Future Without

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Bright's POV

"Bright?" Mom calls from the kitchen. I sigh, putting my phone down on the bed. Kammon just told me he couldn't talk now. I know he was going to the station again today to go over everything with the investigator. I really wish I could have stayed instead of coming home. I feel useless.

"Bright," Mom says again, walking in. "Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"Sorry, Mom," I sit up, looking at her. She notices my phone and frowns.

"N'Kammon couldn't talk?" She asks, understanding my mood.

"Nope," I say, popping the p. "What did you need?"

"This," She says, handing me some mail. "It came for you today." She taps the letters, "Weren't you waiting for your intern assignment?"

"Yeah, I was," I reply, looking at them. "Guess the wait is over." I rip open the first letter and smile when I see I placed in a small company in Bangkok. "I am in Bangkok." I smile up at my mom.

"N'Kammon will be happy to hear that," Mom smiles back at me. "What does the other letter say?"

"I don't know," I tell her, opening it. Unfolding it, I frown and pick up the other letter to compare them. What the hell? "I have been placed in Chon Buri."

"What?" Mom gasps, "But you said you were in Bangkok."

"I know," I mumble, "But this one says Chon Buri." I hold up the second letter. My mom takes both of them from me.

"They both have the same date," She mutters as she examines them, "What is the post date?" I pick up the envelopes and see that they are identical.

"The same," I glance back at my mom, "What is going on?"

"Call your friends," My mom urges, "If you have yours, they should have them also." I nod, picking up my phone. I quickly call Tutah.

"Hey," I say when he picks up, "Did you get your intern letter?" I look over and nod to my mom when he said he had. "You got two also? Yeah. I did. One for Bangkok and one for Chon Buri. What did yours say? Khorat and Bangkok? What the fvck is going on?"

"Language," Mom hisses after she smacks my head. Tutah chuckles when he hears her.

"Have you heard from the others?" I ask, rubbing my head. "You call Ai'Knott, and I will call Ai'Prem." I shake my head. "I will call Ai'Arthit after I talk with Ai'Prem." I nod when Tutah agrees. "Call me back." I hang up and look at my mom.

"He got two also?" My mom questions.

"Yeah," I grumble as I pull up Prem's contact. "Something is weird." I start to pace as I wait for him to pick up.

"Hey," I say when he does, "Something weird just... You got two too? And Ai'Arthit. What the hell?" I quickly jump out of reach of my mom, "Have you contacted the university? Why not?" I run my hand through my hair, "Fine. I will wait. Call me when you find something out."

"What did he say?" Mom asks.

"Ai'Prem said Ai'Arthit was going to call and see what was going on." I say, chewing on my nail, "If Ai'Knott has two," I begin, "Then that means all of us got two. But why?" I don't want to go to Chon Buri. I want to be in Bangkok so I can be with Kammon. I can't imagine my future without seeing him every day.

Arthit's POV

Standing at my desk, I stare at the two letters. One makes me happy, and the other one doesn't. The irony of this whole thing is that I wanted to go to Prachin Buri. That was my dream intern spot, and now I am praying it is the mistake and the Bangkok one is correct.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now