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"Four of our men followed him and his company back to the capital." Grey Worm explained to Daenerys. They were in the room where Jon was lying. The night was long, and for Daenerys, it passed so slowly. She couldn't really sleep. She couldn't think about anything else, just the thing... what is she loses him? Grey Worm and the army reached Dragonstone in the morning and he immediately went to find her to give her a report. "We keep our eyes on him and if he wants to betray us, they'll kill him."
"That is not that easy." Dany sighed. "Bran Stark easily can spot them." she lowered her voice.
"He is not searching for them." Jenifire stepped next to Daenerys. "He desperately wants to find you and your daughter. That is why our plan may work. If that Martell prince is clever enough." she continued. 
"I am still not sure, it was the best idea." she shook her head.
"Sometimes you have to betray people to reach your goals," Jenifire added. "To save your family." 
Dany took a deep breath and nodded, Daario was there too with them. She knows they should talk somewhere else, but she did not want to leave Jon there, alone. He'll immediately search for her when he wakes up. She was sure. 
"Are we ready to give safe escort to the Stark sisters, if they can escape?" she turned to Daario. 
"Yes," he nodded and continued. They went deep in the conversation and they did not even notice, that Jon started to come to mind. He slowly opened his eyes, and first, he saw some blurry figures, but after a few blinks, the picture was clearer.

"Dany." his mouth formed the words, but no voice came out from his mouth. He was not sure what happened. He did not remember well. He had a horrible nightmare about some marriage proposal, but that must be just a nightmare nothing else. He tried to move, but he was too weak. He did not eat in the past 12 hours or more. And he was thirsty too. He opened his mouth again, but he whispered her name too quietly. He decided to wait a bit before he tries again. He kept his eyes on Daenerys, the woman he loved with all his heart. They were all so serious. They were talking about some escape plan, guards, and he could have sworn he heard his sister's name from her mouth. Sansa's name. He knew he can never be grateful enough for the things she does for his family, after how they betrayed her. Betrayed both of them, but she loved him so much, what else can prove it, if not this? He should have never let her go. That was his biggest mistake in his life. Not joining the Night's Watch, not helping the wildings to pass the wall. He died for that decision, but still, that was not his biggest mistake. He realized that many times in the past two years, or three. He had no idea but he knew, he could smile again since the moment he saw her at the market, on that day. When Drogon brought him to Meeren. He saw her, alive and pregnant. That was a gift from life, or the Lords of Lights or from the Old Gods, he had no idea, but it was the most amazing gift he could ever get. 

"Mama" the door opened and Missandei entered with tiny little steps. She even has fallen while she was hurrying to reach her mother. Dany crouched and looked around. She ordered Nesera and Yara to take care of her and do not bring her here. 
"Darling. What are you doing here?" she looked at her daughter, and then she raised her eyes at Nesera who just closed the room door. 
"My apologize" she crossed her fingers "I... she wanted to see you."
"I thought my instructions were understandable." She tried to remain calm, and Daario noticed it.
"Princess." he crouched to Missandei and started to distract her attention from her mother. Dany stepped closer to Nesera.
"I don't need her to worry about her dad," she whispered to the Red Priestess but she could kill her with her eyes. "She doesn't need to see him in this..." Dany glanced at Jon, and that moment she saw his eyes are open and he tried to smile. She left Nesera there without a word and ran to Jon's bed. 
"Jon?" she grabbed his hand.
"I ... "he swallowed "I tried to... got your attention "he swallowed again.
"Here." she grabbed the cup from the cupboard "Drink." she smiled and helped him. He drank all of it, and he needed that. He took a deep breath when the last drop of water slipped in his throat.
"Thank you." he placed his head back to the pillow.
"Papa!" Missandei's wonderfully chattering voice disturb Dany to say anything. She looked to the side, and their daughter was there. She did not care about Daario or Nesera or anyone when her parents were close. Dany raised her up and sat next to Jon with their daughter in her lap. 
"Papa sleep again?" she was staring at them with her wonderful deep brown eyes. 
"No. Papa is fine." Dany sighed and she couldn't stop smiling. "Papa is just... tired lately, and he needs to rest more, but he won't sleep again. Not in the way he did last time." Dany explained to Missandei. 

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