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Not a minute passed since Jon left her there. She was sitting there alone. Waiting for Sam to return. She couldn't believe they argued again because of Sansa Stark. Last night... Jon admitted she destroyed his whole life too. Yet he still defends her in some way. She knew Arya has a huge part in this. He wants to save Sansa because ... she and Arya are still his family and he desperately wanted them to live together in peace. He was so naive. And he has a so good heart. He failed to save Bran. He... his little brother... became some great evil and he cannot live with that compunction if he does not try everything to save Sansa. She started to play with her ring. Maybe she was too hard with him but she was just honest. She did not want to lie to him. She doesn't want to play games with him or act herself. Even if it is hard sometimes and causes differences between them. She learned for a lifetime how important the honesty between them. And she can't blame Jon. He was just honest with her too. The door opened and she took a deep breath but it was not Sam.

"I thought you offended and ran away instead of arguing with me." She stated when Jon stopped at the door. He frowned meanwhile Dany smiled a bit.
"I don't want to argue with you." He answered quietly.
"Glad to hear." She raised her eyebrow but did not move closer. She was just sitting in the chair. "Samwell must be here in any minute."
"That is why I came back." Jon lowered his head, and Dany surprised a bit.
"So you are offended. But at least you realized your daughter is more important than anything else. I appreciate it." She sounded a bit sarcastic.
"You know she is." Jon made a face.
"Sometimes it is not clear." Dany looked at him.
"You have no idea how hard it is for me." He raised his voice and stepped closer. "I... I am mad at Sansa I... she made a terrible mistake but she is still my sister. I can't... change this and I have responsibility for her." He continued a bit too vehemently. "I don't want you to be ... allies or friends I just need your support and your understanding."
"And I don't understand?" She almost jumped up from the chair and they were staring at the face of each other but that moment Sam coughed a bit at the door.

"I... I am sorry. I can come back later if..." Sam immediately started to apologize.
"No. No. This is more important." She pointed towards a chair opposite to her. "Sit down."
Sam glanced at Jon and it was clear he is upset.
"Jon?" Dany turned to her love. "Do you want to stay?"
He swallowed his words back and just nodded, and he sat next to Daenerys.
"Tell me at least you have some good news." Jon took a deep breath and kept his eyes on his friend.
"Depends on the point of view" Sam made a face and hesitated. Jon and Dany were both scared... they were not sure they could endure more difficulties. It was enough already. Jon glanced at her face, and he saw the hidden tears in her eyes. He saw how scared she is. He lowered his head and spotted how she was breaking her fingers one after the other. He gently placed his hand on her hands, and Dany turned to him. Jon squeezed her hand and even his gaze comfort her a bit. She grabbed his hand,  their fingers intertwined and they both turned back to Sam. 


"Where are you going?" the guard asked the maid. She was holding fresh sheets on her arms. 
"New sheets for the Queen." she bowed with her head.
"The King ordered it?" he was hostile
"A lady needs fresh bedding, especially on those days, and Queen Stark spends most of her time in her room, in her bed. Probably she will be happy about it, and if Queen Stark is happy, the King and Prince Martell will be happy too." the maid answered with a small smile on her face. "I won't stay long, it takes a few minutes."
"Hurry." he opened the door, quickly and let her enter the room. Sansa was standing at the window. She was squeezing the edge of the wall. She stared at the depth. 
"I don't need anything," Sansa whispered to the maid, but she kept her eyes at the depth above her. 
"Are you sure?" The maid asked and placed the bedclothes to the chair, then stepped closer.
"Stay there." Sansa almost yelled. 
"If you speak that loud, they'll hear you." the maid told her, and she almost could touch her. 
"No one can help me. No one. There is nothing that you can do for me." Sansa hissed, and she placed one of her legs to the window sill. 
"I wouldn't place a bet on it." the maid answered so quickly "Don't you wanna... escape? And go back to the north?" 

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