Nothing Wrong

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Dear's POV

"I am home," I say, walking in the door. Win had a short day, so he should be here.

"Why do I have to report for a disciplinary hearing?" Win asks, and I snap to attention.

A disciplinary hearing? Did he screw up at work? He has a crumpled letter in his hand, and I step closer to see if I can make anything out as he waves it about.

"You do realize I have already received my diploma?" Win questions.

I stop. This hearing is with Rangsit? Why? I go and stand in front of him. Win is livid. Surely they will not punish him for his involvement in the shit that went down last year.

"Revoke?" Win scoffs. "So this is to determine if my diploma is revoked. I see." He crumples the letter even more before he adds, "My lawyer and I will be present. Good day."

I catch Win's hand before he can throw his phone against the wall. Taking it, I set it on the table behind me. I then tug the letter from his hand and read it. I can see why Win is so upset. Behavior that reflected poorly on the faculty? They have lost their mind. They had a fvcking freak assaulting students, and Win's behavior reflected poorly? Win is right, and they do only care about image and not students.

"I thought this was fvcking over," Win mutters, running his hand through his hair. "I know they are only doing this because their attempt to block me from getting hired by withholding recommendations failed. These petty bastards are now trying to strip me of my degree."

"That won't happen," I assure him. "We will fight it. I doubt Rangsit will allow a faculty to do that."

"Who is to say this isn't something ordered by the uni, Dear?" Win grumbles, disgusted.

"Because," I walk over and pull him into a hug, "You weren't the only one involved with this, Win. All of us would be facing a hearing." Win wraps his arms around me and sighs.

"Why did I pick Economics?" He sighs into my shoulder.

"Because you love it," I remind him. He really did, and he is great at it. That is why he is working at the firm he is at right now, even without the recommendations from these stupid professors. Win steps back and takes the letter from me.

"I need to call my parents," Win tells me before he goes to our bedroom and closes the door. I feel helpless.

Dropping onto the couch, I stare up at the ceiling, trying to find a way I can help Win. I pull out my phone, deciding more heads than one are needed here. I create a chat leaving out Win and the younger nongs.

The Old One: need help

Toot: ??

Pink Milk: for?

Knott's Side Piece: k

The Old One: win is facing a disciplinary hearing at uni

Dim Bulb: but he graduated...

Papa Knott: what for?

RBF: y?

Manatees: yeah wut did he do?

T: is this about the econ thing last year?

Manatees: was he involved?

T: he helped us take the guy down

Papa Knott: the guy was a pet of the dept

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now