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Kammon's POV

P'Bank once again sticks his head in the room that we are in preparing for the final welcome meeting, and I smile. He has done this all day. I also know why he keeps doing this. I click my tongue amused. If he only knew I was messing with him.

"P'Bank, do you need something?" A girl I can't name asks. I look away to keep from laughing. She has asked him this every time he looked in on us.

"No, N'Waan," P'Bank slaps that fake smile on his face and walks over to see what the girl is doing. He is always conscious of his image. He reminds me of my father before he returned to just being my dad. "Do you need any help?" He asks her, looking over her shoulder.

Although he was addressing the girl, P'Bank was still glancing around the room. When he spies me, I tilt my head knowingly. Then, I raise an eyebrow challenging him to say something to me. After a moment, he shakes his head and looks back to the girl before he excuses himself once more.

I chuckle as I get back to painting the sign assigned to Nine and me. I look up when I hear someone come in the door again. He can't be coming back that soon. I grin when I spot a glaring Nine making his way toward me.

"There wasn't any paint there," He grumbles when he gets to me, "Who told you there was paint there?"

"Some senior," I answer, looking innocent. "Sorry for sending you on a wild goose chase."

When I sent him there, I knew that he wouldn't find paint there since I am using the paint that was there, so technically, me saying a senior told me the paint was there was the truth. Just not now. I had told him there was paint there to get him out of here so P'Bank wouldn't find him. I hate that I used semantics on my friend, but P'Bank is becoming annoyingly persistent when it comes to Nine.

"Whatever," Nine mutters, frowning down at our sign, "We are going to need more paint." He looks around the room before he makes his way over to the girl P'Bank talked to earlier. "Waan, do you know where we can find more paint?"

"Did you look in the room next to the meeting room?" She asks, and I roll my eyes. Unfortunately, that happens to be the same room I just sent Nine to. But, of course, she doesn't know that or that I just sent Nine there to annoy P'Bank.

It became clear to me early on that P'Bank liked Nine. The problem is that I'm not too fond of P'Bank. And although Nine had told me he liked P'Bank, I know he is just enamored with the guy. He comes off as the perfect guy. Too perfect. I haven't ever heard anyone say anything bad about him, but his perfect persona irks me. So I made it my mission to keep him from Nine. I also realize my attitude toward P'Bank's perfection might be the lingering hate I still have from when my dad was all about image. But, it is what it is.

"I don't know where to look," Nine tells me as he makes his way back to me. When I look up, I see through the window P'Bank making his way back and sigh. Seriously, dude! Please give it up!

"Why don't you go ask my cousin," I offer, keeping one eye on the approaching P'Bank. "I am sure they have some."

"You think?" Nine frowns at me, "Would they lend it to me?"

"Why wouldn't they?" I shrug, "You are my friend."

"Do you want to go?" Nine asks, and I begin to panic as P'Bank is getting closer.

"Nah," I wave off, "I need to finish my part so I can help out there this afternoon." Go! NOW! I silently scream at my friend.

"I will be back," Nine finally tells me as he heads toward the door opposite the one P'Bank is about to enter. I hold my breath as I watch Nine leave. Then, just as one door closes, the other one opens. I can't help but laugh. Glancing over at P'Bank, I smile at him as he frowns at me.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now