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Jon stayed with her that night. She was falling asleep in his arms. Her nightmares hurt, but she finally slept well in his embrace. When she opened her eyes in the morning and realized Jon is there she was confused. Part of her wanted him to be there, but the other part... was still hurt. She still couldn't trust him, she still couldn't really forgive him. She still had doubts, especially because of his family. Because of his brother, who sent soldiers to kill her. She still couldn't believe Jon would choose her and their child if he has to make the choice. No matter what he promised or said to his daughter. He always supported his Stark family... that was one of the things what caused their great tragedy. When she tried to escape from his embrace, he opened his eyes. He knew he shouldn't be there, but he did not want to leave her alone that night. She looked so scared and worried. He quickly removed his arms from her back. 

"I ... how are you?" Jon asked her. 
"You shouldn't have stayed here all night long." Dany told him but she did not look into his eyes.
"I just stayed at dawn. Not all night." he tried to make fun in the situation, but Dany couldn't smile. "Sorry." he frowned. "I ... you fall asleep, and after that I fall asleep too." he tried to explain.
"Can I..." she wanted to wake up from the bed.
"Sure." Jon jumped up and let her move away from the bed. She went to the cradle. 
"She is an angel" Dany was watching Missandei. She was sleeping. 
"Just like her mother." Jon sighed, but he regrets he said it loud in the next moment. He knew compliments just make the situation worse. 
"Her mother is not an angel. Never was. If I would be then those nightmares wouldn't haunt me. Continuously..."
"We all made mistakes" Jon stated "And we ... I am sure, we are going to make more mistakes in our lives. Because we are humans."
"Mistakes what cannot be ever forgiven." Dany sighed.
"Maybe can." Jon shrugged his shoulders "If we look back ... and living in the past we are lost."
Dany frozen. She always told that thing to herself in the past. When she needed to be strong. She slowly turned to Jon.
"But we have future. Both of us." He continued "and we have a child." He went closer and looked to Missandei. "We must... take a step forward. We must move on. For her."
"Wish it would that be easy." Dany took a deep breath.
"It is." He took her hand and caressed it. Dany was staring it. He placed his finger to her chin and raised her head. "I lo..."
"Did you think about what I told you?" She stopped him before he could continue "about your brother?" She was looking straight to his eyes.
"Dany." He frowned and sighed. He did but that still sounds unreal for him. All her theory... about Bran.
"See." She told him "It is not that easy." She took a step back and turned back to her daughter. Jon sighed.
"We have a problem." Kinvara entered into the room and she was worried. Dany glanced to her daughter, then followed the red woman out the room. Jon as well.

"What happened?"
"Soldiers arrived from Westeros to Pentos."
"To Pentos?" Dany frowned.
"I think they wanted to avoid attention, but... They'll be here in a day, and they are searching for you. That is obvious."
"Maybe not." Jon stepped forward "Maybe there is something else, and this is why they arrived at Pentos and not here." 
"She is the greatest threat for the kingdom." Kinvara answered. "And her daughter."
"What did you say about your brother? That he won't send more army until you are here? And I'll be in save with you? Your daughter will be in save with you? Because he would never hurt you?" Dany was staring Jon. 
"I still don't believe he..."
"You better believe it finally and chose a side. Because you can't be in both sides."
"No!" she was on fire "I picked a Lannister to my hand. I believed he really wants to take revenge on his family, but he never really wanted it. He betrayed me. Just as you. He chose to free his brother and tried to help his sister, my greatest enemy to escape from the capital. I put my trust in you. I trusted you with all my heart. Then... You chose to kill me, to save your family. Now your brother wants to see me dead. If you are not with me, then you are my enemy too." she started to leave.
"Where are you going?" Jon followed her with his eyes.
"I make them understand, it is better if they leave me and my daughter alone. With fire and blood, if they don't understand it in another way." she put the shawl to her head, slammed the door and left the house.
"Dany." Jon started to leave, but he realized her daughter is there. He hesitated.
"I take her to the Red Temple, she'll be in save there." Kinvara stated. Jon nodded and he ran after Daenerys. 

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