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Yara and Grey Worm were ready. They waited on the shore for the ships to arrive there. The recapture of Dragonstone went quite easy. Grey Worm and his soldiers easily destroyed and killed the few soldiers who Bran sent there, then he executed the ones who captured Yara and her men. 


"No!" Yara shouted with Grey Worm, who immediately wanted to kill Tyrion after he entered the chamber. "Don't!" she stood right in front of the unsullied captain. 
"He is a traitor!" Grey Worm can't take his eyes off of the dwarf. He hated him, he can't forgive him. His sins... no matter how many times passed. 
"He is." Yara tried to look into his eyes "He is a traitor, and that is why our Queen has to make a decision about his fate. She won't be happy if you just kill him. You know her." Yara tried to convince him. Grey Worm slowly lowered his weapon and made a face. He shouted something, and the next moment a few unsullied soldiers entered into the chamber. 
"Take him to the prison." he ordered them "and keep your eyes on him" 
They grabbed Tyrion and pulled him with themselves. No one noticed the look he and Yara exchanged while they were taking them out. He has no right to ask anything from her, or from Daenerys or Jon... he is not trustable, but she knew... they can't just kill him. Not yet. 


"Did you find Arya and Ser Brienne?" Yara asked him, while they were waiting. The boats approaching at the sea. 
"No." Grey Worm did not even turn to her. "They disappeared."
"Jon Snow won't be happy. I should have not lost the sight of Arya. What if they captured her?" Yara blamed herself.
"No one left from their troops. We've killed all of them. No one could capture the Stark girl." Grey Worm answered without any emotion. He did not care about Arya, he only cared about the traitor who they captured. Tyrion Lannister, who should be dead already. 
"I am afraid she does something crazy and... irresponsible" she shook her head and took a deep breath. 
"Who cares. The Starks ..." Grey Worm started to answer, but Yara turned to him at that moment and faced him.
"The Starks belongs to her family. You chose to serve her. You chose her as your Queen. She wants to protect the Starks. Or at least who are loyal to her." she was talking seriously. 

"As I see, you survived the retreat of the Island." Jon Snow stepped out of the boat. Nesera followed him with Missandei in her arms. "I am glad about it." Jon nodded towards them.
"Where is the Queen?" Grey Worm did not greet him, he just searched Dany with his eyes.
"She had something to take care of. She'll be here soon... I hope." Jon made a face. "Everything went as we planned?"
"Almost." Yara sighed, and Jon saw in her face there is something wrong. 
"Where is my sister?"


"Are you sure, you don't want to come with us?" Dany was ready to leave with Jenifire. They reached the wall and the wildings. Dany wanted to be sure, that they passed. Not that it matters... the wall was still broken, and there was a giant gap in the huge ice. Her eyes stuck on it. 
"No one knows how they created it," Jenifire stated. "Some said it was created with magic. Some said... it was built by humans. There are many legends about it."
"Still it is broken." Dany sighed. "We don't have much time." she turned back to Tormund. "Bring your people and everyone who you find as south as you can. We need every help to stop the Raven. That is the only way to stop the Night King too." 
"I do what I can." 
"Do not sacrifice yourself." Daenerys told straight to his face "You can't kill them. No one can. There is no reason to stay here and try to hold them up. It just... unnecessary sacrifice. We need to stop Bran and that is the only way. Do not give the Night King more people to his army." she worried about them. 
"I won't." Tormund nodded and stared at her. A few seconds passed in that way "I never really knew what that bastard boy saw in you. I mean outside the pretty face." Tormund told her, and Dany suddenly had no idea what to answer. Tormund never really cared about the formalities or decency. He just told that he thinks. "Now I know. You are a really unique woman, Dragon Queen, just like that bastard. And I owe you with my life because you saved my people. Again."
"He is not a bastard, and you are talking about your future King." Dany smiled a bit.
"It is time finally, to take your place," Tormund answered, and suddenly he just hugged her, and Dany couldn't say a word. She surprised. So much. She did not expect that... she couldn't even return the hug. 
"Take care of her." Tormund looked to the witch then turned back to Daenerys "Soon" he told her, then walked away. Jenifire followed him with her eyes. 
"May I ask... do you know him? From... earlier?" Dany frowned when she noticed
"No. Why do you ask this?" 
"I don't know. You just... act weird when he is around."
"I don't trust him. Just as he doesn't trust me. We should go, My Queen" Jenifire tried to close the topic. 
"Fine." Dany nodded, but she felt there must be something more behind her words. There was something that she hid from her. From everyone probably, she just can't figure out what. Yet. She decided to trust in Jenifire, more or less. She saved her life, and she agreed to help her, but there were many questions about her. Many doubts... and she was a bit afraid of what will happen when they'll arrive at Dragonstone. She couldn't get out of her head the thought... maybe Jon knows that woman. Maybe... they have some past together, but without her, she probably would never reach Dragonstone. Jenifire was her only chance to keep hidden from the raven's eyes. There was no other option. 

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