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P'Dear's POV

Waking up, I wrinkle my nose at the smell. I hate hospitals, and now I hate them even more. Pulling out my phone, I hold it up above me, checking the time. Today is the third day I have been here. Yesterday, Boon woke me up in the afternoon and ordered me to use the shower he had begged permission for me to use. I don't know when Win's mother showed up, but she seconded the order. I hated to admit it, but it did make me feel more human, and I was grateful to be wearing clean clothes once again.

Win's mother didn't ask me any questions when I returned from cleaning up and had made sure that the doctors were informed that any medical updates I requested were to be answered as if I was a family member. When I tried to thank her, she just smiled and said it is how it should have been from the beginning. All of this made me happy but lonely at the same time. I wish my mom could be here. There are times in life when you just need your mom.

The doctors informed us that all sedation had been removed and that Win should be waking up soon. Soon. I hate that word. How soon is soon? Fifteen minutes? An hour? A day? Two? I went to sleep last night without Win waking up.

Glancing over at the bed, I freeze when I notice it is empty.

"Win?!?" I shout. Going over to the bed, I lift the covers. What the hell, Dear?!? You can already tell he is not under them. I look around and see Win's mother's bag is still next to the chair she was sitting in last night. Running to the door, I pull it open and run headlong into Boon, knocking me on my ass with a yelp.

"I guess you are up," Boon chuckles, holding out his hand to me, "Or at least were up. Where were you going?"

I slap his hand away as I get up and point at Win's bed, "Where the hell is he? Is he awake? Is he ok? Was there any damage? Can he talk? Does he remember who he is? WHERE THE FVCK IS HE AND WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING ME!?!" Boon places his hand over my mouth.

"Wow," Boon says, "Freaking out much?" I rip his hand off my mouth with a growl.

"Where the hell is Win?" I demand.

"Right behind him," A voice I never thought I would hear again says. I shove Boon aside to find Win and his mother standing there. Win's mom is trying hard not to laugh.

"Where have you been, you freaking idiot!" I scream, "Why did you scare me like this?!? Do you know how worried I was? What were you thinking?"

"Does he only know how to ask questions?" Win's mom asks her son.

"Mother!" Win huffs, "This is not the time to pick on him." Win turns back to me, "To answer your questions, for one I am right here," He walks over and wraps his arms around me, "I am fine, and there doesn't seem to be any damage. I can obviously talk." He pulls back and looks at me, "But who are you again?" I lightly shove him.

"Asshole," I grumble. Win hugs me, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close to me. "Where were you? Why didn' t you wake me?"

"Maybe you are the one who needs his head examined," Boon laughs as he walks over to the small couch, "They took him for an MRI and before you ASK. The results have not been told to him yet."

"I hate you," I snap at my friend.

"I know you do," Boon grins at me as he picks up his bag, "I will message the nongs." He starts to the door, "I will use the group chat, so be warned you two."

"Group chat?" Win's mom asks, confused.

"You will see," Win chuckles and winces a bit. Shit, I forgot about his other injuries.

"Lay down, Win," I order, "You look pale."

"Pale?" Win snorts climbing into bed, "I look like I was sealed in a barrel with rocks and rolled downhill." I have to agree with that. "You are not going to ask me why I was an idiot?" Win questions as I tuck the blankets around him.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now