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"I don't know what else can I say." Jon finished "I ... don't understand why Bran did this. Why he wanna... or they wanna kill you but I won't let it happen. I promise."
"And we are at the same situation again." Dany stated sarcastically. "It is not hard to figure out how it'll end." she took off the blanket from her body, and tried to stand up, Jon took her hand to help her.
"I don't need your help. You can stay because of your daughter, but I don't want you to touch me ever again." she wrenched her arms and went to Missandei. She was moving slowly, Jon was watching every step of her. He was afraid, she may fall. 
"What did you mean... first?" Jon asked her. Her sentence was not clear to him.
"Do I really have to explain, why I don't want you to touch me?"
"Not with that" Jon lowered his head "I mean... about the same situation."
Dany rolled her eyes. 
"Last time when you had to choose between me and your family... I think it is obvious who did you choose, and now we are here again. Your family wanna kill me. You are here with me, but when the honour and duty calls you'll kill me again, and maybe your daughter too. Because others will convince you, that is the good thing." there was irony in her voice "So, should I explain more why I don't like the idea, you wanna stay here, with us?"
Jon just nodded. She was right. She did not trust him, and she was so right, and he knew he cannot convince her with words. No. He has to prove it this time.
"I ... cannot leave now. I cannot just leave you here alone without any protection, but maybe ... we should go Westeros together, and you ... can stay with the freefolks in the North while I talk with Bran." he explained his idea.
"You cannot talk seriously." Dany raised her eyes to him. "I won't take my child closer to the danger. What the hell do you think."
"You are in danger here too" he stepped closer. They were staring into each other's eyes, their face was so close. The tension was real and filled all the room. Dany felt how her heart started to beat faster, Jon breathed faster.
Missandei cried out. They both turned to her and Dany raised her up from the cradle to her chest. 
"Bran probably already knows about the child. And... he probably knows I am here. I don't think he'll try to kill you again... until you are with me. You have to stay with me, if you like it or not."
"Do you still trust him?" Dany asked the right question. He had no answer. He was not sure. He did not trust anyone at that moment. 

After Jon told her what happened, Dany accepted she needs him. Her daughter needs him at least until she figures out how she can solve her life without Jon. She did not want him to be around. She was not ready to spend all day, every day with him again. She did not want to let him close. She hated the feeling what she felt towards to him. She was still in love with him. With the man who killed her. That was nonsense. Days passed. They did not communicate too much, or when they did they usually argued. Jon tried to prove she can trust her, but Daenerys did not make his life easier. They heard nothing about soldiers for weeks, no one tried to attack them again. They started to live together as... some kind of family. They knew their opposites cannot affect their love for Missandei. At least they agreed on this thing. She was the most important thing. Nothing else mattered.

Dany stopped at the door, and she was staring Jon. He was holding Missandei in his arms. Kinvara stepped next to her. 
"He is a great dad."
"He is." Dany agreed and lowered her head. She hated to admit it, but Jon helped her a lot.
The red priestess nodded and smiled, then left her there. Dany was still standing in silence. 
"Promise me one thing little princess." Jon whispered to her "Promise me you will always love your mother." he continued. He had no idea Dany was standing there. "She deserves to be loved. Your father didn't do this too well, because your father is an idiot. I screwed it. One of your ancestors told me love is the death of duty. I thought ... I've always tried to put duty first, but what is duty against the feel of a newborn daughter in my arms." he smiled a bit and Missandei was holding his finger. "I made the greatest mistake, when ... "he swallowed "when I betrayed your mother, but I am here. And I would never betray her again. Neither you. She has no idea, how much I love you both. I don't blame her. I proved the opposite of her, but I pray... I pray every night for her forgiveness."
Dany wiped a tear away from her eyes, and cough a bit. Jon turned to her.

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