Last Night

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The moans filled the night. Loud and voluptuous moans. Yara was fingering Nesera and they were kissing so passionately. They wanted to enjoy all the minutes they had left. Just as Daario and Lilyanna. They couldn't even reach a room. He fucked her there, pinned her against the wall in the garden, and panted violently while he was thrusting her with his hard dick. They did not care about anyone can see them. It did not matter, not that night. Maybe that is their last night, last night when they can enjoy sex, or have any pleasure. Their bodies and desires guided them. 

"I thought you are sleeping." Arya found Gendry in the corridor. He barely could stand in his feet. He drank too much. "You better be," she stated, and wanted to walk passed by him, but Gendry took her arm. She stopped.
"Why are you doing this?" Gendry asked her after a minute. 
"Let me go." 
"No." she felt how he squeezed her. "Not until you tell me why the fuck are you that odious and why are you rejecting me?" he stepped closer. 
"I've told you. I don't feel the same way."
"That is a fucking lie." Gendry pulled her closer and turned her to his direction. "I know that. I see how you are looking at me. I see how her presence hurts you, I know you, Arya, maybe better than anyone here." he was so different. More outspoken, probably because of the many beers he drank that night. 
"You don't know me. No one knows me." she hissed.
"Because you are afraid to let anyone know and love you. But I do." he raised his voice. "I love you. Why it is that hard for you? To accept it? Why do you think you have to push me away?" he looked nervous. "Why?" 
"Love just... make us weak." 
"That is a fucking bad excuse." he almost laughed at her, and he leaned above her. She felt how her back touched the wall. 
"You are just a man. Just like every other man. If you want to fuck tonight go find your dear bitch and fuck her." Arya tried to resist.
"You are jealous, for nothing. You were the one, who pushed me into her arms, but that was never a thing for me. She means nothing for me, and I mean nothing for her. Otherwise, she would not be with Daario in these moments. But I don't care." Gendry was still squeezing her, pinning her to the wall. "I never cared. I only cared about you. I wanted to marry you when I proposed to you in Winterfell, I meant it." he wanted to close this, in a way or another. 
"See, you don't know me. You thought I want to be a lady. A wife of a boring lord. That is not me." Arya shook her head.
"Have you ever asked me, how I plan my life with you? Or you just decided? Because I don't remember. I never wanted you to be a boring Lords' wife. But I was not good enough to be your lover or your husband before. I was just a blacksmith. I got the rank, the money, the castle... where we could have gone home... after our adventures." he told straight to her face finally. "But you just left me there, and when we got another chance, you just rejected me and avoiding me again and again." the tension was huge between them. Arya loved that firm version of him. "I love you, and I know you love me." he leaned closer. 
"I don't" she avoided looking at him.
"You do" he grabbed her chin and raised her head. They were looking at the eyes of each other, and Gendry did not hesitate anymore. He kissed her, and Arya put her arms around his neck. They were kissing so ardently and wild in the middle of the corridor.

Jon and Daenerys were walking towards their room. The night went well. They laughed a lot, and everyone had a good time. 
"I am sorry because of Tormund he... sometimes he doesn't know where are the lines," Jon admitted. He was a bit drunk too, he couldn't say no to Tormund and his drink offers. 
"It doesn't matter." Dany smiled. "He is kinda funny. And he kept talking about how good man you are. No one ever praised you that much." 
"I think he likes you too." 
"He adores me." Dany giggled. "And my ability to ride on a beast." she shook her head and giggling but when they turned around in the hallway both remained in silence immediately. Dany grabbed Jon's arms and pulled him back. He couldn't breathe. His sister was almost making out with one of his friends in front of his eyes.
"Jon" Dany whispered to him and after some more seconds, he finally agreed to walk away with her in another direction. 

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