Need Him

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Arthit's POV

I shake my head when I see my boyfriend grinning at me like the idiot he is when I use my hazer persona. A movement behind him catches my eye, and I see N'Wad go into the room off the entrance. Glancing down, I grimace at the guy on the floor. His shirt is soaked with blood.

"What's wrong?" Kongpop asks, walking over. I turn around without answering him. When I spot Prem, I motion him to come over.

"What?" Prem says, looking down at the guy turning up his nose at the smell of blood.

"Go find N'Wad," I urge, "He went into that room." I point across the way. Prem raises an eyebrow, and I look down and back at Prem.

"Shit!" Prem swears before he starts toward the room. I feel a chin resting on my shoulder and roll my eyes.

"Kong," I mutter, "Not the time nor the place."

"I know," He says close to my ear, making it tingle before feeling the lightest touch of his lips. I swat at him to make it stop, only to hear him chuckle as he steps away. What am I going to do with this boy? I feel my face go warm. Bad Arthit! You just told Kong that this wasn't the time nor the place! Mind out of the gutter! Bad! Bad!

"What are you thinking?" Kongpop asks with a smirk. There is no way I will admit I was thinking I need him and need him in that way. Not here.

"Nothing," I snap, turning away before he can see me blush harder. Damn! Bad brain.

Prem's POV

Walking into the dark room, I rub my nose, trying to get rid of the smell of blood. I can't believe I didn't notice how this was affecting Wad. All of this is going on so close to his own kidnapping. I remember the scene when I found Wad at his house. His shirt was bloody from his wound, and a trail of blood led down the hall.

"Wad?" I call out when I don't hear anything. I walk back to turn on the light.

"Don't," I hear Wad say quietly behind me. I look back and wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they do, I can see he is standing by N'Kammon's father's desk.

"Wad," I say as I walk over. "I am sorry," I add, wrapping my arms around him. He turns in my arms, burying his nose in the crook of my neck with a sigh.

"Why are you sorry?" Wad grumbles. "You didn't do anything."

"That is why I am sorry," I tell him looking up when I feel my eyes starting to tear. "I should have noticed, Wad."

"It was the smell," Wad mumbles against my neck, and I feel a small shudder. "It was just too much." He sighs, "Why is always the smell that gets me? I mean, the blood didn't bother me until the smell hit me. Then I was back there."

I want to ask back where but stop. Neither place would be better, and, sadly, I hope it is his house and not the other. When your choices are where he was raped or where he was almost killed, it is disturbing that the place he almost died is the one I would choose.

"You don't have to explain, Wad," I assure him, "I understand. All of us understand." I pull back to see his face, "If you didn't get upset by this, I would be worried about you." Wad leans forward, resting his head against my shoulder. Wad admitting he is having a hard time is a big step for him. For years, he had buried everything. At least now he doesn't have to hide it.

"I just want to get away, Prem," Wad whimpers, "I am tired of fighting monsters. I have done that enough for this lifetime." He looks up, "I just want to have happy moments. Is that too much to ask for?"

"No, it isn't," I tell him, stroking his cheek. "I want to spend my life giving you nothing but happy moments." My heart lifts when I see the corner of his mouth twitch up. Wad and I have come so far together. "Don't you want to give me happy moments?" I tease, and I am rewarded with a small smile, but a smile nonetheless.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now