Going To Die

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Yacht's POV

"Go home," I shove my friend away. Why did N'Kammon give me that look? After he passed me, he took off toward Architecture. I thought he was working in Engineering this afternoon.

"What do you mean to go home? I just got here," AJ turns on me, "And why did that nong give you a fvcking die look?"

"I don't know," I growl, "And I said go home. I don't know why you are even here anyway."

"What the hell, Yacht?" AJ snaps, "I haven't seen you in a year, and this is how you treat me?"

"There might be a reason I haven't seen you," I counter. "Or do you not remember?" I tap his chest, "So leave."

I am not mad at AJ perse, but I don't understand why he showed up out of the blue. I was glad to see him considering how we parted last time. But is it odd to say I might be glad, but I am not happy?

Whatever. I don't care if he leaves or not, but I am most definitely going to check on my nongs. Maybe they know what is going on with N'Kammon. Why do I feel like I am going to die?

"Yacht!" AJ shouts. I just ignore him. Why the fvck did he show up?

Walking into the canteen, I look around at all the nongs finishing up the signs for the Capture the Flag

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Walking into the canteen, I look around at all the nongs finishing up the signs for the Capture the Flag. I frown when I spot N'Kongpop stabbing his sign. Don't tell me all of my nongs are in a mood today. N'Jett is taking a day, N'Kammon gave me an eat shit and die look, and now N'Kongpop.

All I wanted was a SOTUS without drama. Why can't I have one?!? I am sure this is all my seniors doing. I bet they wished this on me just like their seniors wished their year on them. I should do the same for the nongs.

I squat down on my heels next to N'Tew and wait for a second for him to notice I am here.

"P'Yacht?" N'Tew pauses as he goes to get paint, "Do you need something?" I notice he glances around suspiciously. What is that all about?

"What is wrong with N'Kongpop?" I ask instead of asking about N'Kammon.

"P'Arthit left to Prachin Buri today without telling him," N'Tew explains as he looks around again. "You didn't happen to see N'Kammon did you?" OK. Why is he asking me about N'Kammon?

"Yeah," I answer, "He passed me on his way to Architecture. I thought he was helping out here this afternoon." I glance over when N'Kongpop barks at N'Aim that he is out of paint. Maybe I should warn P'Arthit?

"Ummm," N'Tew hesitates, "He saw something that upset him, and then he left to talk with Ai'Nine."

N'Nine? I am so confused. Why is N'Kammon upset, and why does he need to talk to N'Nine?

"N'Nine," I hum, looking out of the canteen towards the Architecture faculty.

"Yeah," N'Tew replies quietly, "Do you need anything else, P'Yacht? I need to finish this."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now