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Dany was holding Missandei in her arms. Close. The baby finally stopped crying, and she was giggling with her mother. Jon was staring at them, leaning towards the doorway, but he was still under the influence of the happenings. There were no traces of the fire in her body. Nothing. Dany noticed his confusion. It was not hard to notice. She knew... they have to talk about it, but they also have to talk about many other things, not just that, but not that night. She wanted one thing that night, be with her family... be with her love, but... seeing the face of Jon... she was not sure, he wanted the same.
"Did I scare you?" She turned to him, and she was still holding Missandei in her arms, and she was playing with her hair. Jon shook his head.
"No?" She frowned.
"I scared because I thought I ... lose you. Again." He answered quietly.
"So not because I walked out of the flames... unburnt?" She was staring at his face.
"I've always known ... you are ... unique." Jon answered and finally, he looked to her eyes.
"Unique?" She smiled a bit but Jon did not return her smile. "It seems to me I did scare you. It is written in your face." She sighed and turned to the cradle. Placed Missandei there and covered her. "Thank you for... saving me. Coming for me. And... thank you... to keep her in save too." She added.
"Why did you go there alone?" Jon asked her after a deep breath.
"I wanted to prove I was right and it was not Drogon. You... did not believe me. When I told you it was not him. I needed to find something to ... "
"You risked your life." Jon raised his voice. "You... " he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was happy that she is there ... but it could've happened differently.
"I was right. It was not Drogon." She looked at him and she started to tell him everything.

Arya was sitting at the hall. It was a hard day even for her. She saved Daenerys. Even if she did not want to pick a side... she made a decision when she helped them to save her. It was the right thing to do.
"Arya." Gendry stopped next to her. She raised her eyes at him and smiled. "Are you... okay?" He asked her and she just nodded. Gendry sat next to her to the stairs.
"I did not think this plan is gonna work. I thought that woman will say... I thought..."
"You thought it was not your brother plan." Gendry finished her sentence. "I understand. It must be hard for you. Between them. But you did the right thing, Arya."
"I ... promised to myself I won't choose between them. But I wanted to know the truth. About Bran. Daenerys did a horrible thing but... it is not right. That Bran wants to do with her. It is just not right." She sighed.
"Maybe he is not Bran anymore. Maybe they are right about it." Gendry mentioned.
"If it is true than not just Jon and Daenerys are in danger but Sansa too." She looked at him.
"I don't think Bran has any reason to hurt her."
"Yet." Arya sighed. Now she was worried. She was worried about her sister... and she had no idea what to do. By now Bran knew ... she is on the other side. And Bran knew... her weakness is Sansa. She loved her sister and Bran easily can make an advantage from it.

"We have to tell the others," Jon stated after Dany finished.
"Yes. But not now. Not tonight." Dany stepped closer to him. "I..."
"I am sorry to interrupt." Davos stepped into the room. "I just wanted to offer my help. I am sure you have many things to discuss. I can stay with the little princess if you want me to." He smiled at them. Jon looked at Dany. It was her choice. He was not sure she wanna leave their daughter alone that night or not. She looked at Missandei once more. She was sleeping like an angel. The past few days must be hard for her too.
"Thank you Ser Davos. I appreciate it." She nodded then looked at Jon "if you don't mind it either."
"No." Jon nodded. "She'll be in good hands." He agreed.
"Have a good night." Davos told them and walked to the cradle and sat next to it. Jon opened the door for Dany and they left the room. Together. They were walking in the corridor in silence. There were many things in their minds.
"You..." Dany grabbed his hand and turned to him.
"My Queen." Daario disturbed them. Jon frowned and he knew what is coming. He wanted to let her hand go but she did not let him.
"What is it again?" Dany turned to him but she was still holding her lover's hand. Daario noticed it even if he did not want to. He made a face.
"Ahm... we should talk about... Liliyanna. She is there and... we have to decide her fate." Daario answered.
"Not now." Dany closed the topic so quickly.
"But you... just let her stay here at the Pyramid? I mean ... we don't even know her." Daario continued. Dany released Jon's hand and took a step closer to her ex-lover. Jon was staring them in silence.

Life After DeathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora