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Drogon was roaring so painfully and loudly. That arrow clearly hurt him. Dany ran there, after Jon and those soldiers disappeared from her sight, and tried to pull out that huge arrow again and again. The armor covered most of Drogon's body, but Gendry couldn't do anything for his wings what not restrain him from flying. Everything started to fall apart. She felt how her heart was beating in her throat, so heavily. Her eyes filled with tears, and she felt again how the anger and fear took over control in her whole body. She looked into Drogon's eyes and he gathered all his strength to help her. He raised up his wing as much as he could, and Dany squeezed the arrow and pulled it again. Finally, she could take it out, and that moment Drogon let out another loud roar. 

"Something is wrong." Nesera was standing at the railing of the ship. She felt it. She had no idea what is going on, but she knew Daenerys, Missandei or Jon ... was in huge trouble. She glanced at the small dragons and they looked nervous too. They have almost shattered their cages while they desperately wanted to get out. Nesera raised her eyes again at the shores and tried to focus her mind to find them. For some reason, the Lord of Lights chose her to protect them, and she doesn't want to disappoint the Lord, either her Queen. Her family. Because they were her family as Daenerys said. Not just some King or Queen to serve. 

In the camp, Jenifire felt it too. She was staring at the sky, which became dark at that time. It was late at night, and they should have arrived back already. They said they'll reach the camp before the sun goes down because it was not safe to stay outside in the fields at night. Not in enemy lands. 
"Lady Greyjoy" Grey Worm found Yara in front of her tent. It was clear, she was worried too. 
"I don't know the answer." she knew Grey Worm was a close friend to the Queen, and probably he wants to know where is she. 
"That is why I wanted to inform you, we are going to leave and find her. With my army." he straightened himself.
"I don't think it is a good idea." Yara shook her head. "The Queen's command was quite clear. She wanted us to stay here, and be ready for the war."
"She is with the traitor, and they are missing." Grey Worm added. "I won't make the same mistake again." he continued with so serious face.
"I thought the Queen makes you understand that Jon Snow is not her enemy." Yara turned to Grey Worm, but her eyes stopped behind him, a bit further away, where Sansa and Brienne were talking. "Not sure about his sister" she frowned. "If you want to help, some of your soldiers should stay here and spy on that one." she nodded towards the Stark girl. "She is the real risk, not Jon Snow." 
"All those northern people are untrustable." Grey Worm glanced behind his back and agreed.
"Maybe not all." Tormund stepped next to Yara from the other direction. "Do we know anything?" 
"No." Yara shook her head again and lowered it. "It does not make sense, to go after her with a whole army." she sighed and raised her eyes again to Grey Worm. "Bran Stark probably see everything that we are planning or doing since the child is not with us. If we let scatter our troops we lost." she tried to think with a clear mind. 
"So you want me to sit here and do nothing?" Grey Worm raised his voice.
"The princess is in trouble." Jenifire finally arrived at the small group and she looked so worried and stressed. 
"How do you..." Tormund did not understand.
"Not here. I can't protect ourselves here. Come." she indicated them to follow her, and she left towards the forest near to them. Sansa saw that they are leaving and she glanced at Brienne. She wanted to know what is going on.

"So..." Bronn was eating at a campfire. He was sitting opposite to Jon Snow. Missandei was in her father's lap and two other soldiers were around them closely. "That pussy must be very special if that worth to turn against your family." he bit the meat in his hand and continued to talk while the food was in his mouth. Jon gave him an angry look and placed his hand immediately on Missandei's ears. "So that is it." Bronn laughed. "That toddler that makes everyone terrified." he continued with the food too. "You make our life quite difficult you know that right." he glanced at the kid. Missy raised his eyes at him. She was in silence. Since the moment they caught them. She didn't cry, she didn't try to escape or run away. She was just sitting in her father's lap quietly and she kept her eyes on Bronn. He was chewing the food and suddenly started to cough hard, then jumped up and caught his throat. "I swear I am gonna kill that kid. If she tries..."
"She is just a toddler. You said it." Jon squeezed Missy and he was ready to defend her, even if he had no idea how. He would have sacrificed his life anytime for her. That was not a question. Bronn wiped his mouth but he kept the distance. Missy turned to the flames and her eyes stuck on it. Deep inside the fire, she saw something. None of them noticed it around them.

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