Run Away

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Tee's POV

Lying in bed, I have an arm over my eyes. I sigh, remembering.

"Are you going to tell me why you are sulking?" My dad asks. I take my arm off and see my dad leaning against the door frame before he walks over and sits on the end of my bed.

"I am not sulking," I mutter, sitting up.

"OK," Dad hums, "Then can you tell me why you shot out of N'Ice's house like you were being chased? I was there to drop off your phone, not pick you up."

"I wasn't chased out," I grumble. I wasn't. It was more like I ran away. I didn't know what else to do in that situation but to flee.


"I like you," I say, and I smile at him. My reiterated confession obviously flusters him.

"Ice?" A voice behind us says behind us. Ice looks away from me and towards the door.

"Father," Ice hisses, and I notice his brows pinch together while a muscle twitches in his jaw. Ice is not happy. I turn around to see the man who wasn't bothered about his son before. I wonder what made him show up now and how much he overheard.

"What are you thinking?" Ice's father growls, sending me a look of displeasure. Well, I guess that answers my question. He heard enough, and he disapproves.

"About what?" Ice tosses back. "And this is MY house. Why are you here? I don't remember saying you could come here." I gape at Ice. I understand that he doesn't like his father, but isn't that a bit much.

"It is still..." His father starts, and Ice cuts him off.

"It is NOT your house," Ice steps in front of me. "Or did you forget about the money I gave and all those tedious papers we signed when I bought it?" Ice cocks his head challengingly. I can't see around Ice, but I hear a low rumble of a growl.

"I came to check on you," His father says calmly, but there is an edge to his voice.

"Ha!" Ice scoffs, "Why? Aren't you a little late? It is not like you are concerned."

"You are my son!" Ice's father snaps.

"Oh, you remember that," I mutter under my breath, but I guess I was not quiet enough when Ice's father turns his attention to me.

"And who the hell are you?" Ice's father demands.

"I-I...," I stutter, unsure how to answer.

"It doesn't matter who he is," Ice snarls, and I know the words weren't directed at me, but they hurt all the same.

"Doesn't matter," I mumble before I run out of the room.

"Tee!" I hear Ice shout, but I don't stop.

End of Flashback

"Then explain what happened," My father starts and pauses when my phone rings on the table beside my bed, "And why you are ignoring his calls."

"Nothing happened," I snap, grabbing my phone. I flinch when I look at the screen. He has called and messaged me that many times? I don't matter. Remember. When it rings again, I power it off.

"Something happened," Dad stands up, "Ignoring it won't make it go away, Tee." He starts to leave and pauses at the door, "I thought I raised you to face things. When did you start to run away from them?" My dad stares at me, and it is me who looks away first. "Right, then."

I wait until the door closes before I admit, "I did run away." Why am I such a coward?

Ice's POV

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now