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"Good to know I can count on someone. After that many traitors..." Bran turned to Bronn with his chair. 
"Until I get my reward..." Bronn placed his hands to his belt. "You don't have to worry about me."
"Everything you want. We agreed. The biggest castle, with as many wives, as you want." Bran nodded.
"And gold."
"Gold." Bran nodded again. "Of course. Gold." he rolled his eyes. "And you'll get more if you continue your task." 
"I leave today and I bring that child to you. You will not disappointed in me." Bronn said with a smirk in his face and turned to leave.
"Wait for my command. I have some other plans." Bran answered. When Bronn opened the door Quentyn was standing right there. He nodded towards him then left, meanwhile Quentyn stepped inside. 

"As I heard you wanted to talk with me." he started.
"Yes, Yes." Bran smiled and look straight to his eyes. "I think there are quite a lot of things that we should talk about. How was your day? We had no chance to talk in the past few days. My fault actually. I was kinda... busy." he added and turned to the fireplace.
"I... "Quentyn did not really understand. Bran never was friendly with him. He never started a normal chat. A normal talk. He started to worry a bit. 
"But as I know you were also busy. Planning to fool my sister and myself." he was talking so calmly and stared at the fire. "Poor Sansa, always pick the wrong man to marry."
Quentyn started to take some steps backward, but two soldiers entered into the room and grabbed his arms. "Yes, Unfortunately, you did not pay enough attention, and someone followed you and saw your little meeting, with the Targaryen Queen. How is she?" Bran asked him, but he kept his eyes on the fire. 
"I did not ..."
"You did not want to betray me? You did not want to convince her to be your wife? Thanks to her little tricks I cannot see it, but I prepared myself for your betrayal, and I used other tools. Normal tools." he turned to him finally. "And right now none of her little witches are here to protect your mind," he added and the next moment Quentyn fell to his knees and his eyes became white. Just like Bran's eyes. He stepped into his mind and gets everything from it, what he wanted to know. 


"I want you to go there and help them," Daenerys told Grey Worm and Daario. "It is an order." 
"We don't have any idea where are they." Daario spread his arms.
"Grey Worm was there with me last time. He knows the route. I need you to bring horses and hurried their travel. We need them to arrive as soon as possible. We need every man in this war." she continued, and she was clearly worried. 
"I don't understand." Daario frowned. "You've told us not so long ago that we should do everything to keep your daughter safe, and now you want both of us to leave? It makes no sense." he freaked out.
"His life depends on his direwolf." she looked into his eyes. "I want them to be here, as soon as possible."
"I thought he healed." Grey Worm added.
"He did, but we have no idea... this link is gone, or ... it still exists. And I don't want any more surprises," she explained to them. 
"It doesn't help if you scatter your army." Daario tried to convince her. 
"I am your Queen, and I gave you a command." she insisted. "Prepare for the leaving," she added and turned her back at them. 
"I don't support this decision." Daario did not give up, and her mouth fell open. 
"I agree with Daario Naharis." Grey Worm stepped next to the captain. 
"We swore to protect you. I am not going to leave you here." Daario stepped closer.
"You swore loyalty for me, loyalty and obedience. If I order you to leave..." she walked closer to them. "then you must obey my command." 
"We'll send men to help them. Our best men, but I won't leave a gap in the shield to get you or your daughter in trouble. We are not leaving. You need me here, you need Grey Worm here. We are the only ones who can protect you."
"Jon is the only one who can protect me." she looked into his eyes "And myself."

"Am I interrupt something?" Jon opened the door and entered the room. His arms were tied up.
"Jon" Dany turned to him and hurried next to him. She placed her arms around him. "You should be...
"No. Don't worry. Jenifire advised that ... I should take a walk." he smiled at her. "My wound almost disappeared. It seems the past two days in the bed did well. So... what were you arguing about?" he raised his eyes to Daario and Grey Worm. 
"We did not argue. Daario Naharis and Grey Worm disagree with my decision but they'll do what I command them, right?" she turned to them. 
"The Queen wants us to leave." Daario enlightens Jon "To help Tormund and your direwolf to reach Dragonstone as soon as they can." he sighed, and Jon frowned.
"What, why?" he turned to Dany.
"We better leave, and let you discuss this topic. We are waiting for the final decision." Daario bowed with his head and started to walk out. 
"I...." Dany turned after them, but Jon placed his hand to her arm. 
"So? What is this about?" Jon looked into her eyes. 

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