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"Jon" Dany stepped next to him. He was standing in the field and he couldn't take his eyes off of the woods, where the direwolves disappeared. She placed her hand to his shoulder. He lowered his head and shook it. "I should have locked them. I should have locked them while we were in the boat." he blamed himself. 
"It was not your fault." Dany sighed. "We ... the news about our baby. It distracts our attention from the situation we are in." she continued so quietly. "It..."
"If he dies. If he gets killed." Jon raised his eyes at her, but Dany placed her finger to his lips.
"He won't." she has tears in her eyes. "Ghost survived many things. With or without you. I believe that he'll survive this too." she tried to calm him down, meanwhile she was more worried than he is. 
"Why he left." Jon frowned. "Why?" he took a deep breath and raised his eyes to the air "I tried to find him, I tried to warg him but..."
"Don't. You know it is dangerous." Dany whispered at him and caressed his face. "You know... if you can't control it totally you may get loose in him, and we can't risk it. Not now." there was a small little smile on her face. "I need you. We..." she placed her hand to her belly and lowered her head for a moment "We need you. All of us. Missandei. Me... and our baby." 
"Don't mention it." Jon rolled his eyes and turned his back at her. "It is all my fault." he blamed himself again. 
"I can find them." Dany stated "With Drogon. He is quicker. They can't be too far. Maybe... if ... while our army marching towards King's Landing, we can find the wolves. Together." Dany continued. "Before you go to King's Landing with our daughter."
"We can't leave our daughter here." Jon shook his head.
"She is coming with us," Dany answered immediately so firmly. 
"No." Jon shook his head.
"Look do not start this again." Dany rolled her eyes. 
"Missandei is not going to ride in any dragon. It is dangerous." Jon turned to her and looked into her eyes.
"Dangerous? Wasn't it dangerous when I saved you beyond the wall? Or when he brought you to Volantis to reunite with your family?" Dany raised her voice.
"You know what I mean. It is not safe for her. She is too small what if... what if she fells?" 
"She won't if her dad holds her tight." Dany continued but he did not answer. "Or what do you want to do? Go after them on a horse? Leave us behind? They are wolves maybe you'll never find them. With Drogon we can see much more of the field."
"Yeah and we can be shot down." Jon reminded her. "What if Bran created more of those scorpions that killed Rhaegal?"
"I can't believe you are having a debate me because of it. That is the best solution." Dany spread her arms. 
"I am not debating." Jon sighed but his tone betrayed him. It was clear that he is mad and angry. 
"Not?" Dany raised her brow. "You know what, I'd have gone after them already. But it is not enough. I can't send them back alone. He would never accept my commands. Only yours." 
"I am afraid he is freer than accept any of the commands." Jon shook his head. 
"I don't even know who he resembles," Dany stated and pulled a face. Jon raised his eyes at her, and there was a small grin on his face. Just like in Dany's face. He stepped closer and placed his hands to her arms. 
"I am sorry," Jon told her. "I ... did not want to argue with you. I just..."
"Do you trust me?" Dany asked him. 
"You know I do." Jon forced a smile. 

"We should leave. We are wasting too much time." Yara stated while she was sitting on the horse. The army was ready to march towards King' Landing. She looked to the side, and Nesera was sitting on the horse too, next to her, with Missy in her arms. "She should not be here," Yara stated.
"No. She should not." Nesera caressed Missandei's tiny hand. "But since she is the key to save humanity, I guess we don't have any other choice." Nesera looked down.
"That is nonsense. How this girl can..."
"Do not ask questions about things that you don't understand." Jenifire stopped next to them with a horse. Grey Worm also arrived. "You" she raised her eyes at the unsullied man "and you too" she turned to Yara. "Inform your men that nothing is more important than keep that little girl  safe on this trip."
"Since when you give commands to us?" Grey Worm asked her.
"She is right. Without her, we are all lost." Nesera confirmed her words. "Her life is more important than anything."
"I'll do what the Queens command." Grey Worm enlightened them.
"Your blind loyalty will cause your death," Jenifire told straight to his face, and pulled the reins, and left them. 
"Her style is raw, but she speaking the truth." Nesera raised Missandei a bit more up in her arms and mentioned it. Grey Worm turned their back at them and walked away. 
"I thought you are going to stay." Yara glanced at Nesera.
"I will. We already locked the dragons. When they come back" she turned her face towards the place where Jon and Daenerys were talking. "I'll go back to the ship." she lowered her head. 
"Why did you even sit to that horse?" Yara frowned.
"Because the princess wanted to."
"You are not her mother." Yara shook her head. "You don't have to fill all her requests."
"She doesn't like me." Missandei raised her deep brown eyes at the Ironborn lady. 
"That is not true." Nesera smiled at her. "She loves you. She is angry with me. She has no idea how much I love her." she glanced at Yara. "And sometimes people are very cruel with each other when they are in love. When you'll grow up, you'll understand." she tapped Missy's nose gently and she started to giggle. Nesera and Yara looked at each other, and the red priestess smiled at her. 
"I promise I'll be back."
"I recommend it" Nesera nodded and bit her lower lip. She loved that woman. Even if they don't have a future. At least she found love first in her life. It was real. She knew it. And she was grateful that she could feel that feeling in her life. 

"Lady Greyjoy." Daenerys arrived back and Jon followed her. "We are not coming with you. Now." she started to tell the plan, meanwhile, Jon took Missandei out of Nesera's arm. 
"What do you mean?" 
"We have to find the wolves, and for you... it took at least a day or two to reach the capital with that man people." Daenerys continued.
"If you follow the patch we agreed we'll join you latest at night." Jon stepped next to Dany with his daughter in his arm. 
"May I ask how are you planning to find the wolves?" Yara frowned. Dany smiled a bit and turned her face towards her firstborn son. The huge, enormous beast who was standing behind them. As if he knew they need him. 
"Keep the dragon's safe Lady Nesera, and stay away from the shores." she turned to the woman and ordered her. "That is just as important, as the other part of the mission."
"I know. And I'll keep my eyes and my mind open" Nesera bowed and one last time, she raised her eyes at Yara, then walked away, back to the ships. Jon stared at the huge dragon in front of him. Drogon leaned closer to them, and Missy immediately stretched her hand to pet his head.
"Cautiously Darling," Jon warned her.
"I thought you are not afraid of them anymore." Dany smiled. "He would never hurt us." Dany placed her hand to Drogon's head and caressed it. Missy followed her moves and her eyes were shining. Dany noticed and turned to her daughter. "We are going to fly on Drogon." 
"Really?" Missy surprised and she was smiling so brightly. 
"Yes, darling." Dany looked at Jon. "We have to find Ghost and Nymeria."

"Where is my brother?" Sansa stopped next to Tormund with her horse.
"The King left with the Queen," Jenifire answered instead of the red-headed wilding.
"What?" Sansa surprised. "That... the plan was not that."
"The plan changed," Jenifire told her so coldly. "They had to leave to prevent more problems. We should leave, the troops are set off. We were just waiting for you Lady Stark." Jenifire continued. Sansa had no idea what to say. She felt betrayed. Her brother ... Jon promised her that they're going to save Arya, and now he just left with Daenerys without any word. They agreed to do something and now he just changed the plans. He was totally controlled by Daenerys that made it clear again and she hated it. What if they just... go back to Essos? What if they just escaped because of their new child? What if they leave them behind to face the enemy and die there? She easily could believe in it. 
"I can't stand her." Jenifire mentioned to Tormund and looked back at Sansa over her shoulder. 
"Guess you are not alone with that feeling. She betrayed her brother in a very ... nasty way." Tormund answered.
"Yet she is here and alive. Our king and queen should not forgive the traitors that easily." Jenifire continued.
"Blood is an important bond." Tormund shrugged his shoulder. "She is his sister after all but you can feel their relationship is not really...sisterly or brotherly. Jon never really could forgive her, that she told his secret to the Lannister dwarf." 
"Why she hates the Queen that much? Because I feel the hate but I don't know the reason." Jenifire frowned. 
"I always thought she is jealous." Tormund laughed a bit and glanced back above his shoulder too. When he spotted Brienne next to Sansa, he forgot where he is, and his eyes stuck on the huge woman. Jenifire noticed it and pulled a face. 
"Guess that is where our talk ends," she told him sarcastically. "So those are your types." 
"She'll be mine one day. I know it." He laughed. 
"And the thing you've said about blood. There are some... to whom it doesn't matter. They can leave their family behind no matter they are bonded by blood or not." she pulled a face and she left him behind. He narrowed his eyes, and he still doesn't understand that woman. Why she made those comments to him. Why she is that odious with him? When he raised his head up again and spotted Brienne he forgot his thoughts about Jenifire. A kind of idiot smile appeared on his face and Brienne just answered with an eye roll while they were riding beside him. 
"Ladies." Tormund greeted them but none of them gave an answer.
"My big friend." Tyrion smiled at him.
"You can call me in many ways. But I am not a friend of a traitor." Tormund stated. 

Dany and Jon were on Drogon's back, and they were flying over the trees, close to the ground. They were both spying the ground to find the wolves, meanwhile, Jon was holding Missandei in one of his arms so tight. He squeezed her so much because she was so excited, and continuously moving. She wanted to see everything and giggled all the time. Dany narrowed her eyes when she spotted something in the field and directed Drogon to land near to the place. 
"Did you see something?" Jon asked her.
"Maybe." Dany glanced back.
"Again" Missy interrupted the talk. 
"Soon honey" she caressed her daughter's face and jumped down from Drogon. The huge beast tried to help them to get off of his back, he almost pressed his whole body to the field, to make it easier for them. Jon placed Missy to the ground and Dany took her hand. 
"That way" Dany pointed to the edge of the forest. "I think I saw Ghost or something similar to him." she was not sure and glanced at Jon. He nodded and pulled out his sword and took some steps towards the forest. 

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