while she was still crying. "You don't have to act strong. Not with me." He whispered. "Just cry. Just let it out. I am here." He gave a kiss to her forehead. "I will always be here."

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