It's Over

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Prem's POV


I look up at the sound of my name, blinking away tears. When I found Wad covered in blood in the hallway, everything in my world stopped and then started back again the moment I realized he was still alive. I rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital. And I was with him right up until they took him behind those doors. It took four nurses to hold me back. I still want to go through, but they called a security guard to watch me.

"Prem," my mom gasps grabbing my face. I reach up, running my finger down the tear track that is in her makeup.

"Where's Wad?" A hoarse voice asks behind her. Wad's mom steps out from behind my mom. She is trembling. Slowly I turn my head toward the doors, and she collapses on the floor. Knott and Arthit run to her side and help her. My dad is holding tight to my mom.

"What happened, son?" My dad asks quietly, "Whose blood?"

"It's Wad's," I answer numbly, and I hear a sob from his mom. "It was just cut on the side of his head. It didn't look bad." I look at my dad, "So why isn't he out?" My friends and Wad's look at me. "Why?"

Arthit glances at his boyfriend and jerks his chin. I don't know what that meant, but N'Kongpop runs off dragging N'Aim with him.

My dad sits with my mom next to me. While Knott helps Wad's mom to a seat on my other side, I can tell everyone is watching me and wanting answers, but I can only focus on the closed doors that are keeping me from being beside Wad. Mom pats my hand, and I turn to her.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"The courtroom," My father answers with a grunt, "When the trial was postponed, they wouldn't let us leave." My father growls, "Something about keeping us safe. I don't think we were the ones they should be concerned about."

"We met them when the officers told us we could leave," Knott fills in a gap in the story. I nod.

An officer walks in and heads toward me. I remember him. He was the one on the scene who told me they couldn't go inside because it was a hostage situation even after they heard the gunshot. I waited for as long as I could before I ran through the barricades and the other officers who tried to stop me. My Wad was there. Nothing could stop me. Not even if I died.

"You won't be charged," The officer informs me. "But we do need to take your statement." Charge me. I don't care. I would do it again.

"Charged?" Bright questions, "Shouldn't you be awarding him a medal for having more balls than all your entire department?"

"N'Bright," My father half-heartedly scolds.

"We have procedures, nong," The officer glowers at my friend. "They are put there to protect people."

"Lot of good that did," Oak snarks, "You people let a maniac escape and couldn't even catch the stalker." Maprang shushes him, but she is glaring at the officer.

"These are your, nongs," The officer asks P'Dear and P'Win. "Shouldn't you control them?"

"We will," P'Win shrugs, "When they say something that isn't right." P'Dear smirks at his boyfriend. Our attitude is rubbing off on P'Win. The officer shakes his head before he looks back at me.

"Can you come with me," The officer gestures to the hall behind him, "I need your statement."

"Sucks to be you then," I quip, "I am not going anywhere until someone comes out and tells me my boyfriend is ok." My mom pinches my thigh, and I add on a polite, "Khrap." Wad's mom pats my hand before she takes it into hers.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now