Love This Idiot

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Tutah's POV

"Remind me to kill the little monster later," I puff, coming back to the table. I can't believe he saw my boyfriend's ass. Shit! Now that I think about it, N'Tew, N'Wad, and N'Kongpop saw it too.

"I think you should kill your nong," Prem tells me as he takes a bite, "He is the one that made a Bright move, not Ai'Arthit."

"One freaking time," Bright grumbles beside me. Guess the others brought up that time again. I don't know why Bright thinks he can live that down.

"One amazingly spectacular time," Knott says, grinning at Bright. He might be our gentle giant, but he has a mean streak. I spot Arthit swaggering back to the table with a goofy grin. When I see the thermos in his hand, I realize he is mooning over his boyfriend.

"You sure you want to come back here?" I hiss at him as he takes a seat.

"Blame your nong," Arthit says with an unapologetic shrug. "He did it, not me." Don't remind me. Jett is as fluffy as they come, and his innocence is endearing, but it is his innocence that has him baring his ass without even thinking about the consequences. But I love this idiot.

"I don't know what I am going to do with that boy sometimes," I groan, "It is like I am raising Bright all over again." And I have raised him so well, not.

"Hey!" Bright protests, "I... I... oh, hell. Whatever." He gives me a look, and I join in with the others laughing at him.

"Ai'Prem, how is N'Wad handling everything? I mean, a lot has happened," Arthit questions using his thermos to prop his chin on, waiting for the answer.

"I think he is having the hardest time with the death of his father," Prem frowns, "His father never did anything for him, and the one time he does something, it was that. If his father had driven to the emergency room, he would still be alive, but he went to N'Wad's house to warn him. N'Wad has been so angry with his father for so long and rightly so. It just shook him." I would be surprised if that is the only thing that shook N'Wad. If anyone was the poster child for someone in need of therapy, it was that nong.

"Does he forgive his father?" Knott asks thoughtfully.

"Maybe in time, but for now, no," Prem sighs, "N'Wad's mom is also trying to come to terms with what her ex-husband did."

"Saving N'Wad?" Bright questions.

"That and other things," Prem says as he runs his hands, "The deranged wife might have thought her lover was a secret, but it wasn't. If she had lived and N'Wad's father had died, she would have found out how much he knew and what it cost her."

"What did he do?" Arthit hums as taking a sip of his pink milk.

"Everything was left to N'Wad and N'Wad's mother," Prem explains. "The house, money, insurance policies, car, everything."

"Everything?" I ask, shocked. "Was it always that way, or did he change it?" From what we know about the father, he was an ass.

"His lawyer told N'Wad's mom he changed everything a couple of weeks after he was arrested. Not too long after the last time, he came to get N'Wad to drop his charges." Prem continues to explain.

"That just seems odd," Bright says with a raised eyebrow. "He was so adamant that his boy was the golden boy."

"I don't know what made him change his mind," Prem grumbles, "And since he is dead, I guess we will never know."

"Whatever it was, I am glad it did," Arthit states, "N'Wad is still with us, and that freak show is not. I would feel sad for his father, but you reap what you sow." Arthit has a hard time forgiving people who hurt people he thinks of as friends, and our little monster thinks of that nong as one, but I doubt he will go all mushy on N'Wad and tell him that.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now