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"Dany" Jon looked into her eyes deeply. Longingly. 
"Let him go" she swallowed and whispered barely audible. 
"But..." Grey Worm frowned.
"Let him go!" Dany looked at him and ordered him. "Do not want me to say it again." the soldiers stepped away from Jon. "Tie him back." she turned to Tyrion "I will decide about his fate tomorrow." she made a disgusted face and then just walked up on the stairs. Jon turned to Tyrion and watched him while the unsullied tied his hands. Grey Worm almost knocked him over, when he walked passed by him, then he felt how Daario touched his shoulder. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked him, while he almost yelled. "You should have told her, about he is here." Daario just can't understand. 
"The two big loves of her life" Tyrion stated. "I would have never thought one day I'll see you two together somewhere." he smiled a bit sarcastically.
"Tie his mouth too," Jon ordered Daario, then leave him there at the next moment. He needed to talk with Dany. He needed to explain his actions. Maybe he should have told her but he knows her too well. Or at least he thought ... he knows her. He thought her first reaction will be... to sentence him to die but she froze when she saw him. He needed to talk with her. He almost run-up in the stairs, and he ran into Grey Worm at the moment when he wanted to open their room door. He gave him the usual rancorous look but did not say a word. Jon waited a second until he stepped away from his way then he walked inside. Daenerys was standing at the window. She was alone.

"With Gendry" Dany did not look at him just answered quietly "He heard the noises from the corridor when Grey Worm informed me about your actions." she sighed. "He offered me his help. I did not want to leave her alone." she crossed her arms in front of her body. 
"Dany look I... wanted to tell you, but I had no idea how you'll react this. And... I..."
"You don't trust me." she turned to him and looked into his eyes. "After those things, we went through. After those things that I've told you in Meeren... you still think I'd be able to do the same horrible things, that I've done years ago."
"I don't" Jon shook his head.
"You don't what?" Dany was calm, annoyingly calm. Jon even loved more when she shouted with him, or yell with him... "You did not want to tell me that he is here, because you were afraid my first reaction would ... have been to burn him alive." she continued. "Am I right?" 
Jon just sighed and lowered his eyes. He slowly nodded with his head. 
"See... you still have doubts in me." Dany tried to hold back her frustration.
"I want to save my sister. And he has some pieces of information about her. That is why I wanted to talk with him. Alone." Jon answered.
"I guessed." Dany turned back to the window. "But maybe it is understandable why I don't want you to be alone with him." 
Jon answered with a bit sarcastic laugh and Dany turned back to him. Staring at his face. 
"I don't find it ridiculous at all." She stated and raised her eyebrow.
"Forgive me, but a few minutes ago, you accused me, that I don't trust you. Now... you say you don't want me to be alone with Tyrion. Why? Because you are the one who don't trust me. It sounds quite contradictory." Jon stepped closer, and he was clearly a bit upset. "Yes, maybe I was afraid, what will be your first reaction, because I love you, and I want to spare you. I wanted to be sure, we can use him for anything, or not. I wanted to be sure, he really can help to save my sister or not. I wanted you to have some rest, and spend some time with your family without any distraction, but you think I would be manipulated by him again." he took another step and Dany was just staring at him. She tried to answer, but he was right. "If you think I would be able to hurt you again... because he asks me... then you are the one, who doesn't trust me at all." he looked into her eyes. Dany did not say a word, and after some seconds Jon was the one who continues. "It seems it will be better if I leave you alone for now." he turned his back at her and started to walk towards the door.

"I've told Grey Worm... "Dany took a deep breath before he could leave the room and Jon stopped "I've told him if he accuses you again for no reason, I would be the one who makes steps against him and end his behavior towards you. Once and for all." she continued. "I did it because I trust you and I don't think you'll ever be able to hurt me again or our daughter. But I am afraid." she took a deep breath and Jon heard how her voice was trembling. He turned back to her. "I know Tyrion. He is smart, and he is cunning, and he knows how to turn people against each other." she lowered her head. "I ... don't want to lose my family." 
"You won't." Jon walked closer to her and placed his arms around her "I promised it. And I meant my words." he held her face between his palms. 
"I don't need you to spare me. I need you to trust me. I need you to believe that I am strong enough to do this. To win this war, without making horrible choices." Dany frowned.
"You are strong enough." Jon smiled a bit "We are strong enough. Together." he placed his forehead to hers then gave a small kiss to her lips. "I am sorry."
"No. You don't have to." she sighed. "I was just... "
"I won't talk with him alone again. Not without you. I promise. If it soothes you." Jon gave a kiss to her forehead. 
"Thank you." she snuggled closer to him and placed her cheek to his neck. "Do you think he is going, to tell the truth? About Sansa? Or about anything?"
"If you don't burn him alive we'll find out." Jon teased her a bit. Their relationship really went through a huge improvement. They have not just loved each other, but they were acting and worked together. As a team. As they always should have. If they trust in each other, from the beginning... if he would let his feelings guide him, instead of his morals... but it did not matter anymore. 

"What do you think of her?" Yara was caressing Nesera's back in the bed. They spent some really enjoying hours together. It was so difficult for Nesera to held her moans back. It was daylight, so they had to be careful and quiet. She did not hope she'll meet with Yara again, she had a bad feeling, and she thought... she is going to lose her, but right at that moment, she was happy that she was wrong about it. 
"Of who?" Nesera raised her head up.
"Jenifire. If I say her name right." Yara was staring at the distance. 
"Why are you asking?" Nesera looked into her eyes. 
"You are kind of a witch. I was just curious," she answered and gave her a smile. 
"She is very pretty." Nesera started.
"She is." Yara agreed immediately, maybe too suddenly. Nesera grabbed the blanket and pulled it to her chest to cover her breasts and sat up in the bed. 
"Should I have worry?" she hissed.
"You are cute when you are jealous." Yara laughed a bit about her and caressed her thigh. "She has some... strange darkness in her. Or we should just ... get to know her."
"Maybe we should just keep the distance from her," Nesera answered and rolled her eyes. "I don't trust her either, and I am not sure why is she here. I ... as you were sad, she has some darkness around her. It is a bit worrisome. Lilyanna was not perfect, but at least, I was sure she wants to protect the Queen. Now ... .I am not sure she is safe at all."


"From here I go alone," Arya told to Brienne. They were standing on a hill, right next to King's Landing. Arya did not see the capital since she left to travel around the world, and it was a bit frightening. Even from far, she could tell, there is something wrong with the city. 
"No. I can't let you go there alone." Brienne placed her hand to her shoulder.
"I appreciate your help. And thank you for everything, but you can't come with me." Arya looked at her. 
"I promised..."
"I know." Arya stopped her "But I can manage to hide from their eyes, I can change... "she stopped. She learned it is not safe to say anything out loud. "... but you... you betrayed and left the King. And you are easily recognizable. I can't mingle and sneak into anywhere with you by my side." she held her arm and they were standing face to face. Brienne slowly nodded. "I'll do everything to get her out from there. And..." 
"And you want to know... the things they've said about your brother, is true or not." Brienne knew it. 
"My family is first. Jon Snow is my family too, and Daenerys and their child but ... Bran is my brother." she looked around like she wanted to be sure, there is no creature that can hear them. "And Sansa... I have to protect my family." 
"Bran Stark is not the same person he was before," Brienne admitted. "But I don't know he just changed or..."
"That is what I want to find out." Arya nodded. "Go and ... I am sure Jon arrived already. You should go back." 


Grey Worm pushed Tyrion into the room. He falls to his knees. He raised his head up and he spotted Jon Snow standing at the table, and right next to him ... Daenerys Targaryen. She was sitting at the main place and there was not any emotion on her face. Tyrion swallowed a big one, but there was a dumpling in his throat. He was not sure anymore, it was a good idea. Came here and offer a pact. He thought he can convince Jon Snow ... but that Jon Snow was not the same person anymore. 
"Leave," Dany ordered Grey Worm and the unsullied, and they left the room. Daario was standing at the door "Daario, please. You too." Daario glanced at Jon then he nodded with his head and stepped out from the room, closed the door behind him. The silence filled the room. Jon waited for Dany to start the conversation, meanwhile, Daenerys was just staring at Tyrion. Deep from her heart, she doesn't want anything else, just burn him. Watch him burn alive, watch him disappear from this world. That is what he deserves. She also knew... it doesn't matter what he is going to tell them... she was not able to trust him anymore, but she gave the chance to Jon. To listen to him. To use him to help his sister. A moment passed and Dany stood up. She crossed her hands in front of her stomach and walked around the table, closer to Tyrion. Jon followed her moves with his eyes. At least they were in a closed room, far from Drogon. She only could hurt Tyrion with her bare hands, but he was sure, she won't do it. Not before they got their answers. 

"I thought you wanted to say something. That you have some important information for us. I thought you want to make a pact." she staring at Tyrion's face but he couldn't stand her gaze, and he avoided to look at her. "but now when you have the chance to tell us what do you want, you are in silence." she was measured and rigid. "I don't even remember were there any moments when you were in silence." she rolled her eyes. "Sometimes it would have been better." she turned her back at him and walked back next to Jon. 
"If you want to tell us something then it is time." Jon almost ordered him and Tyrion nodded then took a deep breath. 

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