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"So all humanity has disappeared from you, My King? Or you willing to accept what you have to do?" Kinvara asked him with a satisfied smile on her face. Dany felt some sarcasm in her tone when she called him as her King. Jon clearly hated the idea, he doesn't agree, he doesn't want to let Dany go there, but deep in his heart he knows, they have to do this. Tormund would never forgive him if he does nothing, meanwhile, he could save his people. Innocent people, mothers, children... fathers, young people and old. Vulnerable to the cold, and who knows what things are coming for them. There was no other way. They can't reach the shores of the North with ships. The only way to get there in time is on Drogon's back. He had to accept it. 
"Jon Snow is going to Dragonstone. With our daughter. As we planned. On a ship." Daenerys answered confidently. 
"I thought..." Kinvara frowned.
"I will fly to the North with Tormund and help those people." Dany stopped her. "We're going to do this in this way, or we are not going to help those people, no matter how .. what is going to happen." she lowered her head. "No matter what you saw in those flames."
Kinvara answered with a nod. 
"And we need Nesera to come with us. To keep us hidden from those raven eyes. It is better if ... the raven doesn't know where are we. I don't need surprises." Dany told her, and she felt how uncertain and angry Jon is, because of this plan. Last time when he let her go somewhere alone she lost their child, but this is different. She knows exactly where is she going and Tormund will be there and Nesera. They just have to empty the North, before it is too late. 
"Nesera is not going with you." Kinvara raised her eyes at Dany. 
"I am your Queen. I thought you and your Lord support me, and now you refuse my request?" Daenerys took a step closer to the Red Priestess.
"Nesera's patch is different. She has to stay with the child. That is what our Lord commands her. That is her task. She needs to stay with Missandei." Kinvara answered with a smooth face.
"I thought you want to take care of my daughter's safety, but fine then. So I assume, you are the one who is coming with us, on dragon's back." Dany stated. 
"I will go to Westeros, but not the way you mentioned. Not with Jon Snow, and neither on dragon's back." Kinvara was so calm. Annoyingly calm.
"Are you afraid?" Jon made a face and stepped closer too. "You send us to war, but you are not coming with us. How comfortable." he was talking in a so ironic way. Dany did not want a debate or any arguments. She glanced at Jon, but he did not care about it. 
"I am afraid. All of us should be afraid. That is the only way, how we can win. We need fear. It holds us back from things which we should hastily do." she was staring at Jon's face. "But you could talk about it, right? Doing things hastily." Kinvara turned away from him. "I am going to Westeros, but I need to give you more help, from here, before I leave." 
"Dany." Jon took Dany's hand and she wanted to answer. She opened her mouth.
"Now, you're going to ask her, to not trust us." Kinvara looked at them above her shoulder. "We are the only one who you can trust Jon Snow. We all want to save your daughter. We all want the light to rule, not the darkness."

"That is why you want her to leave without help? " Jon hissed. "Because you care about her safety? A very strange way, don't you think?"
"I did not say, she'll go there alone, without help. Lilyanna is going with her." Kinvara looked at Lilyanna and she surprised. Her mouth falls open. 
"No." Dany shook her head and now she was nervous too. She trusted Nesera, only Nesera, she proved her loyalty, and she was there the whole time long. With them. 
"Excuse me, but I neither think it is a good idea." Lilyanna stepped closer to Kinvara, and she felt how her heart beating faster. 
"Follow your destiny. That is your patch. That is why you found the way back to us." Kinvara gave her a smile.
"I am not going anywhere with her," Dany repeated. 
"Why? Because she slept with your captain?" Kinvara made a face, and suddenly an awkward silence followed her sentence. Dany had no idea about it, and Lilyanna knows that. She lowered her head and avoided to look at them. Jon waited. Waited for any reaction from Daenerys, but she was speechless. She was surprised. "Every woman ends up in his bed, sooner or later, why it surprises you?" Kinvara raised her eyebrow. Jon felt how he gets jealous again. He thought that Daario thing is over, but he doesn't understand why Dany looked confused when Kinvara mentioned that thing. 
"It is not ... her sister tried to kill me. I never trusted her." Dany tried to save the situation, and by the way, that was the truth. "And I never will."
"You better try, because she is the one who can keep you hidden from the raven eyes, not me neither Nesera. She has the power to do it. Without chanting magic spells, surrounded by candles... continuously. Which she could not do on a dragon's back." Kinvara spread her arms. Dany could kill Lilyanna with her eyes. She never really liked her. She always had doubts about her, and that truth, that she just got to know, did not change her opinion about her. 
"Lilyanna, Take an oath, here in front of us, you'll keep the Queen save."
"Anything that our Lord wants from me." Lilyanna nodded, but she can't stand Dany's look. "If you forgive me... "She took some steps backward. "I... go... and ... prepare for the travel." she stared the ground continuously then she just turned away and leave them. 
"Wish you good fortune, my Queen." Kinvara turned to Dany. "When the time has come, we'll meet in Westeros." she bowed and she left them with slow, graceful steps. 

"We should inform Tormund about our leaving." Dany needed some seconds when she finally came to mind. "Not sure he'll be happy about it," she added and she wanted to leave but Jon just stood in one place.
"Does it bother you?" he asked the first question that came to his mind. 
"What?" Dany turned back to him and shook her head. 
"When she mentioned Daario and Lilyanna. You looked confused... angry" he was gloomy and quiet.
"It surprised me, that is all." Dany rolled her eyes. "Do not start this. Again. I thought we are over it" she added then wanted to leave again. 
"I thought that too," Jon stated.
"Then do not overthink it." she turned back to him ardently. "I don't need this meanwhile we are heading to a huge war." she raised her voice and Jon stepped to her. He grabbed her arms and looked deep into her eyes.
"How would you feel yourself in my place? If one of my lovers will be here, around us all the time. I know you, it would drive you crazy, so do not judge me because of my feelings." he stared at her face.
"Yes, it bothers me. That is what you wanted to hear?" Dany wanted to be honest. "But not because of what you think." she was straight and she kept eye contact with Jon. 
"Then why? Why do you even care?" He made a face and let her arm go.
"Because I don't trust her, and I don't want her to turn people against us." she lowered her voice. "And as we both know, Daario is easily guided by his... co... heart." she wanted to say cock, but she corrected herself. That would be too harsh for Jon. 
"I think you judge it badly." Jon sighed and frowned.
"Not him. Lilyanna. I think you judge her badly. I don't think she wants to hurt us. She is just... different. Special, with strange attitude." he made a face. "But since she is here, she tried many things to prove she is loyal to us, to you. But... you did not really want to give her any chance." 
"Well I guess, there is no other option for me now." Dany rolled her eyes. "Just to... trust her." 
"But keep your eyes open." he placed his hand to her cheek.
"You really changed." Dany raised her eyes at Jon. 
"I think we both changed. There was no other option for us. Or we would have choked each other." he smiled a bit and covered her cheek with his other palm. 
"I thought about it many times," Dany admitted with a smile.
"Believe me... So do I." he grimaced and leaned closer to her. After some seconds, their lips pressed to the other, and they kissed each other so softly. Jon placed his forehead to hers and caressed her face with his finger.
"I'll inform Tormund about the new plans. I guess it is better if he hears it from me." Jon told her and kissed her lips again. He still had no idea how he'll handle this. Let her go. Alone. To the other side of the world. They have no idea what awaits them there... even though they didn't know what is waiting for them at Dragonstone either. He just didn't feel it right. To separate... he had a bad feeling about it, but he had to accept there is no other way. 

Almost an hour passed, and everyone was ready to sail out. Everyone was around the shores. Except ... Jon. Dany was standing there, with Missandei in her arms. She wanted to spend the last minutes with her. 
"My Queen, I should... take her to the deck." Nesera stopped next to them. 
"Just a minute." Dany sighed and kissed Missandei's head. 
"Mama" she mumbled and stared her mother's face with her huge dark-brown, round eyes. 
"Your mama has to leave now, but... " she grabbed her tiny hands "But your father will take care of you. Be loud and willful. Sometimes it is difficult for him to understand, what do we need." she tried to joke with her. That was the best thing that she could do to hold back her tears. 
"But sooner or later he'll understand." Jon arrived there and stated. She turned to him with MIssandei. He slowly stepped closer and hugged both of them. 
"I don't want to leave you alone." he barely could speak, he pressed his lips to her forehead. "If something is going to happen with you..." he continued meanwhile he was squeezing them so close.
"Everything is gonna be okay, and... "she sniffled "and we'll meet there. In Dragonstone. Soon." she placed her hand to his face. She wanted to remember every detail of it. If ... anything bad happens with her, or with them. She broke eye contact and looked to Missandei. 
"Mama. Mama!" she repeated and Dany hugged her close to her chest once more. "Take care of your father darling." she tried to smile and gave a last kiss to her face, then turned to Nesera. She understood, Dany did not say any other word. She took the baby from Dany's hand, and walked with her to the boat. 
"The time has come." she turned back to Jon, but he did not answer. He just grabbed her, pulled her close and kissed her as his life depends on it. That was the truth. His life depends on Dany because he knew... if he loses her again, he will not be able to survive this loss. 
"I love you" he whispered to her mouth and they kissed again.
"I love you too." her voice fell. She knew she has to let him go, but that was too hard. She worried too, she had a bad feeling about this separation too, but ... what kind of rulers they would be if they let their people die? What kind of rulers they would be if they are not going there to save them when they knew they are in danger. Jon gave a last kiss to her lips and then he turned away and boarded to the ship. Quickly. He knew if he hesitates for another moment, he is not going anywhere... not without her. 

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