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Everyone was in the map room. Listening Samwell while he was telling them everything, that he told to Dany and Jon earlier. The couple was standing next to each other. Close. They tried to keep distance, and do not show their love in front of them, but even if they did not touch each other, it was clear. They belonged together. Davos smiled a bit about them. He was staring them, and he couldn't think about anything else, just the thing he told to Tyrion and Varys in Winterfell. "What if the Seven Kingdoms, for once in their whole shit history, was ruled by a just woman and an honourable man." Maybe if he told his idea about that proposal to Jon... things would be formed differently. That Daenerys really did not look like the one he saw in Drogon's back in King's Landing. How she was looking at Jon. Her eyes filled with love. Something must have to be broken in her that time... when she burned down the city. He still couldn't understand how she was able to do that horrible thing, but ... maybe everyone deserves another chance. No matter what sins you commit. Dany noticed how Ser Davos staring at them. He immediately turned his face away, when she raised her eyes on him. 
"So... " Samwell finished "That is it." 

Everyone remained in silence. Those things that Sam told them... was hard to believe, but they already saw some unbelievable things in their lives. For example Jon and Daenerys. They both died, and both resurrected. They were there. With them. That was also a miracle. 
"I've killed him" Arya shook her head. "I put a dagger to his heart. He turned to ... dust. He and his army too. It is... cannot be possible." 
"We can never be sure," Davos answered to her. "As Samwell said, no human being been in that land and I don't think it is even possible to go there. Who would have taken the risk? We don't even know we would survive or not."
"I heard theories about that land," Jon stated. "When I was in the Night's Watch. Commander Mormont told us... it is cold to the bone, and you can't move when you got too close. Because you freeze before you realize it." Jon was staring at the floor while talking. Dany raised her eyes to him.
"Yes, I remember it" Samwell answered.
"So we don't have proof of your theories. Maybe you are all wrong... and misread the signs...  and Bran doesn't want to... " Arya stood up and started.
"HE IS NOT BRAN!" Jon yelled back at her. Everyone remained in silence and they were staring at him. He was looking at his sister. Their eyes locked. The silence just grows in the room. No one dared to speak. 
"He is my brother." Arya stepped closer to Jon. 
"He was your brother, and he was my brother too," Jon answered vehemently. Dany realized how sad his eyes were when he was talking about it. "Now, he is something else. You have to accept that or..." Jon stopped. He sighed.
"Or? You're gonna kill me too?" Arya asked him.
"What are you talking about? I would never hurt you. You are my sister." Jon frowned. "But If you don't help us, then it is better if you leave. Stay away from this war." he lowered his voice and sighed. 

"I asked Samwell, to find a way to save him" Daenerys interjected. Jon and Arya turned to her and they both were surprised, then Jon looked at his friend. "If there is any chance to save him of course." Dany lowered her head. 
"Is it possible?" Jon straightened. "Sam? Is it possible?"
"I don't know." Sam was muttering.
"I did not want to tell you until we are sure... there is a chance. I asked Samwell." She raised her eyes to Sam "To... try it... I did not want to get your hopes in vain. I mean..." Daenerys explained. Jon stepped to her and held her hand. 
"Dany," Jon whispered her name and he was amazed. He surprised. He did not expect that. She had every reason to take revenge on Bran and despite everything, she... asked Sam to find a solution. He forgot there are many others around them. "Thank you."
"I did nothing." she looked at him. "I just... I know it must be hard for you." she glanced to the side, and she noticed everyone was staring them. She took a step back. "We can talk about it later." She forced a small smile to Jon. "Now ... " she turned to the others "I would like to know. Are you with me to save my daughter and... " she looked at Sam "the country? Maybe all humans?" 
Everyone nodded and stood up, except Arya. She still had many questions. Many... doubts. She couldn't accept her brother doesn't exist anymore. 
"Your brother told me, you made an oath to him. To keep his daughter in save." Dany mentioned to her. "Because she is an innocent child."
"I did." 
"I understand if you wanna leave." Dany lowered her head. "You are a free woman, you can go if you want. Or you can stay... and maybe you can discover the truth with your own eyes. I won't attack Westeros. I don't want to start a war. I don't want to defeat him. I want peace and live. A normal life, as much as possible" she glanced at Jon. "But if he attacks us... I'll show him no mercy." Daenerys was still a Queen. A leader. A real ruler. She was always just and definite, except that one day. 
"I stay," Arya answered. "But if you are wrong..."
"I take responsibility for it, and I'll apologize. But I am afraid, I am not wrong." Dany told her so confidently. They were looking at each other for a couple more minutes, and the tension in the room was perceptible. 

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