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"Tyrion?" Sansa was walking in the crypts. She got a message from Tyrion. He wanted to talk with her there. She did not understand. The bones of the dead dragons frightened her. She walked passed the small ones, then stopped next to the giant dragon face. Most part of the crypts destroyed but of course, those giant beasts... the memory of those giant beasts survived the attack against King's Landing.
"Lady Sansa." Tyrion stepped closer to her.
"Queen" she corrected him.
Tyrion nodded appreciatively. Not that it matters how she calls herself. Not in this situation. Not now...
"You wanted to talk with me. Why here?" Sansa asked him.
"It is save here. No ... living creature around. Just you and me." he looked around again to be sure.
"Save from who?" Sansa raised her eyebrow.
"You..." he lowered his head "Have you noticed... anything weird about your brother?"
"About Bran?" Sansa asked, and Tyrion nodded barely noticeable. "He is your king. You chose him, to be the King of the Six Kingdoms. You are his hand."
"I know. This is why I am here. Because I stand my choice, until the end. But... maybe I am paranoid. Everyone disappeared ... I have a feeling Ser Davos and Samwell... are not away to help us." he tried to be as honest as he could.
"What do you mean?"
"When your brother, the King... told us... he wanna kill Jon Snow and his child... Not just Daenerys. Many of us... scared. He is his brother. You... all grew up together. I tried to understand his reasons. But..."
"The Targaryens has to die," Sansa stated and looked up to Balerion bones. "All of them. This is the only way how peace can come. You heard him."
"Jon is also a Targaryen." Tyrion mentioned quietly. "And a Stark"
"He saw it. He saw him changed." Sansa continued.
"Are we sure... he saw it?"
"What you're doing now... is treason." Sansa looked at him with anger in her eyes.
"I am just talking to an old friend. An old friend, who loves her brother. Both of her brothers. I know you don't wanna see him die. Not after the things he did for the North."
"If Jon is with Daenerys. If he supports her ... then he has to die. His child too. Daenerys is a murderer. If he chose to be on the wrong side, we have no other choice." Sansa turned her back at him and started to walk away.
"Who said, he chose the wrong side? Who decides which side is wrong or good? You've always hated Daenerys, not just because of the things she has done in King's Landing, but ... you always loved your brother. Can you imagine, he would support her if she is still ... act the same way, as she did in King's Landing? You know him. Maybe ... Better than any of us."


Sam entered into Missandei's chamber without any knock. Daenerys was there with her daughter in her arms. She raised her eyebrow and staring him.
"Ahm... I... my apologies. I thought... Ser Davos told me... that... Jon is here." he started embarrassing.
"He went to take a bath. A couple of minutes ago. I'll tell him, that you are looking for him." she answered quietly, and she still kept the distance from him. He was looking at them and did not move. His eyes stopped on the little baby.
"Is ... she...? Of course, she is... I just..."
"She is our daughter. Missandei." Dany answered and turned to him with the baby in her arms.
"May I... ?" he stepped closer but Daenerys did not answer. She lowered her head, and Sam slowly walked to them. He did not touch the baby, just wanted to take a look at her... more closely.
"She is a really beautiful little girl." he stated.
"Thank you." Dany tried to be polite, but it was so clear, she did not want him to be around.
"I... " Sam stuttered "I... better go. And wait for Jon until... he finishes."

"You've " Dany stopped him "wanted to tell something about Bran and his power? Or...?" she asked.
"Yeah." he lowered his head with a smile "When I care about something... I usually dig really deep in that topic, and... I wanted to share with him..."
"You can share with me. I mean... he told me everything, what you've told him. Yesterday." she placed Missandei to the cradle.
"Sure. Sure. I am... here to help you. So... of course."
Daenerys sat to the chair, near to her daughter, and looking at Sam. She waited.
"So he probably mentions you the Azor Ahai theory. What I've told him. He thinks that is nonsense, but deeper I go ... it is more obvious." he started, but Dany was looking at him questioningly. "He did tell you... didn't he?"
"No. He ... skipped that part. What theory?" Dany shook her head.
"Short version. Azor Ahai killed... stabbed his love. And in this way, he created Lightbringer, a sword, what brings the dawn." Sam tried to explain it in a short way.
"I don't understand. You wanna tell me, that the dagger that he used..."
"No. No. I did not mean the dagger."
"Or you want him to kill me again?" Dany stood up and walked closer.
"No." Sam answered "Neither of that. I think your daughter... is the light. The one who brings the better world. She is the Lightbringer. She is ... the one who can save the world from the fights, the madness, the hate. The wars. She is a bright future for all of us. She is the one who ... somehow can defeat the darkness."
"She is a few months old baby." Dany answered.
"I know. I ... don't know the details. Maybe ... Bran is not able to control her. Or not able to see things around her. I don't know ... I just... why else would they bring you back? I mean... you died. And you are here. You ... gave birth to this child, because the world needs her."
"I thought we defeat the darkness and the great evil when we defeated the army of the dead." Dany tried to understand.

"Me too, but ... Bran is some evil creature now. Maybe ... the Night King... was not that evil. I found something about it too." Sam explained. "I don't want to tell anything about it until I have proof but... "
"Sam?" Jon stepped into the room. "What are you doing here?"
"Telling the details, that you forgot to tell me." Dany immediately answered.
"What?" Jon looked at his friend.
"I thought you... " Sam started.
"About our daughter is the future savior of the world." Dany made a face "or is it not important enough? Lightbringer. Or how he called her."
"Dany. It is just some generations of old legend." Jon rolled his eyes.
"The army of the death. The dragons. Those were just legends too. And yet those things happened. Now. In our lives." She answered.
"She is right," Sam stated quietly. Jon gave an angry look to him then turned back to Dany.
"Why not this be true?" Dany asked him.
"Dany. It is... nonsense. How could a baby..."
"I was a small little girl when my brother sold me to the dothrakies. No one ever thought... I can be their leader someday. No one ever thought... I can be a Queen someday. No one ever thought I really sail to Westeros someday. I..."
"And no one ever thought how it ends," Jon answered to her. "Power is a dangerous thing. We all saw that. I don't want my daughter to be... some kind of hero. I want her to be ... my daughter. With a normal life. I ... "
"It is not a thing we chose," Dany answered.
"I thought you are done with it. The ruling. Westeros. Everything. I thought ... you want a normal life."
"I wanted." she was looking into his eyes "But we'll never have a normal life. No matter what we want. No matter how we want it. The Red Priestesses brought us back for reason. Maybe we have to accept our fate. Our destiny. Her destiny."
"You talk the same way as ... " he started, but he stopped.
"As? In King's Landing?" her eyes clearly shown how hurt she is because he told that.
"Dany... we ... need too... we need to learn more. Know more. I ..."
"You better go," she told him and turned away.
"You better go," she told again and walked back to the cradle. Jon looked at Sam again, shook his head and walked out of the room. Sam followed him.

"Jon. I am sorry, I did not want to..." Sam started.
"No. You did not want to. You never want to cause any trouble Sam, and you always do. Why the hell you told her those things?"
"I thought... you ... told her already."
"What?" Jon spread his arms "That nonsense theory about Nissa Nissa, and Lightbringer? Seriously? Sam! I've told you yesterday I don't believe this. I' ve told you... to let this thing go, and ... just rely on the facts. That we know for sure." he raised his voice.
"Why you did not tell her?"
"Because I want to protect them. I don't want my child to be a savior. I don't want her to be some kind of Queen or the hope for the future. I want to protect her. Just as her mother."
"She believes in it."
"Because you've told her. I don't want my daughter to be... " he stopped. Lowered his voice.
"You are afraid." Sam stated, "You are afraid... she might do the same that her mother did."
"As I said, power is dangerous." Jon tried to be calm. "She is still recovering. She is still... has those nightmares. About that day. I hear her screams... at night. She is suffering. I don't want her to be around Westeros again. I don't want her... to ... I don't wanna lose her again Sam. I want to end the threat that Bran means to us, and live. With her. Here, or behind the wall. Wherever she wants to. But if she thinks our daughter ... has some great role in the future. She ..." Jon closed his eyes and took a deep breath "She won't give this up."
"You should tell her. Your fears."
"Maybe... but it would be better If you would've not told her anything." Jon shook his head and walked away from him

Dany did not really talk with anyone that day. She spent her day with Missandei. Jon needed to think. He was walking around in the city. He still saw how the unsullied looking at him. He knew they would never hurt him, but ... it was clear, they don't trust him. He saw Drogon overflown the city. He thought back to the moment when he went for him. To the North. He found him and brought him here. His best decision was... to get on his back and flew here, but Sam appearance just mixed the things. He really doesn't know ... what he should say to Dany. He doesn't want it. He doesn't want her daughter... put in that risk. He spotted Arya and Gendry. Laughing together. Walking around in the city. He was staring them, and he envied them. They don't have those problems. They are not chosen ones, just a woman and a man. Who can easily live happily ... ever after. That is all that he wanted. He always wanted that. A normal life. Without responsibility, duty... and yet, he always in the same situation. He is the one who has to save the humans, the realm... everyone. No matter how many times he did it already. No matter what he did for the realm already. He really wanted to be honest with Dany, but he knew. Dany is more like him ... she would never let the people suffer... if the choice is in her hands. She cares more. She was born to be a Queen... just as their daughter. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe Dany was right. He should accept their destiny. But that destiny means... more losses and more pain... and a neverending fight.  

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