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"Thank you, Sam," Dany told Samwell in the map room. "I don't know when I'll be able to thank you all the things that you did for us," she admitted. There was no one else in the room just the three of them.
"You are the greatest friend I'll ever have." Jon smiled at him.
"There was no fatigue. I... you are my best friend, and you did many things for me," he explained to Jon and smiled. "I will reciprocate as much as I can."
"You did much more than that," Jon answered and took a deep breath.
"If you don't mind I... I'd like to go back to the library." Sam told them.
"Of course." Dany smiled and nodded, and he left the room. She turned to the window and looked out. She saw again how the small dragons flying around. How Missandei was standing in the field and watching them. She saw Nesera and Daario too. Jon walked there, and he spotted them too.
"I really have no idea how to thank him..." Dany started.
"Did you really send Daario after her?" Jon cut her words. She took a deep breath and turned to him. She did not say a word just nodded.
"When did you make an agreement with him? I thought we... discuss things." Jon stared at her face, while she walked back to the map.
"It was a sudden idea." Dany kept her eyes on the map. "At the moment when she left the room."
"How did you... order him to do it?"
"I did not have to." Dany shrugged her shoulders "I just ... have to look at him, and he knew."
"It is wonderful that you understand each other at a glance," Jon replied, and he clearly doesn't like the fact.
"I thought we are over it. Jon." She looked at his face. "Do not start this." she shook her head.
"I ... don't start anything. I just... I know my sister doesn't like you and you don't like her, but ... she would never do anything against our daughter." Jon told her with a serious face.
"Are you sure?" Dany frowned.
"I... I ... " he hesitated "I am." he finally could say it.
"You are as sure... as she keeps your secret?" Dany asked him. Jon couldn't answer, he knew she is right. "I don't trust your sister." Dany made it clear. "Especially not after you and Tyrion made it clear, how important our daughter's role in this."
"We did not say anything about it."
"Sansa is not stupid. That you've said is enough. Bran wants our daughter, and ... I am not sure... " she lowered her head. "she doesn't give to him, what he wants if she has a chance."
"I don't think she'll be ever able to do this with me." Jon sighed.
"The question is... what is stronger." Dany stepped closer to him. "Her love towards you, or her hate towards me. And do not forget her love towards her real family." Dany placed her hand to his chest.
"I'll talk with her." Jon nodded. "I try to make her understand that... you are not her enemy."
"I don't think she'll ever accept that." Dany smiled a bit. It was an unnecessary fight between her and Jon and she doesn't even want to fight. She understood ... she is his family, even if this family is a screwed up one. He wants to help her, and she decided she'll support him in this. Until Sansa doesn't want to hurt their daughter.
"I have to try." Jon grabbed her hand.
"I know" she agreed but it was clear it was hard for her to say those words.
"You don't have to worry. I ... would never turn against you." Jon felt her fears. He raised her head up by her chin. "Dany, you know that right?" he was looking into her eyes.
"I know" she nodded and she kissed his lips. "But I meant my words." she raised her eyes to Jon and looking deeply into his eyes. "She is safe at Dragonstone. But if she tries to hurt Missandei... " she did not finish her sentence, and she doesn't have to. Jon knew what she meant.

"So you are here." Yara found Nesera in the fields. They were smiling at each other. Not even Yara would have ever thought that she'll find a woman for herself. Who can make her laugh, with whom she feels good... who she fell in love. Yara stepped next to her, and they were both looking at Missandei. She picked flowers.
"Was there anything interesting?" Nesera took a deep breath and looked to Yara.
"You should've been there. Sansa Stark made a hysterical outburst. I never really liked her. She always thought she is better than anyone." Yara stated and rolled her eyes, but Nesera kept her eyes on Missandei and she did not smile.
"I don't trust her." Nesera frowned. "Something is not right with her. She is planning something."
"If that reassures you, the Queen doesn't trust her either," Yara admitted.
"But we both know the Queen easily can be ... manipulated by the man she loves. And Sansa Stark is Jon's sister." Nesera sighed. "That can cause problems."
"Why is that so important for you?" Yara frowned. "I mean... they should worry about their child safety that much not you." she turned to her.
"You still don't understand." Nesera turned to her with her whole body and smiled at her lover. "She is not just a child. Her safety is important to all of us. If we want any future. And I want it. I mean the future. But... for that we have to win this war" she glanced towards Missandei "And we can't win without her."
"May I ask what kind of future do you imagine for yourself?" Yara smirked.
"Some ... " Nesera bit her lower lip "Enjoyable future ... full of pleasures." she giggled and she felt how her cheek went red when Yara leaned closer to her ear. She whispered something to her and they both laughed a bit.

"Will you plan to follow me the whole day long?" Sansa turned to Daario, who kept his eyes on her since she left the meeting. He waited for her in the corridor near to her room, but a sufficient distance. When she came out she immediately saw him. "You can tell your Queen, that I am a good girl." she rolled her eyes and made a face. She looked around.
"Maybe we should start it from the beginning." Daario stepped closer "Daario Naharis" He stretched his hand towards her "Leader of the Second Sons. And you may tell me what are you looking for and I can help." he offered.
"What made you so kind? Not a few hours ago you wanted to kill me because I insulted your precious Queen." Sansa looked at him from tip to toe.
"Oh, that does not change," Daario smirked. "Daenerys Targaryen is my Queen, and I pledge myself to her. But that does not preclude that I may help you as you are the guest of the Queen if you need help in anything." he stretched his hand towards her again. Sansa after some hesitation placed her hand to his, and he kissed it.
"Sansa Stark, the Queen in the North." she finally debut. "To be honest... I am hungry, and I wondered if I can find something to eat. Somewhere."
"Nothing is simpler than that" Daario nodded and they started to walk together in the corridor.

Jon was standing at the top of the hill, from where he could see the whole Island. He wanted to talk with his sister, but he needed some time alone before he does that. It won't be an easy talk, and Sansa... easily can get him out of his stream. Meet with her again... it was not just difficult for Daenerys but for him too. He never really could forgive her... that she betrayed her, and tell his secret to Tyrion. She was the main reason why their life ... went in the wrong direction. Maybe if they keep it in a secret... he sighed. It did not matter. Not anymore. They paid a huge price for their happiness, but they find their way back to each other, and their daughter was the most precious gift of life.
"I did not expect to find anyone here." Jenifire was walking towards him "I did not want to interrupt."
"What can I do for you?" Jon smiled at her.
"Nothing. I ... just want to... probably do the same thing why you are here Lord Snow." she took a deep breath and looked around. "Silence and fresh air can help people to think with a clear mind," she added. "And you need a clear mind especially now. When we can't be sure who we can trust and who we can't," she stated.
"Do you think she ... is dangerous for my daughter?" Jon looked at her.
"You tell me." Jenifire looked into his eyes.
"Dany thinks... ahm." He lowered his head. "She thinks we can't trust in Sansa. And I understand why she feels that..."
"What do you feel?" Jenifire asked him again and stepped closer.
"I don't know." Jon rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.
"You know. You know exactly." she was talking so slowly. "You just don't want to admit it because it hurts. Because despite everything that she did against you ... she is still your sister. Even if not by blood." she kept her eyes on his eyes. Looking into those eyes deeply. "When the time comes, you have to make the right decision. Will you able to do that? This time? Because I don't think that God would bring any of you back again." there was something in her eyes. It seemed it changed its color. It became darker while she was talking.
"I thought you don't believe in the Lord of Light." Jon caught his eyes from her and turned back to the sea.
"It doesn't matter what I believe or not. Some Lord brought you back. Brought her back, to fix your mistakes, and... maybe to create a better world. But it doesn't matter which one we are talking about... Gods... don't let people make mistakes several times. They expect them to learn from their past." she stepped to the edge of the hill and looked down. Her eyes stopped on the small figures in the field. It was Missandei and the dragons.

"I would never betray them," Jon answered to her.
"Words are important Jon Snow." she turned to him and smiled. "but deeds are more important. Ultimately, our actions determine who we are." she stopped in front of him and he couldn't really answer her. She just like the other red priestesses was talking in a very weird and strange way. "Do you see those clouds?" She changed the topic suddenly.
"What?" Jon frowned.
"The clouds." she turned her back at him and turned back to the sea. She was staring the clouds above the continent further away. "Those clouds are dark. Winter is close. And you definitely know what is coming with those clouds. You've met them once."
Jon stepped next to her, and he did not even realize those dark clouds until she mentioned it. Maybe he should warg into Ghost as soon as possible. To get to know where they are. He can deal with Sansa later.
"Maybe we should just let them destroy the whole continent. We are on an Island. They cannot harm us." she added. "But that wouldn't be you, right? To leave the living alone in the battle." she glanced at him.
"I should go back." Jon swallowed a big one, he turned to leave and Jenifire followed him with her eyes. She knew it must be hard for him. The family can be a man's greatest enemy and weakness. She was sure, this time he'll make the right choice. For the living and for his daughter, although it may cost someone's life. She glanced again towards the dark clouds.
"Hurry." she whispered to the air and closed her eyes.

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