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Jon couldn't move. He couldn't believe what he sees. Drogon landed right in front of him and roared. He never believed he will see him again. He had no idea what to think. Why the beast is there? What does he want... maybe he came back to get his revenge on him because he killed his mother. The big creature leaned closer to him and smelled his body. Jon was standing stiff. He thought if he has to die in this way then let it be. He has nothing important to live for. He came to the North, beyond the wall with free folks, they followed him but that was not what he wanted. He realized it in the past few months. He did not feel himself at home. He thought he would but... when he stabbed her a part of him died with her. He was still not sure he made the right decision. He had doubts. Maybe Tormund was right and he did it because Tyrion told him that is the right thing. Maybe if he did not do it, Dany would kill his sisters... but that wouldn't be the Queen he knew.

Drogon roared again loudly. Jon glanced at Ghost. He was standing behind him but he looked calm. He did not want to attack the dragon. He just stood there watching them. Jon frowned and took a deep breath. He looked into Drogon's eyes. He could have sworn in the next minute Drogon bowed to him but that was nonsense. Drogon turned his side to him and let down his wing.
"What do you want from me?" He frowned. The dragon stepped closer and at that moment it was clear. He wanted him to get on his back. Jon shook his head.
"No." He took a step back "I am not the one you are searching for." He told to him. Drogon roared again straight to his face then just stared at him. Jon stretched out his hand and placed it on his face.
"I know you are alone and you are alone because of me. I know it." A tear dropped from his eye "I am so sorry. I still don't know if I've made the right decision or not. I see her face every night. I dream about the moment when she blew her last breath." Jon was crying. "I wish I could take it back." He closed his eyes and in the next moment, he released Drogon's head. "But I can't." He took a step back. Drogon roared again and got up into the sky. Jon was watching him. He committed a crime. He killed the one he loved but he already suffered enough. He knew he could never forgive himself.
"We should go back," he told to Ghost and when he raised his eyes to the sky again, Drogon was not there anymore.


"I was pregnant before but I swear it was not that hard." Dany held her belly and sat on the chair. She was close to giving birth to her child and she worried more and more every day. Kinvara just laughed about her.
"What if I won't survive?" She really worries about that. She wanted nothing more than this child but she heard many stories about giving birth and it made her worried.
"Than the Lord of Light wants it in that way."
"You did not calm me down," Dany stated and made a face.
"I am sorry my Queen but I speak just the truth. We are in the hand of him."
"I always thought we control our own destiny," Dany answered.
"If that is the truth then you should be dead," Kinvara stated without any emotion. She saw it hurts her and went closer. "Our Lord guided you out from the Long Night. Brought you back from the dead. And let this " she placed her hand on her belly. She felt how the baby moves "happen. And you still don't believe in him?"
Dany felt ashamed. She was right. Even it was hard to believe. She is still breathing and carrying a child. She still couldn't decide if it is a blessing or a curse to her.
"Thank your God I met and fall in love with a man who betrayed and killed me."
"And you still love him"
"I don't." She hissed "How could I? He made the greatest betrayal. The betrayal of love. He took advantage of my trust and my love for him. I would never forgive him this crime." She answered with fire in her eyes. She meant it. She swore to herself if she ever sees Jon Snow again she will be the one who put a knife to his heart.
"We'll see" Kinvara smiled at her.


A few days passed since Jon saw Drogon. He still doesn't know what to think about it. He was worried a bit because he knew it is not safe. Not for the North, not for the six kingdoms, and neither for Drogon. He did not want anyone to get hurt again. The war had enough losses. For everyone.
"Can I help?" A red woman went to him. He was trying to sew his cape.
"Thanks" he handed it to her.
"My name is Valeria. I watched you for a while." She told him. Jon was looking at her. She had dark green eyes. Small nose. Long, disheveled red hair and maybe a too-strong chin for a woman, but her smile was kind and sweet. She started to sew his cape slowly. "So you are the hero who saved our people?"
Jon remained in silence. Hero. That word was not true to him. He was everything but not a hero. He was a traitor. A Queen slayer...
"I know you are not mute. I heard you speak many times." She was smiling at him.
"No. No, I am not mute." He answered with a half smile.
"What is your name?"
"Jon. Jon Snow."
"Snow? Are you a bastard?" She raised her eyes to him.
"It is... complicated." He answered with a deep breath.
"It is just as complicated as we made it. I came here to talk to you because I like you." She leaned closer to him "And as I said I've been watching you for a while now. You are all alone." She continued. She was clearly flirting with him and that makes him embarrassed. "You don't have to be alone" Valeria leaned closer and she wanted to give a kiss on his lips but he jumped up.

"It is done." She stood up and gave the cap back to Jon.
"I am sorry but..." he frowned.
"People hear gossip here. Some say you are still in love with a woman who died. Some say you killed her. Some say you like the boys." She giggled while she stepped closer to him "I wanted to know ... maybe all of those are lies." She placed her hand on his chest. Jon gently held it and removed it.
"You are ... really beautiful and kind. And thank you for the help but..." he sighed.
"So it is true." She stared at his face "Must be a very special girl" she was still flirting with him.
"She was." He swallowed.
"Was. Let me help you to forget her." She kissed him but the minute her lips touched his, he jumped back. Valeria smiled. "Don't be afraid." She stepped closer again but at that moment roar filled the air. Jon just left the girl and walked forward to see it better. It was Drogon again. Everyone started to scream while he was landing.

"Don't worry! Keep calm" Jon yelled but he understood. Drogon was big and scary and they all heard about the stories of how he destroyed King's Landing in a half day. Everyone ran away, and Drogon continuously roared. Jon went to him and Drogon stopped finally. He let down his wings again and he wanted Jon to get up.
"What do you want from me?" Jon asked him and he just let his wings down. "I cannot go with you" He stated. Drogon roared again to his face. It seemed the beast wanted something from him. Maybe he wants to take him to a place where he can easily burn him alive. After he burned the Iron Throne instead of him he was sure, the dragons are more clever than anyone ever thought. He turned back and looked at Tormund. He shrugged his shoulder. Jon thought if he gets on and flies away with Drogon at least he could keep his people safe. He climbed to the dragon's back and the beast raised to the air in that minute.


Daenerys was walking around. She needed some air and silence. She was really grateful to Kinvara and to the Lord of Lights but she couldn't hear all those prayers... all day. It was harder for her to move. Her belly was so big, and she counted down the minutes until she finally gets over this. She went to the market. Everyone loved and knew her in that place. They had no idea who she is, they knew her as Dany, the smiling and kind pregnant girl. It was better for everyone in this way. Especially to her child and that was the most important thing. She changed. Pregnancy changed her. She did not want power anymore. She did not want the Seven or Six Kingdoms. She wanted the thing, that she dreamt about when she was a child. A house with a red door with lemon trees.

Drogon landed in a field next to the city. Jon climbed down and almost shouted at him
"Are you crazy? Where did you bring me?" He looked around and he was sure he is not in Westeros anymore. No. The sun was warmer, the fields were drier. "Are we in Essos?" He looked to Drogon questioningly. The dragon just spread his wings and flew away. "Great." Jon felt himself an idiot. It was even worse than he burnt him alive. He had no idea where he is, he had no money and he was on the other side of the world. He threw his cape to the ground and started to walk towards the city. Life was sparkling there. Everyone was smiling and laughing. It was so different than the North. It was filled with... life. A life that he'll never have. It was his fault he knew it but at that moment he wanted it. He went deeper and deeper into the city.

"No. Nonono. It will be a boy I am sure" that voice. It was so familiar to him. He saw a woman covered with a scarf, talking with a seller. She started to laugh and Jon's heart stopped. That laugh. He remembered clearly. That was his favorite laugh in all the world. He was staring at the women and tried to hear everything. He was far enough from her to hide. He could've sworn... but that was ridiculous. She died. He killed her with his own hands.
"Thank you" the woman finally turned in his direction and at that moment his heart skipped a beat. He forgot to breathe. He forgot everything in the world. He frowned and couldn't believe his own eyes. It was her. It was ... Daenerys and she... Jon lowered his head and then looked at her again. She was pregnant. No. No, it cannot be her. That was nonsense. In the next moment, everyone heard a dragon roar and Drogon was flying over them. Dany looked up with a smile to the air and the scarf fall from her hair. Jon took a step closer. Her silver-blonde hair. Her beautiful face. Her full lips. Her green-blue eyes. She quickly put the scarf back to cover her hair and walked away. Jon frozen. Daenerys is alive and she is pregnant... but that is ... just cannot be possible. Or is it?

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