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Arthit's POV

I wake to the sound of plates clinking on the table and my boyfriend humming happily. Cracking open an eye, I glance at the clock and stop myself from groaning. Why in the hell of all people in the freaking universe did I find someone who wakes before the damn sun? Kongpop starts singing along quietly, with the song playing making me smile. I love when he sings. I change my position to watch him, and I have to bite my lip when he freezes mid-step on the way to the table with the drinks when I moved. He slowly turns toward me. I pretend to be asleep. I count to thirty before I open one eye to find him tiptoeing back to the fridge. It is hard not to laugh.

"I'm awake," I say, putting him out of his misery.

"I'm sorry," Kongpop sighs, "I was trying not to wake you up."

"That would be easier if you stayed in bed," I tell him and blush when he gives me a look that means trouble. "I didn't mean it like that, Kong," I swear this boy has only one mode. On. As in turned on. I get that we are healthy and young. But seriously, where does he get his stamina?

"Oh?" Kongpop pouts, puffing out his bottom lip.

I pull the covers back, "Just come lay down," I sigh. "It has been a while since we were lazy." Kongpop walks over and slips into bed beside me.

"Exams have been killing the mood," Kongpop admits lifting my head so he can slip his arm under it. "I can't believe my first year is almost over." I frown at hearing this. I can't believe it is almost gone either. I have been so focused on our present I never thought about our future.

Next year, I will be interning who knows where. How will we manage this if I get placed outside of Bangkok? A lot of P'Dear's class is interning in Chang Mai. That is a ten-hour train ride. I don't think I could afford to fly back all the time. It would make our weekends together short. Even if I left right after work, I wouldn't get here until way after midnight. Kongpop places his finger in between my brows.

"What are you thinking about?" Kongpop asks. "You are frowning."

"Next year," I admit, "What will happen?"

"Happen?" Kongpop repeats. "What do you mean?" He sits up, looking down at me. "I am not breaking up with you."

I pull him back down, "Are you crazy? Did I say anything about breaking up?" I rest my head on his chest and listen to his racing heart. He really must have been frightened. "I was thinking about my internship. I don't know where it will be. P'Dear and P'Boon were lucky to be placed in Bangkok. I don't know if I will be that lucky."

"Do you have any say on where you are placed?" Kongpop asks, tracing circles on my back.

"Not really," I sigh, "We did fill out something that stated our preference, but I don't know how they decide where we go." I don't mention that where I wanted to go is not in Bangkok. I put that in before Kongpop invaded my life.

"What about this summer?" Kongpop wonders.

Yeah. What about this summer? I will be going back home, and so will Kongpop. He lives in Chang Mai, and I live in Nakhon Pathom outside of Bangkok. It is my internship issue reversed. Are we going to go the whole summer, not seeing each other when we basically live together? When I don't say anything, he hugs me tighter.

"I don't know, Kong," I finally answer, "Your parents are going to want you home, and I know mine will. Even if my mom is ok with me dating you, she doesn't think my dad will be."

"What?" Kongpop questions.

"I said we would both be at home," I repeat.

"Not that," Kongpop sits back up, "Your mom is ok with you dating me? When did she find that out? And when did she tell you?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now