Need Some Ice

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Tee's POV

"I don't understand why you are doing this?" Ice grumbles as he puts on his shirt. "I am fine going home."

"You tell my dad no," I shrug, "Do you think he will listen to me?"

"Did Ai'Knott tell you to do this?" Ice glares at me.

"Oh, that reminds me he called and wanted an update on you," I say, ignoring his question, "I should call him to tell him you are being released." Ice reaches over and takes my phone from me, "Hey!"

"Why does Ai'Knott want to know?" Ice demands.

"I don't know," I say, reaching for my phone, "Maybe because you are his classmate and he cares," I grumble, snatching my phone back. "You do know that all of his friends and a couple of his nongs have checked in on you."

"All of them?" Ice repeats, and I nod.

"Why wouldn't they?" I say as I text Knott instead. "Is it so odd?"

"Would your classmates?" Ice counters. I pause and look up at this. Would mine? I can think of a couple, but the first people that come to mind are Knott and his group.

"Some," I answer, "But Ai'Knott and that bunch would definitely check on me."

"They would check on you?" Ice pauses, putting on his shoe and looks up at me. "Why?"

"Because it is what they...," I smile. I don't know why I am saying they when I am part of that motley band, "I mean, it is what we do."

"We?" Ice raises an eyebrow at me.

"It has been a long strange third year at uni," I explain. Long and strange doesn't even begin to describe it.

"Tell me about it," Ice says under his breath as he is tying his other shoe, "So there is no way you are going to let me go home to my house," Ice looks up and asks resignedly.

"Nope," I grin. Ice closes his eyes. I don't know if he is silently swearing or what. "I have to ask. Do you really want to go home?" Ice stands up, straightening his shirt with a sigh.

"I haven't wanted to go home in years," He admits, which makes me frown. As much as I love my new faculty and friends, I am always up for visiting my parents. Even after all that happened in Economics. I look out the door at my dad, who is talking to Ice's housekeeper. He sees me looking and smiles back at me. Maybe it is time I tell them more about the Economics faculty. I told them enough to get help when we took P'Dean down, but I left out a lot.

"Your dad is nice," Ice says, noticing where I am looking. "A little scary at first, but nice."

"It is his size," I remark, "Being that big can be intimidating. Works great for a police officer, but as a normal person, it is a bit much." I turn back to Ice, "But don't let appearances fool you. He is a big marshmallow." I duck when my dad walks up and tries to slap the back of my head.

"Marshmallow?" He grumbles, "Who is a marshmallow?"

"You are," I chuckle, giving him a light push, "Just ask Mom." Dad reaches over and tries to muss my hair and move out of reach, laughing. When I look back at Ice, I notice he is watching my dad and me. The look he has is... Envious?

"Your housekeeper brought this for you," My dad tells Ice, gesturing to the small suitcase and backpack next to him.

"You know..." Ice starts.

"I know a lot of things, nong," My dad cuts him off, "One of which is you are going home with us for the weekend, at least." Ice looks over at me, and I just shrug. I told him so.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now