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Jon started to worry. Daenerys was not in her room, not with her daughter... not anywhere around the Pyramid. He spotted Grey Worm at the hall. 
"Grey Worm. For a word." He went to him.
"I don't think I can help you with anything." He answered with wood jaw and turned his back at him.
"Have you seen her?" Jon did not give up.
"Seen who?" Grey Worm took a deep breath.
"Dany... the Queen. I ... can't find her anywhere." Jon was clearly worried. There was fear in his eyes, even the unsullied captain noticed it. 
"Must be with her daughter." 
"She is not. Not with her daughter, not in her room. Believe me, I tried to find her everywhere." Jon was trying to convince him. 
"What happened?" Daario stepped to them.
"Where is she?" Jon turned to him, with fire in his eyes. "I know she was not in her room, when you were there, so ... where is she?"
Daario face changed. He also tried to find Dany. He wanted to have some moments with her, without her new love... but he failed. He hesitated for some seconds. 
"Daario!" Jon asked him again.
"I don't know." he sighed. "I was searching for her." 
"She couldn't leave the Pyramid without escort, right?" Jon raised his eyes to Grey Worm, then turned to Daario. "Right?"
"Maybe you were the one who persecuted her... with your dumb words," Daario stated. Jon took a step closer to him.
"I have no time for this right now. Daenerys is missing. We have to find her." 
"She must be there somewhere, I am sure she did not leave." Grey Worm answered. 
"Find her. Call your men and find her. NOW!" he raised his voice then walked forward, towards the exit. 

Jon knew Dany went out several times. She often took a walk around Meeren but ... back then her dragon did not burn down fields and animals. When they were there at the meadow it was clear... those people wanted her to fail. Maybe Daario was right, and his words were the main reason why she left. Drogon flew through his head. Jon followed him with his eyes. He just felt there is something wrong. He couldn't explain... but he just knew it.
"Jon." Arya looked at him. She has just arrived back to the Pyramid.
"Where were you? Have you seen Dany? Was she with you?" He asked one question by another without waiting for the answer. He grabbed his sister by her shoulders and staring at her face.
"Jon, what is going on?" Arya shook her head. She really had no idea.
"She wasn't with you," Jon stated and sighed.
"No. I was alone. But... what happened?"
"I don't find her." he answered, "I looked everywhere and..."
"She is a grown-up woman. She can take care of herself." Arya frowned "She survived for years without you do not forget that. Probably, she just needed some... time alone, after that council meeting. I am sure she is okay, just... "she tried to calm him down.
"You may right" Jon sighed, but he still had this weird feeling. Probably he worried too much, but of course, he did. He loved her, and he would never survive if something is happening with her. 

When Daenerys came to mind, she felt how her hands were tied together. She was in a very dark place. There was hardly any light. One or two candles gave some lighting in the room. She saw some shadows moving outside the room... through the gap under the door. She tried to focus, to hear some words. She was sure she is still in Meeren... somewhere hidden. 
"We must take her with the child." she heard how a man was talking.
"We cannot catch the child. Not yet... It is even a miracle we could catch her. I would've never thought she is that reckless to come here alone. Without any guards. But it seems that strange King knows how to shape the threads." she knew that voice. That was Vevienne. So she was right. That was Bran's plan... but... she still had no idea, how he could control Drogon to... 
"You awake!" the woman entered the room and interrupted her thoughts. She closed the door behind herself, and Dany immediately spotted the small dagger fastened to her belt. "I thought you'll be knocked out till the morning. It would have been easier, and better for you." she poured a glass of water for herself, and drank in front of Dany. She was thirsty. The temperature was even hotter in this hidden, small room. "you are no longer so talkative and brave." she placed the glass to the table. "Do not misunderstand me. It is not against you. I don't know you. I don't care what you did." she was talking continously. Dany's face told everything that she felt at that moment. She was angry, filled with hate and feared. Not because of herself. She was worried about her daughter.
"You'll not get away with this." she finally formed some words and looked at her face. 
"I've already got away with this. I mean... we've been watching you. You often disappeared from their eyes for hours. Walking around the city, being proud of what you did. We just needed to ... coaxed you again. Alone." 
"How did you... control him?" Dany took a deep breath.
"That is my favorite part." Vevienne laughed loudly "To be honest I was afraid, you can convince the others it was not Drogon. Cuz it was not him. You were right, but the others... I saw doubts in their eyes. Especially your lover. That lower one is that, right?" She frowned "Oh, those puppy eyes. I remember when a man looked at me in that way." 

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