Doesn't Matter

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Tee's POV

I roll my eyes when there is a knock on my door. My mom and dad have been popping in for random reasons, but I know the real reason is to check on me. I love them to death, but I wish they would just give me space.

"I am fine," I call out, hoping that they will go away. I glare at the door when a knock comes again. Why won't they give up? I might as well let them check on me.

"Come in," I sigh, resigned. I go back to reading the book I have been using to distract myself. When the door clicks close, I look up and gasp, "Ice?"

"Are you really fine?" Ice asks me. A gamut of emotions rush through, but with the echo of 'Doesn't matter.' I stop on pissed off.

"Why are you here?" I grumble, picking my book back up, "It doesn't matter, remember?"

"Tee," Ice says so quietly I glance up. "I'm an idiot."

"Yeah, you are," I agree, "You said it doesn't matter."

"Yes, I said it," Ice admits coming closer to the bed, "But you took it the wrong way."

"How else was I supposed to take it?" I snap. I run my hand down my face and scold myself for being a freaking drama queen. I mean, all we have done is admit we like each other. That's it! It is not like we are dating or anything.

"I am sorry," Ice tells me, sitting on the end of my bed. "I wasn't thinking when I said it, and I also didn't think you would think it was directed at you." Ice lets out a little growl. "It was my father that didn't matter, Tee."

"But," I start.

"But nothing," Ice cuts me off, "Nothing has changed, Tee. At least for me. What about you?"

"I don't know," I mumble. I stare at Ice, trying to figure out what I do know. I like him, but maybe I was too naive about more than liking. His father's disapproval was just the first of many.

"OK," Ice mutters, "I can work with that." I glance up and frown at him.

"Work with that?" I question.

"You didn't say you hated me," Ice says with a small smile. "I was prepared for that.

"You were?" I look at him quizzically.

"Tee, you ignored my phone calls and messages," Ice answers, "I thought I had completely lost my chance." I watch as he plays with a thread on my coverlet. "Why were you ignoring me?"

"I didn't like how what you said made me feel," I reply honestly, "Or how much your father's disapproval hurt." Ice doesn't say anything. We sit there in silence.

Ice's POV

What do I say to that? I don't care if my father approves or not, but Tee does. If he and I date, there will probably be more people who disapprove than approve of our relationships. It's just the nature of our current society. We would be blessed with a group of friends who would support us, but we will have to deal with close-minded individuals at work and the rest. I can't tell him how he is feeling doesn't matter.

I watch as Tee thumbs the corner of his book. Is he having second thoughts about liking me? Is this too much of a hurdle? I want to ask him, but I am afraid of the answer.

"What did your father say after I left?" Tee asks, not looking at me, "I thought he never visited you."

"That was a first," I tell him, "It seems my parents are getting a divorce." That makes Tee look at me.

"Why?" He blurts.

"I don't know," I shrug, "My father just said they were getting a divorce. He didn't say why." I growl, thinking about why he abruptly showed up, "Seems he thought I would let him stay at the house." Tee furrows his brows in thought.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now