Jumping to Conclusions

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Knott's POV

I place the last pot next to the door and step back to see if it is positioned right.

"A little to the left, and turn it a bit to show off the flower that is blooming," My gran says behind me. I smile and do what she told me to do. After I adjust the plant, I step back and stand beside her as she looks at the arrangement of pots.

"You have been busy," I tell her. This is the fourth grouping of plants I have moved for her. "Tell me someone carried the pots and soil in for you."

"Busy is good," She laughs, "And your father helped." She turns back to waiting pots and plants, "You know I love to grow things."

"I know," I say as I take a seat next to the table she is using to pot plants.

"That reminds me," She says, pointing the spade at me. "Were the hibiscus blooming at the beach house?"

"Hibiscus?" I ask. I might help my Gran plant things, but I can't tell them apart.

"Those," Gran shakes her head as she turns and points to the pot I just moved. "Were they blooming?"

"Oh, those," I chuckle, "Yes, they were everywhere." I notice her smile fade a bit. There is probably a story connected with my grandfather and those flowers. "You should go see them."

"Not yet," My Gran goes back to potting the next plant, "Maybe next year." I watch her as she carefully pulls the plant from the smaller pot. "Oh, by the way..."

"Hmm?" I hum.

"When are you going to introduce me to the person you are dating?" My Gran asks as she places the plant in the new pot. "Whenever I ask your parents about it, they tell me I have to ask you. So when am I meeting them?"

"Meeting them?" I repeat, and I realize my parents might not be the only ones who might object to me dating Tew.

"Yes, Knott," Gran grins at me, "Meeting them." She stops and places a dirty gloved hand on my cheek. "What is it you do not want me to know, Knott?"

I start to say, but words fail me. She is my grandmother. She is from a whole other generation and a generation where my relationship would be scorned more than my parents. I am also her only grandchild. I look at her concerned face.

"Knott?" She says, "You are worrying me. What is wrong?"

"I am dating a guy," I say slowly and close my eyes to avoid seeing the disappointment in hers.

"Well, that explains why Tanet freaked out," My Gran mutters as she picks up the pot, "I was thinking there had to be more to the story than what he was telling me that time."

"Gran, I am dating a guy," I repeat, confused by her reaction.

"I may be old, Knott," She stops and purses her lips, "But I am not deaf. I heard you the first time." She clicks her tongue at me, "I have already tried once in this lifetime to stand in the way of love." She puts her hand on her hip. "And do you know what I got out of doing that?"

"What?" I ask hesitantly. Maybe I was just jumping to conclusions about my gran.

"You," She laughs, "And a daughter-in-law that I cherish. Lesson learned."

"Oh," I say as I trace shapes in the dirt on the table.

"Yes. Oh. So, is that all I am going to get?" My gran questions picking up the next pot. "I just get to know he is a guy? No details? A name? Something?"

"His name is Tew," I tell her with a smile, "He is a first year in my program and the class president."

"Oh," My gran hums, "Class president. Couldn't get the Campus Moon?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora