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"Wonder when Nesera or Ser Davos will say us, to take care of our own daughter at nights," Jon stated with a quiet laugh when they walked back to Dany's room, and Dany smiled back at him. She still felt confused, and it still hurts. The loss of her child, but spending that day with her family... with Jon and Missandei gave her strength. Gave her hope... maybe Jon was right and there are still many reasons to live. Even for her. 
"My Queen" Grey Worm stopped them. 
"It is not the right time," Jon answered immediately. "We want to go back to her room and sleep." he straightened himself. 
"You did not come to the tactical meeting, that you ordered for today. I wanted to know everything is alright or... Can I do something for you?"
Dany shook her head and walked forward. Jon followed her, and she heard how Grey Worm followed them too. She stopped and turned to him.
"Go and have some rest. I don't need your service tonight. An no one else." she told him quietly. 
"But... your safety." he frowned.
"He can take care of it." she took Jon's hand and nodded towards Grey Worm, then turned to leave. Jon smiled a bit and followed Dany. His best decision was to go there ... and shake her up. He got back the woman he loved... the woman who trusted him. 
"And Grey Worm." She stopped again. "I gave an order today, to disappear those eggs from my daughter's room, but those are still there. Instead of worrying about me, and Jon Snow you rather fulfill my command."
"I did not... get the command, it was not given." Grey Worm shook his head. "Where... to take those?"
"Out from the Pyramid. I don't care," she answered without any emotion. "But away from my daughter."
"You should not rush this decision" Jon looked into her eyes and placed his hand to her shoulder. "We'll take care of those eggs tomorrow. Those are just eggs, those cannot hurt Missandei and Davos is there." Jon tried to make rational reasons. "Let's sleep one... before you make this decision. Please." he stared her eyes.
"You don't have the right to question her decisions." Grey Worm took a step forward "I understand your command and I will disappear those eggs from the room." He turned his back and started to leave.
"Dany, you're gonna regret it." Jon tried again. He knew her. He knew if she does this... now... it will be another huge mistake. "You know I am right. Deep in your heart you know"
"Wait!" she sighed and stopped Grey Worm. "Jon is right. Tomorrow we'll handle the egg issue." she swallowed. 
"As you wish" Grey Worm bowed with his head, then glanced at Jon. 
"Good night" Jon nodded towards him and they left him there. 

Gendry kissed her fiercely. Pressed her to the wall and almost ripped her clothes off. Too much nervousness... too much rejection... he had to forget the woman he loved. She will never love him back, and meanwhile, she was there. Her kissable lips, her glamourous deep brown eyes. She was sexy, beautiful and she cared about him. She was looking for his company, and no matter how many times he rejected her... at the moment he kissed her, she kissed him back. He knew... maybe they should not go further, but that was a good feeling. That woman was on fire, and he wanted to taste her. He wanted more at the moment he shoved his tongue to her mouth. She was moaning while they were kissing, and he did not wait for any longer. There was nothing to wait for. He almost throws her to the bed and raised her legs up, placed those to his shoulder, and he thrust her. Thrust her with his hard sex, and he felt how his blood was boiling in his veins. 
"Yes," Lilyanna dug her nails to his back and scratched it. He felt the pain and hissed, but continued to fuck her. He did not care about Arya. Not at that moment. He hated her because of how she acted with him. He wanted to forget her, and maybe that was not the best way, but he needed someone. Even if it was not right. Even if he just used her ... when he saw her in the corridor, he took her hand and guided her to his room. He closed the door and kissed her. She knew him. She knew how he feels... and she did not care. She just wanted him. Even if it is just for one night. "Fuck me, baby." Lilyanna moaned into his mouth and grabbed his butt. "I want it" 

"Are you okay?" Jon hugged Daenerys. 
"I just don't understand." she shook her head and stepped away from him. She clearly had something in her mind. 
"What?" Jon frowned.
"Why ... " she started then turned to him "Why are those eggs so important for you? Those eggs belong to Drogon, and he is responsible for the situation we are in and... " she explained.
"Because I know you," he answered immediately. He realized he had to be stronger than ever. Dany's personality is strong, and she usually does what she wants. Now he has to be her brake. Before she does things... that she will regret later. Even if it is a hard role to play. 
"I..." she opened her mouth but then remained in silence. She wanted to answer, but she needed to realize, he may right. Even if she did not want to accept it that moment. 
"You hate the world right now." he stepped closer "Even dragons... even Drogon... you blame them and I understand, but I know you. You can never hurt him." he smiled a bit and swiped away a lock from her face. "You even... hated me... yesterday," he added.
"I've never hated you." she raised her eyes at him. "I just... I am clueless. I have no idea what to do with that feeling. It kills me from inside. The grief... the pain... I want to ... I want to..." she was fighting with herself.
"You want to burn down everything everywhere" Jon's face became serious "But you know it won't help, and I won't let you do that. Now I am here." He took her hands. "And if you want to cry, just cry. If you want to shout with someone... shout with me. I am your support and your partner. Your love. No matter what happened." he hugged her. 
"I think I am going to lose my mind." Dany's voice thinned and placed her head to his shoulder, while she was squeezing him close. 
"You won't. Time will ... heal the wounds. Every wound." Jon took a deep breath. "Maybe now... we need more time, but you'll be okay." he kissed her head. "We'll be okay." they were standing there in an embrace for a couple of seconds. 
"I have an idea." Jon looked at her face. "I make you a bath and you can relax a bit. Okay?" he was staring at her, and she just nodded. "Just a few minutes." he gave a kiss to her forehead and left to the bath area. Dany walked to the balcony. Silence and darkness. That is all she saw. She did not even see the stars in the sky, and that was weird. Deep in her heart, she felt, something dark ... something evil is around them. Around everywhere. Jon and Missandei were the best things in her life, but will she be able to ... save them from this darkness. Even from herself. What if she really loses her mind again? What if she does something horrible? There were many questions in her mind. She lost a baby once... now another one. The Gods are very cruel with her... at least she has Missandei. A beautiful daughter. She knew it is more than she could ever imagine. Several minutes passed, while she was standing there, drowning in her thoughts. Jon's voice brought her back to reality. 
"Come" he whispered to her and took her hand. He guided her to the bath and started to untie her dress. Dany just followed his moves. He was so gentle, tender-hearted... his moves were slow. She let the dress fall to the floor, and Jon smiled a bit. She was beautiful. As always. She had the most perfect body in the whole world. 
"I'll be..." he lowered his head "I'll be in the room." he tried to not staring at her.
"I thought you might stay," Dany answered quietly.
"I did not think you want me to..."
"I ... am not ready for ... I mean..." she explained.
"I did not think about that either." Jon smiled a bit. 
"But... I'd like you to stay. Here. With me. If you want to. I ... feel save. When you are around."
"Do you need me... or are you afraid to be alone?" Jon stepped closer. 
"I cannot answer that right now." Dany shook her head. 
"It's okay." Jon caressed her cheek and he started to unbutton his shirt. After he removed all his clothes, he sat into the bath and Dany was sitting in front of him. He placed his arms around her and they enjoyed the peace. The silence. No matter how he wanted and addicted to her... that was not that moment. He couldn't even think about... having sex with her. Now... her soul needed to heal, and he was sure, he can do it. 

Missandei was climbing on the floor. She escaped from her cradle somehow. She was crawling in the room, meanwhile, Davos fall asleep in the bed. He was snoring. The baby went straight towards the dragon eggs and she grabbed the edge of the tablecloth and started to pull it. The eggs moved and she continued to pull the cloth. Some things fell over the table, and Davos started to wake up. Missandei scrambled one more on the cloth, and two of the candles were fallen to the floor right next to her. That moment Davos woke up and he got shocked. He immediately jumped there and extinguished the flame which blew up right next to the baby, but she just smiled and giggled, even tried to touch the fire. Davos's heart stopped for a minute, but he can put out the fire quite quickly Thank God he woke up.
"I think the difficult part is coming" He looked down at MIssandei and she was still giggling and cooed something. Davos grabbed her and raised her up, but she was still holding the cloth, and with that move one of the eggs fall to the floor. And it started to move. By itself. Davos kept his eyes on it and crouched. With Missandei in his arms. The eggshell broke and a small little monster putting out his head from it. Davos's mouth fall open, meanwhile, Missandei wanted to touch it. They heard another crack and Davos stood up. The egg, that was still on the table hatched too. As if Missandei had felt it. 
"Dagon" she babbled and she was still trying to touch those animals, but Davos did not let him. "Dagon" she babbled again but Davos walked to the door immediately and opened it. 
"Call the Queen and Jon Snow here!" he told nervously to the guard "NOW" he almost yelled with him. He looked into the room, and after a second of realization he left... almost ran towards the Queen's chamber. 
"My heaven!" Davos was staring at the small, tiny animals. A green and a reddish one. They were so small. So weak. So tiny... and they will become gorgeous beasts in some years. He couldn't imagine Drogon was that small someday. It was inconceivable. 
"I've heard ..." Arya stopped next to Davos, at the door too. "noises." her mouth fell open. Dragons. More dragons. Here... she frowned and took some steps closer.
"Cautiously" Davos warned her.
"They can't even breathe fire yet." Arya smiled at him above her shoulder. 
"How do you know?" Davos shook her head.
"I've... read about them a lot. When I was a child." Arya answered and knelt down next to the reddish one on the floor and stretched her hand. 
"Dagon" Missandei said it again and she was smiling so happily. 
"Yes. Dragons." Davos stated, and he was still not sure, how will Daenerys react to those creatures. After the things that happened...

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