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"Fuck I hate that dragon-riding thing. All inches of my body hurts." Tormund growling when they finally landed at the North. It was cold and snow ... covered everything, everywhere. Dany could see her breath. She looked at Lilyanna, who knelt down and she was muttering some spell. Maybe she was really wrong about her. She really looked like... she wanted to help, but she still had doubts. She cannot forget how her sister kidnapped her, she wanted to kill her, and they wanted to bring her daughter to Bran. Missandei... her heart started to beat faster when she thought about her. She hoped she is in safe with her father. She wanted to be with them. She should have stayed with them on that boat, but... her duty, their duty interjected. The thing they wanted to do, is not the same, what they had to do. She started to take steps in the snow, and she smiled a bit when she saw how Tormund patting Drogon's side and the huge beast turned his big head to him. 
"Easy boy" Tormund took a step back immediately and Dany just giggling about them, then when she turned to another direction her smile froze. 
"Tormund." She tried to warn him quietly. A huge army of the northerners was facing them. Armed. Huge arrows, huge swords. It was strange. Maybe they got some weapons from the King. That would explain that. Tormund tried to jump next to Daenerys but the snow slowed him down. 
"Wait." he tried to warn the people. "wait"
"That is her." some started to whisper in the crowd. "The mad Queen." another continued. "She set King's Landing on fire. She killed innocents." Dany heard the voices. "She wants to kill us." she tried to remain calm, but she was afraid. "She should be dead."  Some of those people started to walk closer to her, with their weapons, and the next moment Drogon roared next to her. Loudly. 
"No." she yelled with the huge animal. "Do not hurt them" she ordered the beast. 
"Wait." Tormund finally stood in front of Daenerys. He was standing between them.  "Do not hurt her. She is not a threat to you. She came here to help." 


"Do we know something about the Greyjoys and the unsullied?" Jon asked Samwell on the board.
"Nothing. Since we can't use ravens, it is quite hard to send pieces of information." he sighed. 
"So I guess there is no information from the north either." Jon almost hit the railing. "I should not let her leave alone. 
"Jon. She did what she has to do. You would have done the same." Sam tried to calm him down.
"But I couldn't. I should have been the one who goes there. But I let my dragon die so I am useless." he blamed himself. 
"You are not useless. And that was... not your fault." Sam placed his hand to his shoulder. "She... has entrusted to you... her most precious treasure. Your most precious treasure. Without you, she could not have gone to help others." Sam was talking from his heart but it did not comfort Jon. He had a very bad feeling, and he wanted to be there. In the North. With Daenerys. 
"My Lord." Nesera stepped to them. "The princess is awake and looking for her parents."
"See." Sam smiled. "You are exactly where you have to be." 


"She is dangerous" A man yelled with Tormund. They were sitting in a tent and Tormund tried to convince them to change their minds. Dany was standing outside but she could hear everything they were talking about. 
"She came here, risked her life, and want to help you. We have to leave. We have to leave for the south, as soon as possible." Tormund stood up.
"Why? To be in the cities which she'll burn again?" the man was sarcastic. Dany took a deep breath, she wanted to have a word with them, but she tried to hold herself back. 
"She is not the same woman, and we were not there. None of us were there when she did... the thing that we think she did. Those things that people say about her. Maybe those things are all fake."
"Bullshit" the man answered, and that moment Tormund grabbed him by his neck and pushed him to the ground. For the noise, Dany also entered into the tent, and her mouth falls open. 
"You are going to die, idiot!" he yelled with him. "The Night King and all the army of the dead is coming for us. Again. We have to leave. All of us, have to leave!" 
"Tormund." Dany stepped closer and placed her hand to his shoulder. She pulled him back. Tormund raised his eyes on her and she shook her head. "We are here to help them," Dany added and looked around.
"There are some idiots who are helpless." He hissed and straightened. Stood right next to the Queen. "If any on you try to hurt her that will be the end of your days." He turned his back at them a Dany smiled a bit under her nose. The fact he stood next to her, he supported her... she would have never thought that, and she knew he only did it because of Jon but it did not matter what was the reason. She and Jon together were capable to do things... to achieve things that they could have never achieved alone. Together they could make the world unite. The north, the east, the west... only the south left.

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