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"Here. Drink this." Sam handed a cup of drink to Jon. "It will help to feel better," he added with a small nod. Jon did that he asked, quickly, but at the moment he finished it he tried to move and get up from the bed. "What are you doing?" Sam placed his hand to his shoulder to stop him. 
"If you are not going to tell me where is my daughter," he spoke in pieces. It was clear he had pains and it was hard for him to move, but he couldn't think of anything else just his daughter. He worried about her. 
"Jon. Please." Sam tried to convince him to stay there. "You are never going to heal if you get up now. When you've got up from the bed, you fainted, and your wounds started to bleed again. It is a bad idea." he tried with everything.
"Where is my daughter Sam?" Jon grabbed his shoulder and staring at his face. Sam opened his mouth, then closed it. He felt ashamed. He felt wrong. "Sam!" Jon raised his voice a bit. 
"I am so sorry." Sam lowered his head. "I..."
"Dad!" Tormund opened the door, and he entered with Missandei in his arms. The tiny girl smiled so hard when she spotted his dad is awake. Jon's eyes filled with tears and he stretched her arms towards the huge man and Tormund handed Missy to her dad with a smile on his face. He lost his daughter, but at least that tiny girl got her father back. He glanced at Daenerys, and then he looked to Sam. He shook his head a bit, then they both turned to Jon who was squeezing Missandei so tightly. 

"Darling." He kissed her forehead, and no matter how weak he was, he was happy. At least Missandei was fine, and she was healthy. There were no injuries in her. "I was so worried," he whispered to her, and the tiny little girl was clinging to his neck. Jon hissed in his pain. 
"Missandei you should let your father rest," Samwell told her quietly. She removed her arms from her father's neck and she turned to her mother. Staring at her longingly. Her motionless body. She was breathing slowly, in a balanced way, but she should have come to her mind already. 
"She is going to be fine." Jon kissed her head. "Your mother is going to wake up soon and everything will be fine." he tried to calm down her daughter. "Right Sam?" he wanted some confirmation. 
"Yea..." he started to answer.
"She won't." Missandei cut Samwell's words and she kept her eyes on her mother.
"She will." Jon tried to convince her. "She is going to be fine, and we'll be together again. Don't worry darling."
"No." Missandei shook her head and looked at her father. "She can't." 
"What are you talking about?" Jon frowned. "Sam" he raised his eyes at his friend and Sam felt he can't lie to him. He had to tell the truth. 
"I... I..." Sam tried to talk. 
"Mom is weak. She barely has any strength in her." Missy continued. "And which she has... she wants to give it to the child. She wants him to be alive. Even the cost of her life." she was talking quietly and wanted to climb down from her father's lap. Everyone was in silence in the room. Missandei stretched her hand to her mother, but she couldn't reach her. Jon wanted to move there to help her, but when he tried to stand up he fell back to the bed and placed his hand to his stomach. Tormund was the one, who stepped closer and raised Missandei up. 
"I would like to have a word with Sam." Jon sighed and raised his eyes at Tormund. 
"Little Princess, do you want to eat something?" Tormund looked at her, but he already started to walk outside with her in his arms. The door was open, but he did not notice Nesera, who was standing there, on the other side of the door. 

She was standing there in silence, she heard every word. She raised her head up, and her eyes met with Missandei's eyes, but the tiny girl did not say a word. She just lowered her head a few seconds later, and she was crying. Nesera closed her eyes. "What did I do," she asked herself quietly and leaned back to the wall. 

"So what is the truth:" Jon raised his eyes at Samwell. 
"The truth is... ahm... The..." Sam stuttered.
"Sam, do not try to spare me. I want to know the truth. What is going on with her?" he became a bit mad and he was nervous. He raised his voice no matter how those sudden movements hurt him. He needed the answers, he had to know the truth. 
"I don't know." Sam lowered his head. "I... Jenifire. She... she is gone. I couldn't do anything for her. She..."
"Why is this related to her?" Jon lost his patience. 
"Because she was in the same state like the Queen." Sam swallowed a big one. "She did not have any injuries or wounds. She was healthy and ... ahm... life just... left her body. And I have no idea how and what happened." he explained. "I couldn't save her. I tried. I tried to ... what happened there?" Sam asked him. "When you killed the Night King. What happened there? Maybe that ... that ... what happened?" he hated it. He hated that he doesn't have a solution, and he wanted to understand. 
"Save her Sam." Jon almost begged him. "Save her. You have to save her." his eyes were filled with tears.
"I promise I'm going to do everything. But you have to tell me what happened there. Maybe that can help. To help her." Sam stepped closer and sat to the edge of the bed. "You have to tell me everything. Every detail." he was staring at Jon, but he was just staring at Daenerys and he hated that he can't go closer to her. That he can't hug her. "Jon" Sam tried to get his attention. 

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