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Wad's POV

"Prem?" I call, making him look up from his notes. His hair is sticking up at weird angles, and I suppress a laugh.

"Hmm?" Prem looks at me distractedly.

"You know that trip I booked for our anniversary?" I start rubbing the back of my neck. I remember when I had told him how I wanted it to be our first time. But that has come and gone along with several other times. We still haven't worked out a system, but for now, Ying Jouk works.

"Yeah," Prem replies. "What about it?"

"I thought we might reschedule it," I answer. "Next year, you will be busy with your internship and might not be able to go. So maybe we could go this summer instead." I watch him trying to gauge what he thinks of this idea.

"Are you worried about next year?" Prem gets up, coming to sit by me on the bed, and putting his arm around me.

"A little," I admit, "You don't know where you will get placed. It might not be local." The thought of coming back to this room by myself makes my heart hurt. His presence has been a constant for months.

"No, we don't find out until we are assigned until right before next year," Prem informs me, "I am sure some of the students who have parents with money can pull strings, but that is frowned upon in our faculty, so very few do that."

"How did P'Dear and P'Boon get placed here?" I wonder out loud.

"Luck," Prem chuckles, "That is what they told us." I sigh as Prem runs his fingers through my hair.

"What about this room?" I ask, picking at my nails.

"You stay, and if I get placed here, so do I," Prem tells me, "If I don't, I still need a place to come home to, Wad."

"Home," I repeat, "This is home, but..."

"But what?" Prem places his hand over mine. "Wad, what is bothering you? This isn't a dream you are going to wake up from. I might be in another town next year, but nothing will change how I feel about you."

"I know that," I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "I just hate change." Who could blame me? In the past, change has been nothing but pain.

"The details may change, but the important things won't," Prem assures me, "Location. Distance. Maybe. Us? Never because for us, it is always, and I thought we were talking about a beach trip." I smile. He is right.

"Do you want to go this summer?" I ask as I run a finger across my bracelet. Maybe if we revisit the night market, I can get another pair or two. If we wear these every day, they might wear out, and I can't forget the day I turned the dorm overlooking for mine.

Prem takes my hand and pulls it into his lap, "You know we have never gotten the back of our bracelets engraved."

"What did you want to put on it again?" I question.

"I was thinking PremWad," Prem tells me, taking mine off and turning it over to look at it, "But I think now I want yours to say Prem and mine to say Wad."

"Oh," I breathe. "That would be nice. I want to see if we can find another pair this summer."

"For?" Prem looks at me, reminding me that I never told him why the dorm was a mess that day.

"In case," I pause, "We misplace it, or the band wears out. I would hate not to be able to find it again."

"Hmmm," Prem nods, "Makes sense. So the night market is on our list of must-do's when we go. I would think the vendor would be there again. That reminds me." Prem looks around the room, "Where are those candles you bought? I have never seen them."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now