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Prem's POV

I roll over and smile when I see Wad sleeping there. It is a view that never gets old. Looking at my phone, I see we still have half-hour before we need to get up. Resting my head on my hand, I decide to watch him sleep instead of getting up. I am careful not to touch him. I don't want to wake him up.

"You know it is weird," Wad mumbles as he goes to stretch. He cracks one eye and looks at me as he yawns. Even what little I moved, I must have woke him up.

"What is weird?" I ask.

"You," Wad snorts, "Why are you watching me sleep? It is embarrassing." He rolls over and buries his face in my chest. "Morning." I hear him mumble against it. I smile and smooth his bedhead before I kiss the top of his head.

"Sleep some more," I murmur into his hair, "We still have time before we need to get up."

"I don't wanna," Wad grumbles.

"Don't want to what? Sleep?" I ask.

"I don't wanna go to the meeting," Wad sighs. "I hate being social with people I don't know."

"Oh," I hum in understanding. He pulls back his head so he can see me.

"How did you do it?" Wad asks.

"Do what?" I frown at him.

"Help with SOTUS and being a hazer," He clarifies.

"Well..." I drawl, "You saw how well I behaved when I was hazer. So I don't know if you want to use me as an example."

"Were you a hothead during your second year?" Wad asks as he settles his head in the crook of my arm. I lay back against the pillow.

"Not really," I answer, "I don't know why I became such a jerk in my third year."

"Someone got a big head," Wad chuckles as he taps my head.

"I guess I did," I concede as I muss his hair. I smile when he grabs my hand.

"How much work is this going to be this year?" Wad questions as he plays with my hand. "I mean, I have classes and my own academics to worry about."

"Well," I rub my chin with my other hand, "How much did you see P'Yacht last year?" I hiss when Wad pinches between my thumb and finger. "What the hell?"

"Repeat that question," Wad deadpans.

"Yeah," I smile, "I guess that was a stupid one. And by the way, that hurt."

"No kidding," Wad rolls his eyes. "Baby." I knock my head against him, making him chuckle.

"You will help with initial handing out of nametags," I begin to list, trying to remember what I did that year. "You hand out other things to the first years... like shirts and stuff. You made sure they come to meetings before the Hazers show up and lead the cheer practice." I pause, thinking, "Maybe organize water and refreshments when needed."

"That is a lot," Wad sulks as he puffs up his cheeks. He is so cute right now.

"You are not the only one," I poke his cheek. "You saw how many were at that meeting, and there are the girls too." Wad turns and tries to bite my finger, "Besides, the girls really take care of the water and first aid and stuff." I reach over and brush Wad's hair off of his face. "Are you unhappy you became a social butterfly?"

"Funny, Prem," Wad grins, "I am nowhere close to being a social butterfly and don't regret making friends or you." Wad takes my hand and kisses the palm. "Even if you did come with a bunch of weirdos."

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now