Time Frame

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Maprang's POV

"What the hell, Mos!" Someone shouts from downstairs. "Our son is kidnapped?"

"My aunt is home," I smile over at my two seniors. Aunt Tansanee is a force to be reckoned with when she sets her mind to it. She is Kammon in girl form. I stop at that thought and rub my wrist. As strong as they both try to act, both of them have a dark side that often takes over and sometimes almost wins.

"What have you been doing since I have been gone?" Aunt Tansanee demands, "And why did this freak pick me up at the airport?" I would feel sorry for my uncle, but he deserves everything my aunt is going to throw at him.

"Nobody likes P'Third, huh?" P'Tutah questions.

"He is creepy," I shrug.

"Should we go downstairs?" P'Bright asks, staring at the door.

"I think we should let the grown-ups hash this out first," I decide, using the same phrase my mom did to send us up here, "I am sure if we went down there right now, we would be told to go away."

"Probably so," P'Tutah agrees, picking up a notepad by Kammon's laptop. "What is this?"

I walk over to look at it, "That is a list of devices that connected to the wifi," I explain. "Kam and I were keeping track of it."

P'Bright takes the list from P'Tutah and begins to flip through it with a frown. He absentmindedly taps the keyboard to wake up Kammon's laptop.

"N'Prang," P'Bright glances up at me, "Do you know his password?"

"Yes," I smile, "Bright's love. All one word and lowercase." I smile bigger when I see that P'Bright blushed and laugh when P'Tutah pretends to throw up. He barely escapes from being hit by his friend.

"So, what is your password?" P'Tutah teases P'Bright.

"None of your business," P'Bright grumbles, typing in Kammon's. "Explain to me why you and Kammon didn't put this on a doc or spreadsheet or something? You two could have shared this, and all of us could be looking at it."

"You know Kammon, P'," I grump. "He hates stuff like that."

"Let's get this in a list," P'Tutah says, flicking through the notepad. "Maybe we can see a pattern or a device that stands out."

When P'Bright doesn't say anything, we both look at him and find him crying as he stares at the desktop background. It is a picture of Kammon and P'Bright from the last night of the mini-SOTUS. P'Tutah rubs his back as I turn away to stare out the window.

"We will get him back, Ai'Bright," P'Tutah reassures him.

I want to believe that. As a group, we have pulled off miracles this year. I hope we have another one in us. P'Bright nods and begins entering the information on the notepad.

"'Prang?" My mom calls.

"I am going to see what she wants," I tell my seniors, "I will be back."

"'Kay," Both P'Tutah and P'Bright mumbles as I walk out the door. I meet my mom at the top of the steps.

Bright's POV

"Ai'Tutah," I say, "Look at this." I point at the screen after I had entered several pages.

"What?" Tutah says, coming up behind me.

"Look how many times this device connected with the router," I point at the name.

"What device?" A voice asks from the door. We both turn to see Arthit, Prem, and Knott standing there and their nongs behind them, along with everyone else.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now