It Will Happen

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Aim's POV

Since school has been out, I periodically checked in on that damn fanfic and was pleased that whoever was writing it had disappeared over the summer. I growled every time I saw a reader pleading for them to come back and continue. I don't know if my friends keep tabs on it or not, and with all that was going on with Kammon, I doubt he had time to even worry about it, even if he wants to kill the person as much as I do.

"What are you doing?" Oak asks, walking into my dorm, "They didn't have chicken, so I got pork," He holds up a bag, "Is that ok?"

"Yeah," I mumble as I pull up the fanfic to check on it, "Fvck!" I gasp when I see it updated.

"What?" Oak looks over my shoulder, "You still read that?"

"I am not reading it for fun, asshole," I growl, "I am trying to find who the hell is writing it so I can kill them!"

"That is a little extreme," Oak says, setting out the food he got us. I pause and look at him.

"Doesn't this bother you?" I ask, getting up, "Your girlfriend is dating my girlfriend in this damn thing!" Oak shakes his head before he rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Ai'Aim," He looks at me solemnly, "I am the crazy bastard that is dating our year's little monster. Nothing bothers me."

"I thought I was the one dating the little monster?" I ask without thinking. I am so glad May is not here. I would have died if she had heard that. Oak tilts his head, thinking.

"Maybe we both are," Oak finally says before he returns to our food, "Either way, we are both nuts."

"Tell me about it," I sigh, joining him at the table. After a moment, I ask, "Did Maprang stay in the same dorm or change this year?" I take a bite, "Weren't the girls trying to get all in one dorm?" Oak looks over at me with a look that reads, are you fvcking stupid.

"What?" I demand. I think I remember May saying something, but I am beginning to wonder about it considering Oak's reaction.

"I moved into your dorm," Oak states holding up a finger, and I nod.

"We discussed that before the end of the year when I found out the senior down the hall was moving out," I add. I am a little confused about how this relates to the girls moving into the same dorm.

"Yes," Oak sighs, "We talked." He rests his head in his hands, "But Maprang and I didn't talk."

"What's that got to do with it?" I question, "Do you have to have her approve what you do nowadays?"

"You are stupid," Oak snaps, "Of course, I do!"

"What the hell?" I bark, "Why?"

"Because we are dating!" Oak yells, "Do you do stuff without asking May?"

"Yes," I admit.

"And let me guess," Oak snorts, "Most of the time, you get in trouble for it."

"All the time," I laugh. "But it doesn't stop me from doing it."

"And I thought Ai'Kong was our masochist," Oak shakes his head.

"Why is Maprang mad at you for moving into my dorm?" I decide to ask.

"That means she can't stay over," Oak says, "She is afraid she could never look in you in the face again if you caught her coming out of my room in the morning."

"Oh," I mumble, dumbfounded.

"Yeah," Oak mutters, "Oh!" He stops eating and looks over at me, "You know it would help if you and May would finally just do it." He pauses, "Don't you want to?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now