Take Care Of Our Own

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Knott's POV

Prem, N'Wad, Tew, and I are currently walking around in Chang Mai, looking for signs of all things. N'Aim's idea of sending a message was for all of us to take selfies in front of signs. It is a good idea. We only expose certain letters, and the series of pictures we post to our IG will send the message.

"I don't understand why we had to split up?" N'Wad sulks next to Prem, "It would have been fun for all of us to go around together and do this."

"N'Aim said it was important that all of our pictures were from different places so cuteislethal couldn't figure out we are working together," I tell N'Wad.

"That person doesn't follow any of us," Tew puts in, "We all checked our followers."

"Yeah," Prem agrees, "I can't believe how many followers Ai'Tutah had." He grins at us, "Did you see the look N'Jett was giving him?"

"Yeah," N'Wad laughs, "But he calmed down after P'Tutah showed him the post where he announced Ai'Jett was his and that he was officially off the market."

"Do you want me to do that?" Prem turns to his boyfriend.

"No," N'Wad says, "Why would you need to do that?" I smile over at Tew.

"In case you want to know," Tew laughs, "I am with N'Wad. I don't need that either." He grins at me before he adds, "I already got to hear you tell someone I am yours anyway." I feel my cheeks go warm as I remember that spectacular night when we became official. I did yell for all to hear that Tew was mine. I can see that Tew is blushing a bit also.

"Why are you blushing?" N'Wad asks him.

"None of your business," Tew huffs before he walks off with N'Wad following after him as he continues to tease his friend.

"N'Wad seems happier," I tell Prem, watching the two nongs. "Does he still have nightmares?"

"He is," Prem smiles, "And not as often anymore, but there are still a few. When he showed up after going back to Pattaya, it was like before, but they tapered off."

"What did he decide to do with the property?" I question falling into step with Prem.

"He is going to keep it for now," Prem sighs, "He and his mom have decided to lease it out." Prem shrugs, "Neither of them wants to live there, and I can't blame them."

"Maybe later after some time has passed," I offer.

"P'Knott!" Tew calls from up ahead, "What about here?" Tew is standing by a sign, and I watch as N'Wad and Tew stand in front of it, so only the word we want would be showing.

"That one will work," I agree, "Who is going to be in the picture?"

"Phone," Prem holds out his hand, and I give him my phone. "N'Wad, let them have this one." N'Wad nods and runs back to stand by Prem as I go over to take his place next to Tew.

"What's with the face?" I ask when I get there.

"Nothing," Tew grumbles.

"That isn't nothing," I say, turning to look at Prem.

"I just realized we don't have many pictures together, and we are only doing it now because of Kammon," Tew sulks. I try not to laugh. I want to tell him I have tons of him, and I am sure he has the same amount as me. I am never really worried about the number we had together. It is not like we hadn't seen each other 24/7 before the break.

"You're not saying anything," Tew accuses.

"I could say I don't need any," I start as I grab his hand and place it over my heart, "Because you are always here." Tew goes slack-jawed before he mimes throwing up.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now