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Dany spent the night in his arms. Jon hugged her close and they were sleeping together. Nothing happened between them but feeling close to each other again meant more than anything. She was the one who wanted it. She was the one who wanted him to stay with her, and not because he had to. Not because he had no other place to sleep. She wanted him to stay because she wanted to spend the night in his arms. When she opened her eyes in the morning he was still there. His arms were around her body and his other arm were under her neck. She smiled a bit. His arms were around her as an armour what keeps her safe from everything. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Jon really repented what he did. Maybe he really loves her... and he made a mistake. Just as she did in King's Landing, but she would never hurt him. No... Yes, she killed many people but she would've never hurt Jon. She was in love with him. Since ... she had no idea since when.

She remembered back to the first time when he saw him. At Dragonstone. When he stepped into the room she already thought how handsome he is but slowly she started to... get to know him. And more time she spent with him she fell more and more into him. She had no idea why. He was different than Drogo. Different than Daario. He was just a man. With his gentle heart, honest worlds and he has those amazing deep brown eyes. She bit her lower lip. Not to mention the other things... she never experienced that kind of sex with anyone. Jon was the perfect man for her except the fact he killed her. While he was kissing her. She wanted to forget it. She wanted to erase this memory from her head because it haunted her. She started to caress his hand. His fingers... can they be a family? A real family someday? Is there any chance for them? With this new life. With her new life after death... she felt how he moved and turned to him with her body. He slowly opened his eyes and when he realized where he is, he smiled.

"Hi" Dany whispered.
"I don't feel my arm." Jon told her quietly.
"Oh." She raised her head and released his arm. He shook it a little.
"I've told you to not leave it under my head." Daenerys was giggling.
"I did not think your head is that heavy." He answered with a half smile.
"Hey!" Dany poked him but they were still smiling. Her giggles were music to his ears. He grabbed her hand and turned in the bed. He was laying over her. Their eyes locked.
"It was..." he sighed and caressed her cheek "a long time ago when I hear your laugh." He stated.
"I did not have much reason for it."
"Glad you have now " he did not take his eyes off of her face.
"When are you planning to leave?" She broke the eye contact with him. He understood. That was the line. For now. The line what he can't cross. Not now. He laid back to the other side of the bed.
"Sooner is better." He sighed.
"Yes. Sooner is better. We don't know ... when... "she sat up on the bed "we don't know how much time we have."
Jon placed his arms to her back and she looked to him at that moment above her shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go and bring her here with Drogon?" He asked her.
"No." She shook her head "I am not sure I am able to do that and ... that would be too risky. Not save. A dragon is to awareness. Too big. I am sure Bran... " she hesitated. Every time they were talking about him she had to realize he is his brother. No matter what happens. "So he... has some men here too." She explained.
Jon sat up too and pulled her to himself.
"Since when are you that careful?" He smiled a bit.
"I don't know. I just... I would do everything for her. I would die for her. It is not just about me anymore."
"No. It is not. It is about us. And our family. Our future" he whispered to Dany.
"Do you... think we have a future?" Daenerys asked him quietly while she was still on his arms.
"It depends on you." He answered and kissed the top of her head.


"Samwell? Are you leaving?" Brienne found him at the gates of King's Landing. He was preparing to get on a horse. 
"Yes Ser Brienne." he nodded towards her "The King wants me to study more about red priestesses in Essos, and I don't have any books here. Just at the Citadel."
"Strange." Brienne frowned. "I thought he knows everything."
"His ability is quite strange. I don't understand it well either. He told me they can block his visions some way. Or something like that." he lowered his head, and shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure what he sees and what not."
Brienne nodded, and Sam got to the horse. 
"Sam." she raised her eyes to him "Did we get any answers for the ravens?"
"Yes, yes. Dorne and the Vale supports the King. Gendry, ahm... Ser Baratheon left Strormsend, but he did not have an army so it doesn't really matter. His master wrote to us, he wanted to travel around the Seven Kingdoms. The Iron Islands also supports us, but they asked time to prepare themselves."
"And Lady Sansa?"
"You mean Queen Sansa?" Sam asked back.
"Yes, Queen Sansa. Did she send an answer?"
"No. Not yet." Sam lowered his head.
"Also strange." 
"The North is independent. If Lady Sansa wants to stay out of this war, she can do it."
"But he is her brother. The King." Brienne shook her head. 
"Just as Jon Snow" Sam answered without any smile or emotion he pulled the bridle.

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