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"What a Stark girl from Westeros is doing here?" Kinvara raised her eyebrow. She was surprised. She couldn't believe it was only a coincidence. Now, when Missandei is there, alone, a Stark girl suddenly pops up from nowhere. That was weird for her.
"I left Westeros many months ago. I decide to travel around and find out what is west from Westeros." she was smiling.
"And what did you find?"
"As you see I am here. There is nothing else from west of Westeros. Just Essos. Our world is round."
"At least we know it." Kinvara smiled.
"So? Would you help me?" Arya raised her eyes to her. Kinvara nodded finally. They walked inside, but she was staring at her continuously. She had doubts. They went to the room, where the children were staying. Arya looked around and looked every little child closer. She did not stop next to Missandei.
"It seems sadly I am wrong. He is not here." she stated after a couple of seconds later.
"May the Lord bring you here for another reason." Kinvara answered.
"Lord of Lights is not my lord. I serve the Many-faced God." Arya answered.
"We all serve one God. He may have different names in different places."

Arya frowned. Maybe she was right. She sighed, and at the next moment, her eyes stuck on Missandei. She was smiling and walked to her. Kinvara followed her to the cradle.
"Her eyes are ... remind me of ... "she was still smiling "remind me of... one of my family member."
Kinvara stayed in silence. She was ready to defend Missandei if it is necessary.
"Beautiful little girl. I don't understand how could her parents leave her alone." she stated.
"They'll come back for her. We just take care of her, until it is necessary."
"Thank you for your help. " Arya walked away from the cradle and started to leave. Kinvara waited for a second, then went after her.
"Arya Stark from Westeros. I think you may find what you are searching for in Meeren." she told her.
"In Meeren?"
"Our God keeps you save on your way." Kinvara nodded towards to her, then went back to the children.


Daenerys had a horrible night. After her argument with Jon, they did not talk. He did not spend the night with her, and she hated it. Maybe he was right, and she should've told Daario that he is the father of her daughter. She was just not sure. Since he stabbed her, she was not sure of anything. That cause a huge fracture in her.
"My Queen" Daario entered into her chamber.
"What are you doing here?" Dany was a bit odious.
"I wanted to see you are alright." he lowered his head. He was wearing a semi-buttoned shirt. Casually.
"Is this your new uniform?" Dany glanced at him.
"I ... was just in a hurry. I did not dressed up totally... yet. I thought you may wanna take a walk around Meeren. See, everything is fine and everything is in the way you wanted."
"Maybe later." Dany forced a smile.
"May I ask..." He took a step closer "Where is your daughter?"
"In save. Less you know, less trouble it causes" she answered with a serious face. Daario nodded and turned to leave. He saw that is not the right moment but there was a question what he had to ask. He needed to know. He stopped.
"Anything else what you wanna talk about?" Dany frowned.
"Is he... your lover?" Daario sighed.
"It is... more complicated."
"But he is the father of your daughter, right? This is why he is here." he stared at her.
Dany nodded slowly and lowered her head. Daario sighed. He knew it but he needed to hear.
"What went wrong?"
"Many things." she answered shortly and in that minute Jon entered into the room. He took a deep breath when he saw Daario is there. His eyes stuck on his semi-buttoned shirt. His face changed immediately. He was mad, he had no idea what to think. It was early in the morning, and they were there, together. In her chamber.

"If you change your opinion, about the walk. You know where you can find me." Daario nodded towards to Dany, then turned to leave. He looked at Jon with a smirk on his face and placed his finger to the buttons of his shirt when he walked passed by him. Jon looked away, he couldn't stand his smug face.
"Where were you?" Dany asked him kindly. She was worried about him. She hated that he just left her. She hated to sleep alone, but of course, she would never tell this to him.
"Why do you care? As I see, you had a good company." he took a step closer. Dany rolled her eyes and sighed. She was not in the mood for this talk. She had to deal with many more important things than Jon Snow and his jealousy.
"The dothrakies will be here in some days. After that, I want you to go back to Volantis and bring our daughter here. You'll have an escort." Dany answered and tried to be as calm as she could.
"Escort? Do you mean some bloodriders who wanna kill me or a few from these irritating assholes who called himself Second Sons? Thanks, but I rather go alone. I can take care of her." he kept the distance from her. Dany took a deep breath.
"We both know it is dangerous."
"And I don't need any of your men to come with me."
"For fuck sake Jon. It is not about you. Not about Daario." she started to yell "It is about our daughter. If you can't bring her here then I'll go and do it. I thought you want to ... help."
"Why do you want me to leave?" he took a step closer. "To stay here with him? Alone?" he was mad. His eyes were darker than usual. He was ... he was the man who she needed and she hated it from the bottom of her heart.
"You are ridiculous." Dany told straight to his face, then turned away, but he grabbed her arms and turned her back to him.
"Am I?" Jon frowned. That woman drove him crazy. That woman brought out feelings from him what he never thought he has. He loved her, and that love easily could kill him. He knew it. Dany heard his breathing.
"I don't love him." Dany told him slowly and with power in her voice.
"Then why he was here? It is a bit early for discussion." he was still holding her close.
"Maybe because he cares about me." she shrugged her shoulders. Their eyes were still locked. "Why you were not here?" she asked angrily.

She pulled her arm from his hands but did not move away.
"And just for you to know. I told him. I told him that my daughter is yours." she said, and turned away from Jon. He hesitated.
"I thought..." His voice changed.
"You were right. It makes no sense to keep it secret. So he knows now. I hope you are satisfied." she answered above her shoulder.
"Thank you." he sighed and lowered his head.
"I ... " Dany started "I don't care about your cockfight with Daario. I don't need it. I cannot handle this right now. Right now I only care about my daughter safety. I thought this is the most important thing for you too. But if not. You can leave the city." she slowly walked towards the table.
"You know I am not going anywhere. I swore to you, and my daughter." he went after her.
"Then finally, we can focus on our plans." she nodded. "I don't know where are the Unsullied. Some say they travelled to Nath."
"They did." Jon nodded "When the... Bran... exiled me to the Wall, they sailed to Nath. I don't know they are still there or not. I did not hear anything from them since then."
"Well, we have to find out somehow."
"Dany." she gently took her hand and turned her to himself. "I don't think Grey Worm ... would be happy, to see me here. No matter you are alive or not."
"He was my most loyal friend. He was loyal till the end. I need him. I trust him. He would never betray me."
"He wanted my head." Jon sighed.
"I would've wanted it in his place. But he let you go, didn't he?"
"It did not depend on him"
"I guessed that somehow." Dany admitted.

Jon frowned and stared her face. Her lips.
"Sooner or later they'll all forgive you." she whispered. "When they'll see how you protect us."
"I don't care about their forgiveness." he answered quietly and placed his hand to her cheek. "Only yours."
"Jon" she whispered to his mouth when he leaned closer and gave a gentle, small kiss to her lips. She did not want to let him. She wanted to resist, she was not ready. She thought she is but she was not. At that moment, all her memories came back. All the memories from that day, when he kissed her with all his heart and suddenly put a knife to her heart. She jumped back.
"I am sorry." Jon lowered his head "I shouldn't ..."
"No. You shouldn't." Dany answered and looking at him.
"I love you Dany." he raised his eyes to her "And you know what. I am not sorry about it. I love you and I wanted to kiss you. That is all I wanted since I saw you in Volantis, in that small house, ahm... alive and ... and pregnant. Because that was a miracle. When Drogon came for me, I thought he wanna eat me or burn me alive. Take his revenge on me. But no. He brought me here... I... I lost you, but you were there. You are here. I know I don't deserve it. I know I don't deserve your love, but I would do anything for it. I would die for you. And ... "he tried to search the right words "I know what you think, and I know you're gonna say again I made a mistake, and you think it is not true, and I don't really love you, and ... all those things what you think with your mind... but it is true Dany. I am not myself since that horrible day. I lost a part of my heart, and a part of my soul with you, and I cannot be a whole without you." he took a deep breath "Does it make any sense what I say?" he sighed.
Dany nodded with tears in her eyes. She went closer to him and placed her arms around his body. Snuggled to his chest with her cheek. Jon closed his eyes and hugged her close. He gave a kiss to the top of her head.

"And I am jealous. Yes. And It makes me mad when he is around you. Because I know... he is better than me. I know he deserves you more than I ever will. After what I did. And I am afraid... I don't wanna lose you. I don't wanna lose my daughter. I don't wanna lose my family." Jon continued. Those words came from his heart. He was broken. Dany barely could breathe. Her eyes were filled with tears. Those were happy tears... she needed those words. She needed to hear those words. No, she was not ready to be with him again. To give herself to him again but they made a step to it.
"You are wrong." Dany finally forms some words, but she was still in his arms. "No one is better for me than you Jon Snow." she told him quietly "But those wounds have to heal. I want to love you. I want to ... let you love me. And ... where we are now is a development." she smiled a bit. "Compared to the first moment when I wanted to kill you with my bare hands." Dany admitted.

Jon answered with a peal of quiet painful laughter.
"So you don't want to do it anymore?" he asked her.
"No." her face was still on his chest. "Just promise me. You'll never... "
"I won't. I never betray you again Dany. I promise." he knew what she wanted and answered immediately. Finally, he felt it too. They made a step. Maybe a small step, but an important step, and maybe someday she'll be able to love him again.

"Wish I can believe it." She told him but did not let him go. She was fighting with herself. Her mind and her heart were fighting with each other...

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