Last Words

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Kammon's POV

Coming back to my room, I lie down on Prang's rollaway. Why were my aunt and Father talking in the dark? I only heard the last words of their conversation.

"I can't go through that again. Not me. Not Maprang or Tansanee." My aunt told my father.

"Or me, Winee," Father says, "I can't lose my son or my wife."

Why is he all of a sudden concerned about mom and me? He didn't care before. And what does my aunt not want everyone to go through again? I let out a little growl as I sit up and throw a pillow at my sleeping cousin.

"Why didn't you kick me out of bed earlier?" I sulk. "I could have heard what they were talking about?"

"Huh?" A groggy Maprang replies.

"Nothing," I sigh, laying back down. "Go back to sleep."

Rolling over, I pull out my phone and stare at the screen. I want to talk to P'Bright, but it is already late. I smile when a notification pops up. I swear sometimes P'Bright can read my mind.

❤️Bright❤️: dad has been released

❤️Bright❤️: uncles taking us home tomorrow

Kam❤️Kam: u ok?

❤️Bright❤️: i'd b better if u were here, but good

Kam❤️Kam: ur parents? us?

❤️Bright❤️: they want to meet u so do the uncles so b prepared

I am happy P'Bright has worked things out with his parents. He told me the other day after I called and got ambushed by his uncle about what happened to his Uncle Sai when he came out to his parents. It seemed to have really affected P'Bright's dad. P'Bright doesn't know how he will face his grandparents now knowing what they have done. How do you stay the same when people you loved turned out to be not who you thought they were. I know I can't. My relationship with my father is proof of that.

Glancing over at my desk, I see a picture of me with my parents at my high school graduation. We were happy then. But that was then, and this is now.

❤️Bright❤️: kam u ok?

❤️Bright❤️: ur quiet

Kam❤️Kam: my dad is being weird

Kam❤️Kam: he wants to talk all the time

Kam❤️Kam: y now?

❤️Bright❤️: people change kam maybe he has regrets

Kam❤️Kam: he should

❤️Bright❤️: kam i made the mistake of not talking

❤️Bright❤️: i almost lost my parents

❤️Bright❤️: i know u r angry with ur dad

Kam❤️Kam: father

❤️Bright❤️: ...

❤️Bright❤️: father

❤️Bright❤️: maybe u should talk to him

I want to be mad at P'Bright, but when he called me after his dad and mom collapsed, he was frightened and worried that the last words that were said between them were angry ones. The guilt he felt was overwhelming. I look back at the picture and sigh. Maybe P'Bright is right. What do I want my last words with my father to be? Happy ones or ones filled with hate?

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now