Something Breaking

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Arthit's POV

"Who were you talking to?" My dad asks as he sits down on the couch.

"Ai'Tutah," I answer. "He is home. He took his boyfriend home with him. I was just checking on him to see how it was going." The moment I said his boyfriend, my heart started racing. Mom believes my dad won't accept me seeing Kongpop.

"Boyfriend?" My dad asks. "When did he get a boyfriend?"

"About half-way through this year," I lean back, "It is a first-year nong who transferred to Rangsit after he was harassed at his old university for being gay."

"They allowed a mid-year transfer?" My dad questions. I am shocked he focused on the transfer and not that Jett was gay.

"It seems it was really bad," I shrug, "His old university wanted it to go away. I am sure they pulled strings for the nong. His credits and tuition transferred, so he didn't need to restart the year. For that to happen, you know it couldn't have been good."

"Is this nong treated well at Rangsit?" My dad picks up the remote, turning on the TV.

"We wouldn't allow that behavior in our faculty, Dad," I grumble.

"I am glad," Dad says as he flips through channels. I look up at the TV when he sets the remote down beside him, and I blink. Slowly I turn my head and look at my dad. "Kohsoom, your show is on."

"Really?" Mom calls from the kitchen, "I'm coming."

"You watch this with Mom," I ask, bewildered. Didn't Mom tell me the last time I was home, Dad didn't like these types of shows?

"Your mom has made me watch them," Dad rolls his eyes, "And they aren't bad." He smiles, "There are several girls at the company who gossip about these at work." He continues with a shrug, "At least now I know they are talking about characters on a show and not people in real life." He turns to me, "I was beginning to wonder where they spent their time after work."

"So dating a guy is OK if it's just on a show," I question as I trace the flower on the couch.

"Son, you just told me you wouldn't let a nong get bullied in your faculty," Dad says, "And he is dating N'Tutah."

"Are you OK with it then?" I push.

"Guys dating guys?" Dad looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "It is not my place to judge how people live their lives, Oon."

"What if it was your son?" I ask, and we both look toward the kitchen at the sound of something breaking.

"Kohsoom?" Dad gets up, and I follow him into the kitchen. "Are you OK?" We find her in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by glass. From the handle, I can see, I believe she dropped a pitcher.

"Mom, don't move," I tell her, "You don't have shoes on. I will get the broom. Dad, can you get her house slippers?"

"Yes," Dad agrees and goes to get them.

"Oon," Mom hisses, "What are you doing? Why did you ask him that?"

"Because I am tired of worrying, Mom," I mutter as I get the broom. "You said he wouldn't take it well. I love Kong, Mom. That isn't going to change. But my Dad loving me... It might."

"Has he told his parents?" Mom asks pointedly, and when I don't answer, she continues, "So why are you pushing it with your Dad?"

"Mom," I look at her and hope she can see what I am feeling in my eyes, "Since I have been home every time I am with him, I am waiting for him to tell me he is disgusted with me. That I..." I choke.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang