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"You have to stay here." Jon told to his sister nervously and stepped closer. "You have to promise me you'll protect her. No matter what happens. If you need to escape with her you'll do that." He told straight to her face. Arya's smile was just gone. She was scanning his face.
"What happened?"
"I know if you made a promise you keep it." Jon continued. "Promise me ... " he was talking seriously.
"I am going to protect her at the cost of my life" she nodded. Jon caressed the small little hands of Missandei then stormed out from the chamber. Arya held the baby and walked to the window. Now she understood. She saw the ships. Many ships... at the harbor. She held Missandei closer and looked at her face. She was so innocent and small. She knew what she has to do.

Daenerys was standing at the harbor. Daario was standing right next to her. His hand rested on his sword. The Second Sons lined up behind them. Jon reached them after a couple of minutes and stood next to Dany. She raised her eyes to him and felt how he touched her hand a bit with his finger.
"Those are..." Dany squinted.
"Greyjoy ships" Jon stated and he placed his hand to Longclaw. Jon and Daario were standing so close to her. They both wanted to protect her, and they were both ready to give their life for her if it is necessary. She took a step forward. She was the Queen, and she started to get rid off how they trying to show which one of them is the better warrior. They saw a boat was on the way to the shore.
"Get Ready!" Daario turned to his soldiers and ordered them.
"Wait." Jon showed them to stop with his hand. Dany glanced at him then turned back. She walked forward and Jon followed her. "Stay here." He turned to Daario.
"You don't command me. I've already..."
"Shut up." Dany commanded him "and stay there. But pay attention to everything." She took some more steps towards to the sea. Where the boat reached the shore... she kept some distance and Jon followed every step of her.

Their mouth falls open when they noticed who are their visitors. Gendry gets off from the boat and looked sideways to Yara, then... behind them Ser Davos stepped out from the boat. They stood next to each other... and they were all in silence and stared each other for some seconds. They couldn't believe their own eyes. Daenerys Targaryen, the woman who they all betrayed in some way was standing in front of them. Alive. Even Davos was surprised... he saw when Jon came back to life but that thing... the resurrection things was still nonsense and kind of abnormal. Dany had no idea what to think. Neither Jon. No matter how he trusted Davos or Gendry that was in the past. If they are here because of Bran and if they are here to hurt his family... he was ready to stop them. If it is necessary. His hand was still on Longclaw and stood close to his Queen and his love. Yara looked at the two men next to her and rolled her eyes.
"Wimps" she stated and took a step forward but at that moment Drogon landed right behind Dany and Jon. He stood between his mother and the Second Sons army and roared. Loudly. Jon did not even shake a bit. He got used to the mighty beast and in some way he felt some bond towards him.

Yara was staring the big monster then took another step. She looked back to Davos and Gendry. They were still standing there without a move. They were frozen. Their eyes stuck on Drogon.
"I am not sure that was a good idea." Gendry stated quietly.
Yara sighed and knelt down. She placed her sword to the ground in front of herself.
"My Queen."
"Why are you here?" Daenerys asked her calmly. With so much power in her voice.
"I am here because I chose you to be my Queen. I am here because my loyalty towards you is unbroken. You ended the repression in Westeros and I was not there to serve or save you. I kept the Iron Island for you if you need it but I was not there in the need. Let me correct my mistake." Yara explained but she did not look at her.
"Why would I believe you?" Dany learned to not trust everyone from the first moment. She promised to herself she won't make this mistake ever again.
"Because I am here and I brought my army. To help you to win the war what the King of The Six Kingdoms started against you and your people." Yara raised her head and looked to Daenerys.
"You call him a King. So you accepted him as your King? The Iron Island belongs to the Six Kingdoms as I know." Dany was cold and mistrustful. Jon was still standing next to her and he did not take his eyes off of Ser Davos.
"He is not our King. I chose to serve a Queen and the minute I got to know you are alive I set sail and come here to keep my promise."
"No matter what I've done at King's Landing?"
"There were too many people in that city already." Yara smiled at her. After a couple of seconds, Dany returned her smile and nodded.
"Welcome to Meeren Lady Greyjoy."

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