Group Project

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Prae's POV

"What are we doing here?" Oak whines beside Maprang, "The guys have texted like seven times already. I was supposed to study with them instead of being kidnapped by you three."

"You are the best in the class," Maprang hisses at Oak, "So why are you whining?"

"I am not the best in the class," Oak snaps back, "That is Ai'Kong."

"Then stop letting him beat you," Maprang glares at him.

"As much as I love this little love spat you two have going on," I say, stepping in between them, "We are on a mission, or have you two forgotten?"

"Mission?" Oak looks at me, "If we are on a mission, why aren't the other guys here? Why just me?"

"Because you are easily influenced, Oak," May says, coming to stand by Oak.

"What the hell does that mean?" Oak turns and glowers at May.

"Face it, Oak. It is always us three," I look at May, "Four."

"Why the fvck do I let you girls do this to me?!?" Oak growls, stomping his foot.

"That is what we would like to know," Tew says behind us. "Explain to us why you kidnapped our geek?"

Oh, my God! Why are all my friends like this? All I wanted to do was to find out more about P'Faai. That is all. I didn't want it to become a group project!

"Aren't we in the Arts faculty?" Wad states the obvious. Can I say, "Duh?"

"Isn't that where P'Faai goes?" Jett continues Wad's line of Captain Obvious comments.

"Are we looking for her?" Kongpop smiles at me. I have never wanted to wipe that smug smile of his off of his face more than I do right now. How does P'Arthit put up with it? "If so, she is over there."

I was about to deny it, but at Kongpop's words, my head whips around searching for her. When I don't spot her, I look back at Kongpop, who is wiping away tears from laughing so hard.

"Asshole," I growl. I realize when those words leave my mouth, I have been hanging around the guys way too much.

"Then why didn't you just tell us," Kongpop says innocently.

Why? Why?!? This right here is freaking why! I want to scream. There nine of us hiding behind a pillar. NINE! Pretty soon, we are bound to attract attention. Aim's phone goes off, and I look at him when he answers. He wouldn't. Would he?

"We are over here," Aim says to whoever called him, "One second. You are where? Oh, I see you." Aim steps out from behind the pillar and raises his hand to wave at the person on the phone, I assume. I know I shouldn't waste this prayer, but please don't let this be who I think it is.

"Hey, nong," P'Bright comes around the pillar. Red jacket and all. Oh, hell. Why? "Found them!" P'Bright shouts over his shoulder. I turn to look at May and Maprang, who are both laughing.

"This is not funny," I hiss at them. "Why is everybody here?"

"Don't look at me," Maprang giggles, "We didn't do it."

"Are we eating in the Arts canteen today?" P'Arthit asks, walking over to his boyfriend, "I don't think I have ever eaten here." He turns to P'Bright. "What place is good?" P'Bright must have dated someone from here before if he is an authority on where to eat in this faculty.

"That one and that one," P'Bright points to two stalls. "But I don't think we are here to eat," He adds, grinning at me. "Are we, N'Prae?"

"I hate you," I grumble, making all the seniors laugh.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now