Hearts And All

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Prae's POV

"So P'Boon was giving you drinks for his sister?" Maprang asks, playing with her straw.

"Seems so," I answer.

Besides that, little slip about his sister liking me, P'Boon didn't say anything else when I asked him later when we were taking the pictures for the Engineering department. I never knew P'Boon could glare like that. But it makes sense he was a hazer once. I think they teach that to them.

"What I don't get is where she met you?" May puts in. "She is in the Arts faculty. We have been to the Communications and Architecture faculty for lunch, but we have never gone to the Arts." May frowns at me, "Have you gone by yourself? Like when you snuck off to see that..."

May doesn't finish, but I know who she is referring to. Sunny. I don't think anyone will forgive her for what she did. I haven't told my friends that she tried to apologize to me and get me to forgive her one day in the library. When she didn't take no, I had to leave. I don't know why she thought I would even think about giving her a second chance. And also, if I did, I really think all of my friends and seniors would have made her disappear as punishment for hurting me.

"I haven't been to the Arts faculty," I tell May, "I didn't even talk with the Arts Star from this year, much less last year's. So I don't know where she knows me from."

"Did she come to the Kissing Booth?" Aim asks, joining May, "She could have been one of the girls in your line."

"You know that is right," Kongpop agrees, looking impressed. "You did have quite a few in your line."

"But how would she remember her?" Jett puts in. "Do you remember all the guys that were in your line?" He asks Kongpop.

"No," Kongpop admits, "I don't. Even though there weren't many, I didn't pay much attention to them. All I cared about was finishing my time."

"I was the same," I agree with Kongpop, "I can remember a few of the girls who came more than once, but P'Faai wasn't one of those."

"I would say it was from when we asked for signatures," Oak says, "But that was months ago. If she liked you, why would she wait? Even if she didn't know P'Boon was part of the group, she would have known he could approach you being our senior."

"That's true," Wad muses, looking around the canteen, "Do you think she likes you because of those?" He points at something. We all turn to see one of the promotional posters placed at the entrance of our faculty. "I mean, you and Ai'Kong are everywhere. I am sure they are in her faculty, too."

"They probably are," I sigh, "I have seen them in the Architecture and the Communications faculty. They really should use their Moons and Stars, I think."

"With the new pictures, we took the other day," Kongpop interjects, "They probably will. Students will be coming to the campus to decide what faculty they will be attending next year."

I watch as Kongpop gets this goofy grin on his face. None of us have to ask who it involves. We all know it is P'Arthit. I wonder if Kongpop met him when he came in his senior year of high school. That would be an amazing story if it were true.

"Kammon?" Maprang says. I look over where she is looking and see her cousin coming into the canteen.

"Who pissed him off?" Oak asks. We watch as he starts towards a group of girls. "Should we stop him? He looks like he is going to murder someone."

Jett and Kongpop hop up, running over to intercept Kammon. I smile as I watch him evade both of them.

"I don't know why they thought they could stop him," I laugh, shaking my head. We watch as Kammon grabs one of the girl's phones. He holds it to her face with a smirk. It must use your face to unlock them. She grabs for her phone, but he starts to walk around the table. Kammon is not tall, but he is taller than the girl. He holds the phone out of her reach.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now