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"I have another noble task for today." Samwell continued after some seconds. "We went through many things, many threats in the past few years. There were better and worse days, but the sun is shining again, and we can see the light again. We can rebuild Westeros together, led by two people ... I don't know anyone better suited to that task." Sam was so happy for them. "We all are human. We all have sins and mistakes, but we have to look into the future. We have to believe we can make this world a better place." he looked around. Jon put Missandei down, and she ran back to Ser Davos. Jon grabbed the hand of Daenerys and they turned to the crowd. "These two people can show us how to do it." Sam continued. 

"But not alone." Jon took the words and took a step forward with Daenerys. "Probably many of you don't understand why are we here on that joyful day, and not in the capital. As my friend said ... " he glanced to Sam above his shoulder "we have to look forward, to the future, and not to the past. There are some traditions which we also have to leave behind." he was so manly, proud... he looked like a King. A real king. "Daenerys Targaryen and I won't go back to King's Landing. We accepted our roles as your leaders to rebuild the Seven Kingdoms, but we can't accept living in a place where we don't belong. We are going to stay here at Dragonstone." he saw how everyone was surprised about his words. 

"The new way of election will be ready soon." Dany continued. "In that way, you'll be the one who can choose your King and Queen for the future. It won't depend on blood and heritage anymore. The old wheel is broken." she took a deep breath. "We picked some wise men and women to help us to rule, to make decisions. To be in a council, that can help us to rule. One from every part of the country, even from beyond the Wall, because that place also belongs to the Westeros too. The people there eat, drink, bleed just like us. They are not different. So we should not treat them differently." she was so calm. She watched the people face around. They were in silence. 

"We have to live in peace and union." Jon sighed. "We ... everyone everywhere need each other, to make this country shine again. And I can promise, we are not going to tolerate without words and deeds the ones who try to rebel and incite rebellion. We are open to listening to new ideas, new development opportunities, we don't have to agree on everything with everyone but we have to make decisions together with you. With the people around the Kingdom. That is what we can offer to you. A start of a new era." he straightened himself even more. They remained in silence, just as everyone else for some seconds, then some applause broke the silence. Tormund and Yara started it, and the others joined quite quickly. They both took a deep breath and turned back to Samwell. 

He glanced to the side of the hall, and two women walked inside with two crowns in their arms. Those coronas were beautifully and precisely crafted jewelry. The two crowns were decorated with a dragon and a wolf intertwined in the middle. Dany and Jon looked at each other again. That crown perfectly symbolizes their union. 
"Get down to your knees," Samwell told them, and they did, but they did not let the hand of each other for a moment. They lowered their heads. 
"I now proclaim..." Samwell stepped to Daenerys with one of the crowns in his hand. "Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms" he stopped and smiled a bit "the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea," he continued and Dany raised her eyes at him surprisedly "the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, "she had no idea since when she did not hear her full title but he did not stop" the Mother of the Princess Who Was Promised to bring the dawn, "Daenerys lowered her head again and her eyes filled with tears. Sam put the crown to the top of her head. "Long may she reign. Queen Daenerys Targaryen" he raised his voice and everyone cheered in the room. He turned back to the other girl and grabbed the other crown.

Jon saw how he stepped in front of him, he turned his head a bit towards Daenerys and saw how a tear fell from her eyes. He squeezed her hand a bit and Dany glanced at him. 
"I now proclaim Jon of House Stark" he wanted to make it clear that he is not a bastard. He never was in his eyes, but he even made some steps to make it official without letting him know with the help of the Queen. He glanced at Daenerys and she nodded then they both looked to Jon who was surprised. He did not understand. Now it was Daenerys who squeezed his hand to reassure him "First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Savior of the North, Father of the Princess Who Was Promised to Bring the dawn." Samwell smiled "The most honorable Man whom I ever met with." he lowered his voice then placed the crown on Jon's head. "Long may he reign. King Jon Stark" he shouted to the people in the huge hall, and they started to applause them. 

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