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Jon tried to see better what is going on in front of them, but he only saw some blue eyes, and it was so blurred. He couldn't see it well. He showed Nesera to stay back with his daughter, and the next moment Dany landed next to them with Drogon. They looked at each other. The two small little dragons arrived there too and they landed tumbled next to them. Daenerys kept her eyes on them, and she worried. They were just children, just as Missandei and they should have not been there. They should have been somewhere in the Narrow Sea, at that damn boat, in safe. Jon turned back and he stepped forward. He raised his sword to be ready for the attack. Arya did the same.
"Jon," Dany whispered his name then she glanced back to Nesera and her daughter. Missandei was in silence and motionless. She was staring at that one point where her father saw the blue eyes. Daenerys squeezed Drogon's back and she was ready to give the order to burn them. Jon took another step towards the mist. "Jon!" Dany warned him to stop, but he knows they need to end this, as soon as they can or too many will die. Drogon roared loudly as if he wanted to warn Joral and Dagon to stay behind. The two small dragons immediately run back to Missandei and Nesera and surrounded them. Arya swallowed a big one and accompanied Jon with every step. 
"Your Grace." it was Nesera who formed some words at that minute, and her eyes stopped on the forest next to them. Dany turned to the direction. She caressed Drogon's neck and she felt how her heart was beating in her throat. Jon glanced to the side, then he turned back to the blue eyes. 

"They're surrounding us." Arya turned her head back and forth, but she did not have too much time to think. Suddenly the blue eyes started to come closer to them faster. Drogon roared loud again, and the two little dragons flew up to the air, did a circle above Missandei and Nesera, and formed a fire circle around them. 
"Dany! Now!" Jon warned her to order Drogon, but before she could say the words something caught that huge thing with blue eyes and knocked it down to the field. Drogon opened his mouth to spread fire:
"Don't! Drogon stop!" Daenerys tried to stop her, and it was the last moment before he spread fire to the enemy, and to Ghost. The huge direwolf grabbed the dead bear which almost attacked them and bit his neck deeply. The bear was hoeing, fought but not a second later Ghost ripped his head off. Another few wolves came out of the forest and walked towards them slowly. Ghost turned to them majestically and they stopped and waited for him. They waited for his order. 
"Ghost." Jon couldn't believe that he is there. He glanced at Daenerys and he knew she is worried. The wolf stepped closer and when he crouched to him to caress his head he felt how his arm hurt. There was a scratch on the wolf's leg. Jon tried to cover his pain. He doesn't want Dany to know. She has enough things to worry about. So their connection was still there, and if anything happens to Ghost... he may die, but right at that moment, his wolf saved his life. They heard some more growling from the mist, and all of them turned to the direction. Ghost began to growl and with the wolves, he attacked the other enemy. Jon followed them with Arya and the fight started. There were more blue-eyed bears and some other animals.  They fought wildly, meanwhile, Daenerys had no idea what to do. She can't burn them. If she gave the order, all of those wolves including Ghost are going to die. Dagon and Joral were jumping around Missandei and Nesera, they were trying to protect them. Dany saw how one of the bears could break through the lines of Jon and Ghost, and it was running towards her daughter. Drogon turned sharply, she barely could hold on and he spread fire towards the bear without her order. Everything disappeared in the flames, including Missandei and Nesera. She was trying to find them with her eyes, but she only saw the two small dragons flew up into the air. 

"Run! Take her away!" she heard Jon's voice and then she saw how he was running towards them, Arya and Ghost with the herd left followed him. Too many blue eyes appeared behind them and at the minute they reached the line of Drogon he opened his mouth. 
"Dracarys" Dany ordered him, and he did that his mother said. Jon curled up to cover himself from the flames, and he pulled his sister under his huge cloak too.  With one breath he could burn all the deads in front of them, and Jon stood up and his mouth fell open. He was standing face to face with his daughter, who was standing in front of Nesera and her hand was in the flame circle which the little dragons made around them. He turned in the direction of the deads and he saw how the fire spread around, and became bigger until it destroys the last of their attacker. Her daughter... she did something with the flames. She had some power to ... control the fire. Dany finally could see her daughter and she immediately jumped down from Drogon and caught her, hold her to her chest, and kissed her head. She felt how a tear rolled down her face. She was squeezing Missandei. Jon looked around once more, but it seemed the fire could stop this group of wrights. He moved his arm a bit, but it was still hurt. Arya noticed it. She wanted to open her mouth to ask him, but he shook his head and stepped closer to his family. The flame circle that the small dragons made disappeared. 
"Dany" He placed his hand on her shoulder and she turned to him. They hugged their daughter. Daenerys couldn't stop crying. She thought the worst and she was not sure she can continue this. To risk her daughter's life. It was too much. It was too scary and the Night King ... she had no idea how many deads are waiting for them until they can reach him. "Dany." Jon tried to get her attention and whispered her name again.
"We can't. We can't win. We can't do this." she shook her head and blurted. 
"We can. We are still here and alive. Together."
"I thought... she died. I thought... when Drogon spread those flames towards them I thought..." 
"Flames cannot hurt me," Missandei told them quietly and they both turned to her and staring at her face. They were totally confused. 
"She can... " Jon swallowed "She can control the flames. Somehow. She can... control the fire. That is how Drogon... could burn all of them." he tried to explain even if he doesn't understand the whole thing. "She could make my sword... to blaze inside the city." 
"And she could direct the flames to not hurt us," Nesera added. "She ... only she has the power to ... defeat him. That is her destiny." she stepped closer.

"I don't care about destiny, she is my daughter," Dany answered angrily. "I won't take her closer. I won't risk her life." she raised her voice.
"I am afraid you have no other choice." Nesera frowned. 
"It's not you who decides what I am going to do," she answered so threateningly. 
"You saw what she could do." Nesera tried to continue. "You know I am right." 
"No." Daenery shook her head again and she raised her eyes at Jon and waited for his help. Waited for him to support her in her decision. 
"It is something... bigger than us." Jon couldn't look into her eyes. He lowered his head. "It is something that we ... can't understand, but... I know and I saw ... she is our only chance."
"You are talking about your daughter." Dany swallowed. "You can't talk seriously. You want to sacrifice her or what?" she freaked out.
"Of course I don't." Jon surprised that she can suppose this. "I want nothing else, just take both of you away from this war, but I can't." he placed his hand on her shoulder and forced her to look into his eyes. "She can warg into the dragons. She can control the flames. Even if you don't want to accept it, she is not a normal girl. She is not just an average child." he tried. "She was born to destroy the army of the dead."
"She was born to bring the dawn." Nesera corrected his words. 
"Those dragons... should be in that damn ship, with you." Daenerys turned to Nesera "In safe. Yet they are here, risking their lives. Because you were not able to keep them there. Ghost is here too. You remember right? If anything happens to him... " she pointed to the wolf. "Don't you see it? We are marching to our deaths." she looked into Jon's eyes. 
"Maybe that is the only way to stop them." Jon hated to say that but that was the truth. 
"I don't want to interrupt that talk but... meanwhile you are arguing here many are dying inside the city." Arya cut the conversation. "I understand that you don't want to risk her life, but I won't give up. If I have to I kill him with my bare hands again, and again... any time that I need too I'll do it, but there are people inside the city who I love. Who I care about. If you want to run away with your daughter, do it, but if you are who I think you are... just believe in us. Believe that we can defeat him." she was so confident and determined. 

"Mom" Missandei placed her hand to her mother's face. Jon was staring at them. He understood Dany's feelings, he felt the same, but he had to put aside his fears, his heart... his feelings... all of them dies if they won't try. All of them. Not just the ones who they love, who they care about... they are going to die too if they run away now. Because the Night King won't stop until he destroys all the human world, to make it a better place. He is going to reach Essos sooner or later, no matter how far they run. No matter how much they want to keep their daughter, their family in save. There was only one way. If they end this. Now. There was no other option. Missandei kept her eyes on her mother and her hand rest on her cheek. She doesn't have to say a word Dany could read in her mind. She was just a child, but so much power was in her. The power to end the war. She could feel it. She nodded after a second. 
"If any of you ... make a mistake" she looked around. "and you don't do everything to keep her alive." her eyes stopped on Jon's face.
"I'll die sooner than let anything to happen with her," he swore to Daenerys. 
"Should this calm me down?" she asked him, and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. 
"We have to go," he warned her and took Missandei out of her hands and kissed her head. When he gave her back to Nesera he hissed because he made a wrong move and he felt the pain in his arm. 
"What is it?" Dany grabbed his arm and took a closer look.
"Nothing. Just... I made a sudden move" Jon shook his head and pulled out his arm from her hand. "We have to go." he gave a kiss to her forehead and stepped away. She lowered her head and saw Ghost's wound on his leg. It was still bleeding a bit. Everything falls apart. Everything they planned. Everything they wanted to do. Ghost injured, the small dragons did not have any armor and they were there. They were heading to the biggest enemy with their almost-three-year-old daughter. She couldn't imagine a worse version than that. 

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